Feb 27, 2007

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Duke University

Duke University Center for International Studies seeks applicants for a residential postdoctoral fellowship for academic year 2007-2008. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will participate in The Sawyer Seminar on Portents and Dilemmas: Public Health and the Environment in China and India funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The fellowship comes with a stipend of $40,000 plus health/dental benefits, a small office and a modest research fund. The fellow will have some administrative duties.

Applicants from relevant disciplines are encouraged to apply. Ph.D.s who have not yet achieved tenure are eligible to apply (Duke faculty are not eligible for the fellowship). The Ph.D. must be in hand by the beginning of the fellowship year. For additional information and an application, contact Ralph Litzinger, co director, at rlitz@duke.edu. The application deadline is March 30, 2007.

Duke University provides equal employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference, sex, or age.

R. Sikorski
Executive Director
Duke University Center for International Studies
Box 90404
Durham, NC 27708-0404
P: 919.684.2867
F: 919.684.8749
E: r.sikorski@duke. edu

[sursa study-x]

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