Jun 1, 2007

Swiss scholarships for university studies, fine arts and music schools

Scholarship / Financial aid: varies from Sfr. 1'500 to Sfr. 1'820
Date: academic year 2007-2008
Deadline: end of October 2007
Open to: students from European countries

Announcement follows:

Through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), the Swiss Government grants foreign students university scholarships (Swiss universities, Federal Institutes of Technology). These scholarships are offered on the basis of reciprocity (fixed number of scholarships for each country) or within the frame of a scholarship pool (scholarships without fixed distribution by country). They are intended for students who have graduated from university (postgraduates) and who, by staying in Switzerland, will be able to further their education and to undertake research work in the fields in which the Swiss universities are particularly active.

To a limited extent, scholarships are also offered for postgraduate studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences. This applies to the group of Western (AP-1) and Central and Eastern European countries (AP-2) included in the scholarship pool. Students must have graduated from a university or university of applied sciences with at least a Bachelor Degree and enrol in Switzerland for studies at post-graduate level. This offer applies for the seven universities of applied sciences, not including teaching colleges. In the field of the arts (design/music), the conditions for arts students relating to the country offer apply (see below).

This program is valid only for studies in Switzerland. It is not valid for on-the-job studies, part-time studies or correspondence courses.

In the framework of a special allocation, scholarships for advanced arts students (without fixed distribution by country) are offered to the best applicants who are already at an advanced stage of their training. This offer is restricted to those countries which are listed under AR, AP-1 and BR-1.

Relevant countries and range of scholarships
University scholarships are granted to candidates from both industrial and developing countries. The offer of scholarships from universities of applied sciences applies to students from European countries in the framework of the pool system. Arts scholarships are limited to countries offering reciprocal scholarship programmes.

Study location
In principle, the recipients can study at any Swiss university or Federal Institute of Technology and the universities of applied sciences. For fine arts and music, scholarship holders can attend the respective public schools and conservatories.

Duration of scholarship
The duration of the scholarship is for the nine-month academic year.

Scholarship amount
The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of

Sfr. 1'820.- per month for postgraduate students
Sfr. 1'820.- per month for fine arts and music students
Sfr. 1'600.- per month for students who do not yet have a degree from a university/college (the B.A. and the B.Sc. degrees are not always recognized as university degrees). For the moment, we do not any offer scholarship for undergraduate study.
Sfr. 1'500.- per month for the language course.

The Federal Commission for Scholarships basically assumes none of the study fees. At present, the universities and Federal Institutes of Technology do not require scholarship holders to pay general university semester fees but do often require payment of fees for postgraduate courses such as for the MBA. Should the Universities of Applied Sciences and fine arts schools not waive the fees, it is up to the scholarship holder to arrange payment.

Every resident in Switzerland must be insured against sickness (except for dental care) and accidents. Usually, the scholarship holders are insured through the FCS. Scholarship holders from EU and EFTA countries have special agreements. Last-minute changes are possible.

Travel expenses
Recipients from European countries pay their own travel expenses to Switzerland as well as back to their country of origin.

Recipients from non-European countries pay their own travel expenses to Switzerland, but the FCS pays the return ticket (except for family members). However, return travel will not be offered if scholarship holders extend their stay in Switzerland beyond six months after completion of their studies, or if they take up employment pending the continuation of their studies or if they move to a third country.

[sursa eastchance]

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