Oct 27, 2006

Körber Fellowships: History and Memory in Europe

Körber Fellowships: History and Memory in Europe 2007/2008

Deadline for application: 15 December 2006

The Körber Foundation and the Institute for Human Sciences jointly award Visiting Fellowships and Junior Visiting Fellowships on "History and Memory in Europe."

The objective is to support projects that contribute to a trans-national perspective on modern European history. They should not consider Europe as a given territorial entity but as a historical experience, a cultural imagination, and/or a political point of reference. By focussing on the discursive construction of Europe, projects are particularly invited to reflect on the role of historiography as well as the position and significance of memory. This includes analyses of the different ways in which history, histori¬ography and memory are used and abused for political
purposes and discourses of exclusiveness in the European context. Interdisciplinary approaches are highly welcome.

more at:

[sursa romstudyabroad]