Oct 29, 2006

PhD Studentship - Infection and Immunity - University of Cambridge

PhD Studentships
Infection and Immunity
Department of Pathology, and the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Through a funding initiative by the Wellcome Trust, the University of Cambridge has an on-going 4-year PhD Programme in Infection and Immunity.

The Programme involves collaboration between the School of Clinical Medicine and the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, the Department of Pathology, and the School of Veterinary Medicine.

Five studentships will be available in October 2007.

The major themes of the Programme are Infection and Immunity, and Basic Cell and Molecular Biology (including structural and cell biology). The initial year of training involves in-depth analyses of topics of research relevant to the overall themes of the Programme, and 3 mini-projects in research laboratories attached to each of the Programme themes.

Students then can make an informed choice of their 3-year thesis project and complete their PhD in the 4-year period.

Further details of this varied and challenging course are available on the website www.cimr.cam. ac.uk/study/ wellcome. html.

Support includes a stipend for four years using the Wellcome Trust's own scales, starting at £16,853, *Home/EU student PhD registration fees, research expenses, personal development training funds and a contribution towards travel expenses. Students with or expecting to attain a 1st or 2:1 degree or equivalent, are invited to apply.

Please apply in writing with current curriculum vitae, including the names, fax numbers and email addresses of three academic referees (one of whom should have been a project supervisor) to: Mrs Susan Keene, Wellcome Trust Immunology Unit, MRC Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QH. Telephone: 01223 330528. Fax: 01223 336815.
Email: sgk21@cam.ac. uk

Closing date for applications: Thursday 11th January 2007

Interview date (for short-listed candidates): Thursday 1st February 2007

The Programme will award fees to students at the 'home rate' plus a generous living allowance that is more than the University's estimated maintenance costs (see
http://www.admin. cam.ac.uk/ univ/gsprospectu s/funding/ costs.html).

There are two tiers of fees: home and overseas. The home rate is applicable to all students from EU countries plus one or two others. The overseas rate is applicable to those who do not qualify for home fees. However, the terms home and overseas are complex and you should see http://www.admin. cam.ac.uk/ univ/gsprospectu s/funding/ status.html for a definition of overseas.

The Programme does not pay fees at the overseas rate but there are highly competitive funding schemes that can pay the additional fees for overseas students.
See: http://www.admin. cam.ac.uk/ univ/gsprospectu s/funding/ overseas/ for information on supplementary funding schemes.

We cannot guarantee that any application will be successful.

Overseas applicants: Please note that in order to be considered for an Overseas Research Award (which covers the difference between Home/EU and overseas fees), the deadline for submission of the University Graduate Application Form is Friday 15th December 2006.

[sursa beasiswa]