Jan 28, 2014

International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) Fellowships,

Call for applications: IFABS 2014 Fellowships

The International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) is delighted to announce its call for applications for the IFABS 2014
Fellowships www.ifabs.org

The objective of this program is to foster close collaboration between emerging fellows and senior researchers, of which IFABS coordinates to create a stimulating and professional research environment.

ELIGIBILITY. Applicants should be within a maximum of five years of completion of their PhD studies in the areas of economics or finance, with specialization in financial economics or banking. The length of the visits is ideally two months, and the timing is flexible. IFABS offers an attractive package, that includes travel and accommodation allowances. Host institutions provide office, library and computing facilities for the fellows.

Applications for IFABS Fellowships are invited from researchers who are interested in working on academic research projects, both theoretical and empirical, that relate to recent developments in financial markets and financial intermediation.

HOST. The successful fellows will be hosted during 2014 by ISCTE Business School, ISCTE-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, in Portugal.

SUBMISSION. Applications should be emailed to IFABSfellowship@ le.ac.uk by 1st March, 2014, and should include:

- A curriculum vitae (listing a track record of publications) ,

- A research proposal of 5-8 pages that motivates and clearly describes the envisaged research project.

Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision by 30 April, 2014.

EXPECTED OUTCOME. The selected researchers will be required to present their work at a seminar organized by the host institution/ international meetings organized by IFABS. Projects should aim to produce a paper suitable for submission to a major journal, with an acknowledgement of the fellowship funding support from IFABS.