Feb 4, 2014

CfP/J: Methods, Data, Analyses (MDA) - political science


We like to invite paper submissions to the peer reviewed journal "Methods, Data, Analyses (MDA)", a journal for survey methodology and quantitative methods 
(see www.gesis.org/mda ).

MDA especially invites authors to submit articles on

- data collection
- sampling
- nonresponse
- measurement
- data analysis and statistics.

We also welcome applied papers that deal with the use of quantitative methods in practice, with teaching quantitative methods, or that present the use of a particular state-of-the- art method using an example for illustration. In spite of the focus on survey methodology the editors also encourage submissions on other important topics of social science research methods. Methods, Data, Analyses (www.gesis.org/ mda ) is edited by Edith de Leeuw, Baerbel Knaeuper,Petra Stein, Marek Fuchs, and Henning Best. MDA is released in English language in print and online as open-access, of course without author fees. Mda aims for a quick peer-review process. The editorial team will contact the authors with the result at the latest eight weeks after submission; if the reviews have not been received by then, we provide a status update with a new target date.

Papers can be submitted by email to mda@gesis.org