Jul 26, 2009

UNDP Human Development Academic and Media Fellowship 2009

The award will be based on a proposal, including a draft budget. Proposals can cover different media outputs, e.g. radio programmes, short films, public service announcements, print media articles, cartoons, photo essays, etc. The Fellows should be willing to present their work at workshops, seminars and other events as may be arranged by UNDP from time to time (travel-related costs will be covered separately). The final media product will be shared with UNDP and acknowledge UNDP's support as follows: This work was supported by the United Nations Development Programme under an UNDP Asia Pacific Human Development Media Fellowship.

http://www.scholars hips-links. com/viewdetail/ 614/UNDP- Media-Fellowship -2009-for- Asia-Pacific. html

2009 Asia Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship

The UNDP Human Development Academic Fellowship for Asia Pacific carries an award of US$ 10,000. The students will be required to submit to UNDP a copy of their fifinal approved dissertation. In addition, Fellows may be expected to present their work in workshops/seminars and other events arranged by UNDP (travelrelated costs will be covered separately). The thesis will acknowledge UNDP's support by saying: The author acknowledges the financial support received from the UNDP Asia Pacific Human Development Academic Fellowship for the research.

http://www.scholars hips-links. com/viewdetail/ 613/2009- Asia-Pacific- Human-Developmen t-Academic- Fellowship. html

Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!

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