*Environmental Risk Perception. University of California, Santa Barbara*
Postdoctoral position focusing on societal aspects of nanotech. It's open to Ph.D.s from lots of disciplines, but environmental sociologists might have especially strong interests (and capabilities to offer). Details follow:
A multidisciplinary team of social scientists is seeking a postdoctoral- level researcher to study the societal aspects of emerging effects of nanomaterials (NMs) in the environment, with a particular focus on US public and expert risk perception and comparative risk analysis. The specific project opportunities include:
* survey research on US public perceptions of nanotech environmental risk;
* comparative analysis of other technological and environmental risk controversies;
* social amplification and attenuation of risk;
* constructed preference and decision pathways;
* vulnerability, gender, race and risk perception;
* mental modeling and risk communication.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. in a relevant social, behavioral, or environmental studies field, including Ph.D's from interdisciplinary environmental studies programs as well as those offered through sociology, anthropology, geography, communications, social psychology, political science, and/or law. The applicant must have demonstrated experience in related research, and a record of communicating research results. Quantitative data analysis expertise required; mixed quantitative/ qualitative methods research background highly desirable.
The position will be available starting October 1, 2009 or later and is full time with a beginning salary of $42,000-$46, 000 (plus health benefits) depending on experience. Applications should have completed the PhD no more than 6 years prior, although exceptions can be made where a hiatus from academic work can be explained. The initial appointment is for 1-year on this multiyear project; continuation beyond
1 year will be based on performance and funding. Applicants should submit a CV, a statement of research interests, and the names of three referees to imelda@icess. ucsb.edu. Initial review of applications will begin on *September 1, 2009*, however the position will remain open until filled. The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service.
An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.
William R. Freudenburg
Dehlsen Professor of Environment and Society
Environmental Studies Program
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4160
phone: 805-893-8282 fax: 805-893-8686
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