Sep 28, 2009

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11 - Call for applications

On behalf of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the Hong Kong University Grants Committee, IIE is pleased to announce the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/11. The PhD Fellowship program will unite top international research postgraduate students and Hong Kong's world-class research institutions.

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme has been launched by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009 and aims to attract the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD degree programs in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong's institutions are extending the boundaries of various fields including sciences, engineering, humanities, arts, social sciences, medicine, biotechnology, business, and specializations such as textile design, and supply chain and tourism management.

The Fellowship will provide an annual stipend of HK$240,000 (approximately US$30,000) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$10,000 (approximately US$1,300) per year for a maximum period of three years.

The application deadline is 1 December 2009.

Please find attached the program brochure and poster about the Hong-Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2010/2011 that we also posted to you by regular mail. We would appreciate it if you could make the information available to prospective applicants at your institution. Please encourage them to apply.

For more information and details about application requirements please visit: and

Niké Szkárosi

Program Coordinator
Institute of International Education
European Office
Vigyázó Ferenc u. 4.
1051 Budapest, Hungary
Tel +36 1 472 2285
Fax +36 1 472 2255

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Sep 27, 2009

BURSE: DanceWeb Scholarship Programme 2010 [DL: 15 dec]

DanceWeb este un program european de burse pentru dans contemporan care ofera unui numar de aproximativ 65 de tineri dansatori si coregrafi profesionisti din Europa posibilitatea de a participa intr-un program multinational de formare intensiva. Programul se deruleaza sub forma unei rezidente de 5 saptamani, in fiecare an in Viena, din iulie si pana in august, in cadrul Festivalului international de dans ImPulsTanz.

Pot participa dansatori si coregrafi din tarile europene, est-europene si non-europene, cu varste intre 22 si 30 de ani si avand cunostinte bune de limba engleza.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 15 decembrie 2009

Mai multe informatii gasiti in baza de date Eurodesk:

sau direct pe site-ul programului:

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Programe de Master si Doctorat Erasmus Mundus

Comisia Europeana a selectat 50 de cursuri de masterat si 13 de doctorat ce urmeaza a fi adaugate pe lista cursurilor disponibile in cadrul programului Erasmus Mundus. Noile cursuri implica 296 de universitai din Europa si 70 de universitai partenere din mai multe ari ale lumii. Cu cele 50 de cursuri noi de masterat Erasmus Mundus proaspat selectate, studenii care vor incepe cursurile in anul universitar 2010-2011 vor putea sa aleaga din 116 masterate care ofera burse.

Lista completa a Programelor de Master si Doctorat Erasmus Mundus care
ofera burse in anul universitar 2010-2011 este accesibila la adresa:

Mai multe informatii despre Fereastra de cooperare Externa Erasmus Mundus:
http://www.anpcdefp .ro/erasmus_ mundus/prezentar e.html

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BURSE: Fundatia Mummert - Germania [DL: 30 nov]

Si in acest an, Fundatia "Rochus und Beate Mummert" atribuie pana la 22 de burse pentru studenti in stiinte ingineresti si economice – proveniti din tarile Europei Centrale si de Sud-Est – pentru participarea la un vast program de pregatire universitara si practica in Republica Federala Germania. Fundatia ar dori astfel sa aduca o contributie la integrarea acestor tari in UE si sa sprijine procesul de recuperare a intarzierii in dezvoltarea economica din Europa Centrala si de Sud-Est.

Bursele cuprind un ciclu de studiu pentru masterat la Universitatea Tehnica a landului Renania de Nord-Westfalia din Aachen sau la Universitatea din Koln si sunt acordate in cooperare cu Fundatia "Robert Bosch". Candidatii trebuie sa se afle in al treilea an de studii si sa nu depaseasca varsta de 24 de ani.

Data limita pentru inscriere pentru inceperea studiului in semestrul de iarna 2010 este: 30 noiembrie 2009

Informatii suplimentare:

Formularul poate fi descarcat de la adresa: 8-2010.doc

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Internet Commerce Security Postgraduate Research Scholarship

Internet Commerce Security
PhD Studies
$120k – Research Opportunity

The University of Ballarat is offering a unique opportunity for students undertaking PhD studies in the area of Internet Commerce Security to receive $120k over three years. You will work on real problems and data related to current fraud activity faced by many financial organisations in the world of eFinance and eSecurity.

The University of Ballarat, Westpac Banking Corporation and IBM have jointly established the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL) to carry out research into Internet Commerce Security. It will focus on addressing some of the most critical issues in the Internet Commerce Sector in the management of identity, internet fraud, trust and the use of the internet. Research projects will be in areas related to information security and data mining.

To be successful in your application you must have:
• A first class honours degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Information Technology or Mathematics
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability and aptitude for both a research and commercial environment

You must be willing to:
• Successfully complete a PhD in this research area
• Be part of a motivated, dynamic and creative environment
• Apply your knowledge to critical real world problems
• Be ready for employment opportunities that will exist in this field

Scholarship: $26,000 pa (tax free).
The Scholarship term is 3 years. Candidates for the scholarships must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia.

Laboratory: Applicants are also able to apply for additional optional funding of $14,000 pa (taxable) for Laboratory engagement.

Potential applicants should contact
Assoc Professor Paul Watters,
Director, Internet Commerce Security Laboratory

Scholarship Brochure.pdf

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Conference: Religion und Wende in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa, Viena



7.-9. Oktober 2009

Diplomatische Akademie, Favoritenstr. 15a, 1040 Wien

Inwieweit waren religiös motivierte Menschen hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang Wegbereiter der politischen Wende von 1989 und wie sind die Religionsgemeinscha ften Ostmitteleuropas und Südosteuropas mit den damit verbundenen Herausforderungen seither umgegangen? Angesichts der unterschiedlichen Situation in den einzelnen Staaten und der verschiedenen Gesichtspunkte werden Theologen, Kirchenhistoriker,
Religionssoziologen , Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaft ler, Philosophen, Publizisten und Juristen aus 13 Ländern Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas das Thema von innerhalb und außerhalb der einzelnen Religionsgemeinscha ften beleuchten. Für sie begann in den ehemals kommunistisch regierten und religionsfeindliche n Staaten Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas mit dem Jahr 1989 eine Zeit großer Veränderungen und
Umbrüche. Die Wende erbrachte einerseits Religionsfreiheit und ein neues Verhältnis der Religionsgemeinscha ften zum Staat, andererseits auch neue Spannungsfelder: die Zeit der Diskriminierungen und systematischen Verfolgung und die damit verbundenen Schuldverstrickunge n sowie die planmäßige atheistische Erziehung von zwei bis drei Generationen haben tiefe Spuren hinterlassen, die bis heute nachwirken. Die Veranstalter wollen - ausgehend vom teilweise sehr beachtlichen Beitrag der
Religionsgemeinscha ften zur historischen Wende des Jahres 1989 - die Entwicklung der Religionsgemeinscha ften in den 20 Jahren seither, erfüllte Hoffnungen, aber auch Enttäuschungen, untersuchen und Perspektiven für die Zukunft aufzeigen.


Bulgarisches Kulturinstitut "Haus Wittgenstein" in Wien
( wittgenstein. at)

Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten
(http://www.bmeia. und http://www.1989-

Collegium Hungaricum in Wien (http://www.collegiu m-hungaricum. at)

Diplomatische Akademie (http://www.da- at)

Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) (http://www.idm. at)

Österreichisches Wissenschaftsbü ro Ljubljana (Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office) (http://www.aso.

Rumänisches Kulturinstitut in Wien (http://www.icr. ro/viena)

Slowakisches Institut in Wien (http://www.sivienna

Slowenisches Wissenschaftsinstit ut in Wien (http://www.szi-

Stiftung PRO ORIENTE (

Tschechisches Zentrum in Wien (http://www.czechcen

Wissenschaftliches Zentrum der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (http://www.viennapa


Wladyslaw BARTOSZEWSKI Polnischer Historiker, Publizist und Politiker (geb. 1922); 1940-1944 im KZ Ausschwitz, nimmt 1944 am Warschauer Aufstand teil, 1972-1982 Generalsekretä r des polnischen PEN, Gastprofessor der Katholischen Universität Lublin, 1990-1995 Botschafter in Österreich, 1995-1996 sowie 2000-2001 Außenminister der Republik Polen

Zoltán BALÁZS Associate Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Corvinus Universität in Budapest; PhD in Politikwissenschaft der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Publikationen: The Political Community (2003), Political Value Theory (2007)

Erhard BUSEK Vizekanzler a.D., Vorsitzender des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM), ehem. Sonderkoordinator des Stabilitätspaktes für Südosteuropa

Egin CEKA Geschäftsträger a.i. der albanischen Botschaft in Wien; Studium der Politikwissenschaft , Geschichte und Philosophie in Münster, Assistent und Lektor am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien (2008)

Ivan Zhelev DIMITROV Professor für Neues Testament an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Hl. Kliment Ochridsky, Sofia/Bulgarien; seit 2002 Direktor der Abteilung für Religiöse Angelegenheiten im Ministerrat der Republik Bulgarien

Yuri DURKOT 1995 bis 2000 Pressesprecher der ukrainischen Botschaft in Deutschland. Heute lebt er als freier Journalist, Publizist, Produzent und Übersetzer in seinem westukrainischen Geburtsort Lviv

Enes KARIC Professor für Koran-Studien u. Geschichte der Interpretation des Korans an der Univ. Sarajevo; dzt. Gastprofessor für Islamstudien in München; 1994- 1996 Minister für Erziehung, Wissenschaft, Kultur und Sport der Republik Bosnien-Herzegowina

Franciszek KAMPKA Soziologe, Dekan der Fakultät für humanistische Wissenschaften, Warschauer Naturwissenschaftli che Universität, Publikationen u.a.: Anthropologische und gesellschaftliche Grundlagen des Wirtschaftssystems vor dem Hintergrund der Lehre der Kirche (Polnisch; 1995)

Frantisek MIKLOSKO Von März 1990 bis heute Abgeordneter im slowakischen Parlament; Tätig in der "Untergrundkirche" in der Slowakei. Publikationen u.a.: Das Schicksal der katholischen Kirche in der Slowakei (Slowakisch) (1991)

Vjekoslav PERICA Associate Professor für Geschichte an der Universität von Rijeka/Kroatien und unabhängiger Forscher in den USA. Publikationen u.a.: Balkan Idols: Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav States

Joachim PIECUCH Professor für Philosophische Anthropologie und Religionsphilosophi e am Institut für Philosophie in Oppeln/Polen. Forschungsschwerpun kte: Geschichte der neuzeitlichen Philosophie, Hermeneutik, Religionsphilosophi e

Vinko POTOCNIK Professor für Religionssoziologie an der Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Ljubljana/Slowenien . Forschungsschwerpun kte: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen in Gesellschaft und Kirche

Radu PREDA Associate Professor für Theologie und Ethik an der Fakultät für Orthodoxe Theologie der Universität Cluj-Napoca/ Rumänien. Direktor des Rumänischen Instituts für Inter-Orthodoxe, Inter-Konfessionell e und Inter-Religiö se Studien (INTER)

Radmila RADIC Institut für Zeitgeschichte Serbiens, Universität Belgrad. Forschungsschwerpun kte: Staat-Kirche im 20. Jh. und die Geschichte der Serbischen Orthodoxen Kirche

Jaroslav SEBEK Tschechischer Historiker und Publizist, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Historisches Institut), Forschungsschwerpun kte u.a.: Politik-, Sozial- und Kirchengeschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts

Ernst Christoph SUTTNER 1975-2002 Professor für Patrologie und Ostkirchenkunde und Vorstand des Instituts für Theologie und Geschichte des christlichen Ostens an der Universität Wien. Zahlreiche Publikationen zu Kirche und Nationen in (Süd)Osteuropa

Peter SVORC Professor an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Presov, Vizepräsident der Slowakischen Historischen Gesellschaft bei der Slowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaft in Bratislava, Direktor des Verlags Universum

Jan SOKOL 2000-2007 Gründungsdekan der Fakultät für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen der Karlsuniversitä t Prag. Einer der Erstunterzeichner der Charta 77. 2003 parteiloser Kandidat für das Amt des tschechischen Präsidenten

Miklós TOMKA Ungarische Religionssoziologis che Forschungsstelle, Budapest. Publikationen u.a.: Religionen und Kirchen in Ost(mittel)europa. Entwicklungen seit der Wende (hg. mit Paul Zulehner und Inna Naletova) (2008)

Niko TOS Professor an der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft der Universität Ljubljana/Slowenien ; Meinungsforscher, Gründer und Direktor des "Center for Public Opinion Research and Mass Communication" (1966-heute)

Oleh TURIJ Institut für Kirchengeschichte, Ukrainische Katholische Universität Lviv/Ukraine. Forschungsschwerpun kte: zwischenkonfessione lle Beziehungen in der Ukraine, ekklesiale und nationale Identität

Plamen S. TZVETKOV Neue Bulgarische Universität, Sofia. Forschungsschwerpun kte: Politische und diplomatische Geschichte Bulgariens, der Balkanländer und Europas im 20. Jh.

Monica VLAD Professorin an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschafte n, Kanzlerin der Rumänisch-deutschen Universität Sibiu/Rumänien; Beobachterin für die Europäischen Stelle zur Beobachtung von Rassismus u. Fremdenfeindlichkei t in Wien

Paul M. ZULEHNER 1984-2008 Professor für Pastoraltheologie an der Universität Wien, Forschungsschwerpun kt: Religionssoziologie . Initiator des "Netzwerks der mittel- und osteuropäischen Pastoraltheologinne n und Pastoraltheologen"

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009, 19.00 Uhr


Festsaal der Diplomatischen Akademie, Favoritenstr. 15a, 1040 Wien

Direktor Dr. Hans WINKLER (Diplomatische Akademie), Begrüßung

Direktor Univ.-Doz. Dr. Vincenc RAJSP (Slowenisches Wissenschaftsinstit ut in Wien), Grußworte

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Niko TOS, Gesellschaften und Kirchen in Mittel- und Osteuropa im Übergang nach 1989

Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Paul ZULEHNER, Europas Religionen im Modernisierungsstre ss

Minister a.D. Univ.-Prof. Wladyslaw BARTOSZEWSKI, Religion und Wende in
Polen. Reflexionen eines Zeitzeugen


Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2009

Musikzimmer der Diplomatischen Akademie, Favoritenstr. 15a, 1040 Wien

9.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ernst Christoph SUTTNER, Religionen und Konfessionen in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa: ein Überblick

PANEL: Albanien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Kroatien, Serbien, Slowenien

Moderation: Dr. Miroslav Polzer (Direktor des Österreichischen Wissenschaftsbü ros Ljubljana)

9.45 Vizekanzler a.D. Dr. Erhard BUSEK, Glaube und Kultur-Bedeutung in der Transformation

10.00 Mag. Egin CEKA, Albanien: Zwischen religiöser Erneuerung und atheistischem Erbe

10.30 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Enes KARIC, The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Sorry Plight of the Balkan Muslims

11.00 Kaffeepause

11.15 Ass.-Prof. Dr. Vjekoslav PERICA, Croatian Catholicism between Balkanization and Europeanization

11.45 Dr. Radmila RADIC, Serbian Orthodox Church -- the Sole Winner from Transition

12.15 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Vinko POTOCNIK, Religion und Kirche im Wirbel der slowenischen Übergangsgesellschaf t

12.45 Diskussion

13.30 Mittagspause


Moderation: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Boguslaw Dybas (Direktor des Wissenschaftlichen Zentrums der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien)

15.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franciszek KAMPKA, Die Religion in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft

15.30 Univ.-Prof. Dr. theol. Joachim PIECUCH, Zwischen postkommunistischer Befangenheit und Ungewissheit. Kirche in Polen 1989-2009

16.00 Kaffeepause

16.30 Dr. Oleh TURIJ, Kirchen in der Ukraine: zwischen gesellschaftlicher Wende und verwundeter Gesellschaft

17.00 Yuri DURKOT, 20 Jahre danach: der mühsame gesellschaftliche Wandel in der Ukraine

17.30 Diskussion


Augustinerkirche, Augustinerstraß e 3, 1010 Wien

19.30 Konzert mit dem polnischen Kirchenchor "Gaudete", dem slowenischen Jugenchor "N'8" aus Ljubljana-Dravlje, der Schola der rumänisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Wien sowie der Hauptorganistin des Schottenstifts, Mag. Zuzana Ferjenciková (Eintritt frei!

Freitag, 9. Oktober 2009

Musikzimmer der Diplomatischen Akademie, Favoritenstr. 15a, 1040 Wien


Moderation: Dr. Viera Polakovicová (Direktorin des Slowakischen Instituts in Wien)

9.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter SVORC, Konfession und Nation in der Ostslowakei - vor und nach der Wende

9.30 Dr. Frantisek MIKLOSKO, Katholische Dissidenz, "Sanfte Revolution" und die Situation zwanzig Jahre danach

10.00 Mgr. Dr. Jaroslav SEBEK, Die Kirche in den Böhmischen Ländern nach 1989. Die Veränderungen des kirchlichen Lebens im Land der "stillen" Frömmigkeit

10.30 Kaffeepause

11.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jan SOKOL, Der tapfere Kampf um die Freiheit und die Ratlosigkeit danach

11.30 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Miklós TOMKA, Der Wandel der Religiosität und der sozialen Einbettung der Religion in Ungarn seit der Wende

12.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Zoltán BALÁZS, Religion within a New Republic; the First Years of the Relations between the New Hungarian Republic and the Churches

12.30 Diskussion

13.00 Mittagspause


Moderation: Dr. Gabriel Kohn (Stellvertretender Leiter des Rumänischen Kulturinstituts in Wien)

14.30 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Plamen S. TZVETKOV, Kirche und Staat in Bulgarien vor und nach dem Jahr 1989

15.00 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ivan Zhelev DIMITROV, Die Generation 1989: Jugend und Religion im post-kommunistische n Bulgarien

15.30 Kaffeepause

16.00 Ass.-Prof. Dr. Radu PREDA, Lost in transition / 20 Jahre Kommunismus am Beispiel Rumäniens

16.30 Univ.-Doz. Dr. Monica VLAD, Faith and Resistance in Communist and Post-communist Romania

17.00 Diskussion

17.30 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl SCHWARZ (Referatsleiter im Kultusamt des BMUKK und Evangelisch- Theologische Fakultät der Universität Wien), Schlussworte

18.00 Ende der Tagung

Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an:

Slowenisches Wissenschaftsinstit ut in Wien, Tel: 01-5127290, Email: office@szi-dunaj. at

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New books: Romania [in French]

Le Centre d'étude de la vie politique de l'Université libre de Bruxelles a le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de deux nouveaux ouvrages.

Réformer la justice dans un pays communiste. Le cas de la Roumanie

Par Ramona Coman

Editions de l´Université de Bruxelles

Collection « Science politique », 2009,

256 pages

ISBN 978-2-8004-1453- 9

25 EUR

L´ouvrage se focalise sur la formation et la reproduction de l´institution judiciaire roumaine moderne et sur le processus de problématisation et de mise à l´agenda de la question de l´indépendance de la justice dans la Roumanie post-communiste. L´analyse de la réforme de la justice est une façon d´interroger la qualité d´une démocratie.
Le livre suit le devenir politique de la question de l´indépendance de la justice et analyse le rôle de l´Union européenne et des mécanismes d´européanisation. Il traite des rapports entre le politique, la justice, les médias et la société civile et de leurs interactions avec les milieux européens. Il s´intéresse à la formation des communautés de politiques publiques, à l´activisme des uns et à l´immobilisme des autres. L´ouvrage se veut un travail de déconstruction des mythes relatifs à l´influence de l´Union européenne et une application est-européenne des approches cognitives des politiques publiques. Qu´il soit citoyen, expert, étudiant, homme politique ou scientifique, le livre offre au lecteur un ensemble de pistes d´analyse susceptibles de lui faire mieux comprendre la question de l´indépendance de la justice inscrite à l´agenda politique dans nombre de pays européens.

La politique étrangère roumaine (19990-2006)

Par Ruxandra Ivan

Editions de l´Université de Bruxelles

Collection « Science politique », 2009,

224 pages

ISBN 978-2-8004-1455- 3

22 EUR

Pourquoi, à l´instar d´autres pays d´Europe centrale et orientale, la Roumanie s´est-elle rangée du côté des Etats-Unis et a-t-elle soutenu l´invasion américaine en Irak en 2003 ? Comment expliquer l´ambiguïté de son positionnement sur un certain nombre de questions de politique internationale après l´effondrement du communisme ?
Pour répondre à ces questions, l´ouvrage retrace l´évolution de la politique étrangère roumaine après 1989 et identifie trois étapes : une première période d´ambiguïté, caractérisée par l´oscillation entre plusieurs options ; une deuxième phase, dominée par la poursuite des objectifs d´adhésion à l´UE et à l´OTAN ; une troisième, marquée par des tentatives de redéfinir le rôle de la Roumanie dans le paysage régional.
L´auteur rappelle le contexte historique et culturel où s´inscrivent les choix posés par les décideurs roumains, analyse l´articulation entre la politique interne et la politique étrangère et le rôle des déterminants externes. Elle met en lumière la persistance, après 1989, de la logique binaire spécifique à la guerre froide qui amène la Roumanie à préférer une alliance avec une grande puissance pour assurer sa sécurité.

Bien à vous.

Cevipol - ULB

www.cevipol. be

Avenue Roosevelt, 39

B-1050 Bruxelles

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Job: The Fred Cuny Chair in the History of International Human Right

Open Faculty Positions

The Fred Cuny Chair in the History of International Human Rights

The University of Michigan welcomes applications from senior scholars interested in holding the Fred Cuny Chair in the History of International Human Rights, a new permanent appointment in the Department of History. Appointment as full (or possibly advanced associate) professor is to begin September 1, 2010. The occupant of the Cuny Chair should have a distinguished record in research and teaching regarding the origins of international human rights in the 20th and 21st centuries, and the institutions and practices that have emerged to protect them. Thus scholars researching violations of human rights (various kinds of violence, oppression, and resistance to them), the means used to remedy such violations and/or deter future abuses, and/or international humanitarianism are welcomed to apply. The specific
geographic/chronolo gical focus of scholarly expertise is open, though according to the terms of the Chair, the Department prefers to see a concentration on Southeastern Europe and/or other areas with proximate ties to the major states of Southeastern Europe and to the events and issues arising from that region. Scholars addressing the history of international human rights more generally are also urged to apply. Above
all, the Department sees this appointment to the Cuny Chair as a unique occasion to bring a rich and complex discussion of human rights—in historical and worldwide context—to the center of contemporary academic and public life; we wish to find a candidate who pursues that same goal with enthusiasm and vigor.

Please send a letter of interest, a career summary, c.v., statement of current and future research plans, statement of teaching philosophy and experience, evidence of teaching excellence, and any other supporting material you wish to Prof. Geoff Eley, Chair, History Department, 1029 Tisch Hall, The University of Michigan, 435 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003; telephone (734) 763-2289; fax (734) 647-4881. Preliminary inquiries about the Cuny chair can be addressed to Prof. Howard Brick at
hbrick@umich. edu.

Review of applications begins in earnest as of September 30, 2009, though the search will remain open until the position is filled. Women and minority scholars are encouraged to apply, and the University is supportive of the needs of dual career couples. The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer.

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PhD Scholarships at IMT Lucca, Italy

Doctoral Programs

Competitions for admission are open in the following Ph.D. Programs at IMT:

Computer Science and Engineering

The doctoral program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge about the foundations of informatics and about its applications to a variety of systems and disciplines, focusing on aspects of particular importance in the present context. The new version of informatics is changing the perspective of other disciplines and several aspects of common life, and is the target of very active research in the international scene.

Economics, Markets, Institutions

The program aims at dealing with issues in political economy, applied public economics, the functioning of industries and markets, the impact of macroeconomics on productivity and growth. A distinctive feature of the Ph.D. program is the integration of theoretical, technical, and practical expertise, aimed to educate highly qualified professionals, who analyze, plan, and manage concrete interventions of political economy. Theoretical methodologies and models are generated and tested, through the systematic investigation of the real world, with a distinctive focus on concrete observation of markets and their actors. At the end of the program, students are able to identify commonalities as well as distinctive characters of economies, markets, and industries.

Management and Development of Cultural Heritage
Ph.D. in cooperation with Politecnico di Torino

The program trains both researchers and professionals, able to operate at the highest levels of management of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, in both public and private institutions. The program integrates concepts and methods from several domains (humanities, economics, law, information technologies, material sciences) in the analysis of cultural heritage and landscape. The program provides a consistent multidisciplinary path where students are provided with competencies which nowadays cannot be obtained but through particular self-training initiatives. The job market today has to rely on various professional figures - thus incurring conflicts and standstills in the decision-making process - or is forced to choose only one competence among all the needed ones. A distinctive feature of the program is the involvement of Ph.D. students in projects, both on local and international scale, so as to make them familiar with the complex management of cultural heritage and landscape.

Political Systems and Institutional Change

The Ph.D. in Political Systems and Institutional Change is a multidisciplinary course analysing, in a comparative perspective, institutions in their historical, political, sociological, economic and legal features. Special attention will be devoted to processes of institutional change. The Ph.D. aims at forming political analysts able to: plan and manage collaborative and integrated processes at the international level; analyse and assess policies and institutional settings at a supranational, national and regional level; confront the specific problems of countries in transition towards democracy and a market economy.
Duration: 3 years

Language: Courses and seminars are held in English. Foreign Ph.D. students are required to attend an Italian Language and Culture Course.

Classes begin in March 2010.


The deadline for applications is December 4, 2009 at 18:00 (Italian time).


Application Online:

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PhD Scholarship in Globalisation & Int'l Economics, Aarhus University

PhD scholarship in Globalisation and International Economics - Scholarship no.: 544-0136

At the Department of Economics at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, a PhD scholarship will be available from December 1, 2009 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The PhD scholarship is linked to a multidisciplinary research project entitled "Made in Denmark anno 2050 – The role of firms in globalisation" , concerning the export success factors of Danish companies. The scholarship is in economics, but part of a larger multidisciplinary research project carried out in collaboration between the GlobID research group at the Department of Economics and the Centre for Design of Global Enterprise (DoGE) at the Department of Management. It is funded by the Tuborg Foundation and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The PhD student will be placed at the GlobID research group at the Department of Economics at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, and is expected to partake in large-scale data analysis, econometric investigations as well as in writing of academic articles and communication of research results. Further information on the PhD scholarship can be obtained from professor Philipp Schröder, Department of Economics, phone: +45 89 486 392, e-mail:

PhD students in Denmark work under very favourable terms: They are employed on a full-time basis for three years, and the salary is enough to cover all necessary accommodation and living costs and to lead an active life. A PhD student does not pay university fees.

PhD students at Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University (ASB), work under almost the same terms as other research staff, i.e. they have their own office space with a computer, incl. Internet access, email, phone etc., as well as access to secretarial assistance etc. Moreover, expenses in connection with the scientific work are covered, e.g. participation in research courses and academic conferences in Denmark and abroad.

There are also good and well-paid job opportunities in Denmark for people with a PhD degree, both within and outside the university sector.

A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. As part of the PhD scholarship the PhD student will be enrolled in the PhD programme comprising a number of courses within the relevant research area.

The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another – often foreign – research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences. In addition, it is expected that PhD students participate in and contribute to the other activities of the department.

Conditions of employment
The PhD scholarship has duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the scholarship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.

The applicant's research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB's PhD programme, please go to: http://www.asb. dk/research/ phd.aspx.

If you have any questions about the scholarship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, e-mail:

The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded here or requested from Pia Schytz, tel. +45 8948 6989 e-mail:

The following material must be submitted:

* Application form (scholarship no. 544-0136)
* Project description (max. 5 pages), including the expected theoretical and methodological approach.
* Graduate diploma (including a list of all grades)
* CV
* Other material, if any (e.g. publications) , which should be taken into account in the assessment

The application and attachments must be submitted in sets (without binding) in five copies by ordinary mail to Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, Management Office, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark, Attn.: Pia Schytz, or via e-mail to

Deadline for application
Friday, October 30, 2009 at 12:00 noon.

The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert assessment committee, and applicants will receive the committee's assessment of the individual application and the response to the application from ASB approx. one month after the expiry of the deadline for application.

The assessment of the application comprises an overall assessment of the applicant and his or her qualifications. Particular weight is attached to the project proposal, the grades obtained by the applicant in the study programme, and to whether the applicant, during the study programme or in another manner, has displayed special skills in writing major papers, e.g. a thesis.

Further information about Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University, can be found at:
Aarhus University:

website link:

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CfA: UNICEF-Skopje office invitation for proposals from national res

UNICEF Office in Skopje would like to invite experienced national institutions to submit proposals for providing:

Technical Assistance
to the Ministry of Health for Planning, Budgeting and Implementation of Public
Health Programmes

Contract Duration: 3 months

Purpose of assignment: To assist and build capacities within the Ministry of Health and the Institute for Public Health for planning, budgeting and implementation of the 2010 national public health programmes relevant to mother and child health.

Key Assignments:
The expert/s will be responsible to:

A. Review all the mother and child health related public health programmes (8 programmes in total) and familiarize itself with the process of planning, budgeting and implementation of these programmes (by October 7);

B. Design, organize, and run consultative workshops with relevant public health institutions, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to draft 2010 mother and child health related public health programmes (by October 25);

C. Provide follow up support on daily basis to the Ministry of Health and the Institute for Public Health for finalization of the text and the format of the 2010 mother and child health related public health programmes upon completion of the consultative workshops (by November 2);

D. Based on the outcome of the consultative workshops and follow up consultation process with relevant public health institutions and non-governmental organizations, draft manual for planning, budgeting and implementation of the mother and child health related public health programmes (by November 30).

For more information, as well as to access the detailed Terms of Reference, please visit:

How to Apply:
Interested institutions should send the technical proposal in English language, including the profile of the organization and reference letters, as well as CVs of the members of the team, electronically to ALL email addresses below no later than
September 30, 2009.

Contacts: Igor Veljkovik iveljkovik@unicef. org, Olimpija Grozdanovska ogrozdanovska@ and skopje@unicef. org

Applications received after the proposed deadline will not be taken into consideration

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Conference: Forum Romania VII. 20 years after, Vienna, 15-17.10.2009

Österr. Akademie der Wissenschaften (Academia Austriacă de Ştiinţe) Rumänisches Kulturinstitut Wien (Institutul Cultural Român din Viena) Österr.-Rumänische Gesellschaft (Societatea Austro-Română) Universität Wien (Universitatea Viena)
Studium Transsylvanicum

Magistrat 7 der Stadt Wien
[cid:image002.jpg@ 01CA3D43. 311826D0]
Wien, 27.-29. November 2008

Botschaft von Rumänien (Ambasada României din Viena)

laden ein zum / vă invită la

Forum România VII.
„20 Jahre danach“
15.-17. Oktober 2009


Donnerstag, 15.10.2009
Ort: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Ignaz Seipl-Platz 2
1010 Wien

I. E. Botschafterin Silvia Davidoiu
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Metzeltin, Univ. Wien
Dir. Mag. Carmen Bendovski, ICR
Mag. Lukas Vosicky, ÖRG
Univ.-Doz. Dr. Thede Kahl, Forum România

1989-2009: Romania, 20 years after: what does it mean? About dreams and awakenings
Prof. Dr. Vintilă Mihăilescu (Muzeul Ţăranului Român, Bucureşti)

Empfang. Ort:
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Sonnenfelsgasse 19, Hof
1010 Wien

Freitag, 16.10.2009
Ort: Rumänisches Kulturinstitut
Argentinierstr. 31
1040 Wien

Zur sozioökonomischen Transformation Rumäniens im Vergleich mit anderen osteuropäischen Ländern

Thede Kahl (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)

Zur politischen Transformation Rumäniens aus internationalem Blickwinkel

Valeria Heuberger (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien)

Geschichtspolitik und Geschichtskultur in Rumänien seit dem Sturz des Kommunismus bis zum EU-Beitritt

Martin Jung (Universität Jena)

Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Ein oral-history- Projekt zur deutschen Minderheit in Bukarest
Angelika Herta (Universität Bukarest)

Corneliu Coposu (1914-1995) – die europäische Persönlichkeit Rumäniens: vom Leben und Wirken eines antitotalitär- demokratischen Gewissens im (post)kommunistisch en Rumänien

Alexander-Peter Popescu (Universität Graz)


Transformation: For a better life - Transform you and your community. Experience in programs addressed to displaced workers and small communities
Mariana Bucovanu (Universität Bukarest)

Aufstand der „Peripherie“ – Die Revolution in Rumänien 1989 im Spiegel deutschsprachiger Medien und Wissenschaft

Peter Chroust (Amt für Lehrerbildung, Frankfurt)

Rumänische Tageszeitungen 20 Jahre nach der Wende
Iunia Martin (Universität Bukarest)

Die Berichterstattung über Rumänien und Rumänien-Stereotype in deutschen und französischen Tageszeitungen (2003 bis 2008)

Claudia Salden (Universität Leipzig)



Der Stellenwert des Walzers in rumänischen handschriftlichen Salonmusikalben (erste Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts)

Haiganus Preda-Schimek (Universität Wien)

Sanctifying, Judging, or Recovering the Past? Post-1990s Understandings of the Romanian Fascism in the Christian Orthodox environments

Ionuț Biliuța (Central European University, Budapest)

Migration from Romania between 1947 and 1989 and 20 years later. Biographical interviews as a source for analyzing migration

Simona Wersching (Universität Frankfurt/ Oder)

Die nationalen Minderheiten und die rumänische „Revolution“ (1989)

Othmar Kolar (Missio Europa, Wien)

Grenzübertritt. Gepflogenheiten bei der Grenzkontrolle im damaligen kommunistischen Rumänien
Hans Dama (Universität Wien)


Kaum geändert (?) – das Bild Rumäniens in Filmen vor und nach 1989
Lucia Cepoi (Universität Bukarest)

Die Entwicklung der Meinungsfreiheit und ihrer Strafbarkeit im modernen, kommunistischen und heutigen Rumänien
Petrea Lindenbauer (Universität Wien) und Michael Tolstiuk (Wien)

Roma in Rumänien, zwischen Sündenbock und Ressource. Eine Bestandsaufnahme von zwei Jahrzehnten Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
Joachim Krauss (Zentrum für Antisemitismusforsc hung der TU Berlin)

Die rumänisch-moldauisch e Grenze 1989-2009 - von der nationalen Euphorie der 'Blumenbrücke' zur Ernüchterung durch Europäisierung
Andrei Avram (Moldova-Institut Leipzig)

16:20-18:00 PANEL B
De la limba de lemn la modernizarea forţată a românei
Bogdan Ţâra (Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara)

Literatura evanghelicilor ca parte a discursului identitar

Mircea Păduraru (Universität Jassy)

Desincronizarea lingvisticii româneşti cu cercetarea lingvistică occidentală (1946-1960) şi revenirea la normalitate în ultimele două decenii (1989-2009)

Eugenia Bojoga (Universität Prag)

Derivatele româneşti recente între lingvistică şi extralingvistică
Cristian Moroianu (Universität Bukarest)

Aromânii şi identitatea multiculturală. Cazul Mihail Kogălniceanu, Constanţa
Stelu Şerban (Institutul de Studii Sudest-europene, Bucureşti)

Krisen-Büffet anlässlich des einjährigen Bestehens der Wirtschaftskrise (Sandwichs mitbringen, Getränke frei)

Samstag, 17.10.2009
Ort: Rumänisches Kulturinstitut
Argentinierstr. 31
1040 Wien

Land use change and agriculture during the transition period in Romania
Elena Ana Popovici (Institutul de Geografie, Academia Română, Bucureşti)

Bucharest Metropolitan Area – urban development and environmental changes during the transition period
Ines Grigorescu (Institutul de Geografie, Academia Română, Bucureşti)

Transitional Criminal Justice in Postcommunist Romania (1989-2009)
Raluca Grosescu (Institutul pentru Investigarea Crimelor Comunismului în România, Bucureşti)

Strafrechtliche Vergangenheitsaufar beitung in Rumänien (1989-2009)
Julie Trappe (Universität Heidelberg)

Kronstadt und die osmanische Gefahr (1438-1479)

Markus Beham (Universität Wien)


Der rumänische Antikfilm der 1960er Jahre

Alexander Juraske (Universität Wien)

Civis Doctus et Fidelis: Social, Political and Religious Dimension of the Activity of the Congregation of Notre-Dame de Sion in Romania (1866-1939)

Agnieszka Barszczewska (Universität Warschau)

Zwangsevakuierung als demografische Politik des kommunistischen Regimes in Rumänien. Das Beispiel der Sachsen aus dem Burzenland von 1952
Amelia Vaidean (Babes-Bolyai Universität Cluj-Napoca)

Zum Heimatverständnis von Siebenbürger Sachsen in Rumänien und Deutschland
Friederike Mönninghoff (Universität Bremen)

Polivalenţa paradigmatică a Istoriografiei române – ieri (până la 22 Decembrie 1989) şi azi; teme, autori, orientări

Stoica Lascu (Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa)

Rolul instituției arhivelor în viața socială din România (1989-2009)
Virgil Coman (Arhivele judeţene, Constanţa)

Presa românească postdecembristă, intre partizanat politic şi obiectivitatea informaţiei

Nistor Bardu (Universitatea Ovidius, Constanţa)

Coexistența lingvistică: Modelul legii lingvistice elvețiene – o soluție pentru Republica Moldova la douăzeci de ani după căderea cortinei de fier
Cornelia Saurer (Universität Bern)

1989, before and after - 20 years of monuments preservation and the Saxon architectural heritage in Transylvania
Ferenc Csortán (Direcţia Judeţeana pentru Cultură, Târgu-Mureş)


Transsylvanische Unitarier – Aufbruch in die Welt der Religionen

Heinz Gstrein (Universität Wien)

Übersetzen nach '89. Humanitas & die deutschen Philosophen
Julia Richter (Universität Leipzig)

Deutsche und rumänische Ausdrücke und Redewendungen mit Lebensmittelnamen

Ioana Scherf (Freie Universität, Berlin)

Die osmanische Historiographie im Diskurs über die archetypale Darstellung des „ungläubigen“ Rebellen – rhetorische Kompositionstechnik en am Beispiel des Bildes des Vlad Ţepeş

Adrian Gheorghe (Muzeul Naţional de Istorie din Bucureşti)



Vlad Ţepeş in der rumänischen Geschichtsmythologi e. Das Symbol der Autorität im Wandel dreier Jahrhunderte (1800-2009)
Albert Weber (Universität München)

Die Daker und der Zeitgeist: Rumänische Geschichtsschreibun g vor und nach 1989

Anne Avramut (Universität Wien)

Cetăţile dacice din Munţii Orăştiei - patrimoniu reprezentativ pentru antichitatea europeană

Răzvan Mateescu (Muzeul de Istorie Națională, Cluj)

Daker und Dakisches aus der römischen Perspektive

Fritz Mitthof (Universität Wien)

Kurzvorstellung der neuen Buchreihe „Forum: Rumänien“.
Zukunftsplanung des Forums und Publikationsmö glichkeiten

Thede Kahl (Universtät Wien), Larisa Schippel (Humboldt-Universitä t Berlin)


For details:
http://www.oeaw. aktuell/veranst_ 2009.html
http://www.oeaw. aktuell/veranst_ 2009.html
http://www.austrom. at/veranstaltung en.html

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Job: Professor, History of the Ottoman Empire, Old Dominion University

The History Department at Old Dominion University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in the history of the Ottoman Empire, or its successors, or Iran post 1500. Area of specialization is open. Position begins in July 2010. Ph.D. in History is required by time of appointment. Teaching experience and publications preferred.

Send letter of application, c.v., three letters of reference, writing sample, and graduate transcript to: Dr. Maura Hametz, Chair, Personnel Committee, History Department, BAL 8000, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0091.

Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution and requires compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.


Maura Hametz
Chair, Personnel Committee
Associate Professor
Department of History - BAL 8000
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23509


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CfA: Media and audiovisual techniques literacy project in Bulgaria

Dear colleagues,

We from a youth NGO in Bulgaria are looking for partner NGOs or public bodies (e.g. a public TV, a municipality) to take part in a project on media and audiovisual literacy for young people. If you are interested or know an organisation that might be - do give a shout. The deadline for partnership agreements to be signed and sent to us is 29 September.

Some basic info below, and you can also access the summary of the project via the attached file. Please write, if you need more details.

It will be a small-budget project (25 000 reqested from the EC) with 3 face-to-face workshops in Bulgaria on state-of-art audiovisual software, monthly catch-ups via skype and most of the creative work will be exchanged and worked on as in an internet community. The main outcome will be a film created jointly by the young artists, treating the topic of EU countries' stereotyp es and the reality of youth's lives in each of the participating countries.

Use of Audiovisual Software and ICTs to Encourage Creativity and Innovation in the Youth Sector

Project proposal for: ‘Youth in Action’ Programme
Call for proposals: EACEA/12/09; Action 4.4
Applicant: SIP Bulgaria
Budget: 25 000 EUR
Priority theme: media literacy of young people.

The project’s primary objective is to provide informal education sessions on contemporary techniques of audiovisual content production to an international team of multidisciplinary young artists in order to improve their ability to analyse and produce meaningful media content, including images and sounds, so that they can communicate their work competently in available new media channels in order to express themselves at personal, civil and professional level. The project targets European young audiovisual artists’ literacy with regard to contemporary media relevant to their work, namely television and film, radio and recorded music, new media and the Internet. It proposes the use of innovative methodology by introducing state-of-art audiovisual technologies to promote youth creative work, establishing virtual networks and promoting artistic work via new media tools. The content of the project is creative as it targets young artists and the content
and outcome of the activities will consist of the artistic work of the participants.

The project aims at demonstrating the two-fold influence (of new opportunities and global commercialisation of content) that new media and virtual communication have on contemporary audiovisual art. It will foster the critical thinking of the participants and will provide technical skills for the informed usage of multimedia software and information and communication technology (ICT) as tools for creative virtual networks and innovative artistic and civil content. The project proposes to provide trainings on the usage of state-of-art audiovisual software and ICTs to young artists with multidisciplinary backgrounds. The seminars, carried out via both face-to-face and online working sessions, will empower the participants to be aware of both the opportunities and limitations of global information channels that are the basis of personal and occupational development of creative artists in the present day of virtual social and professional networks. It will
enable them to critically evaluate and consciously use the media of television and film, radio and recorded music, new media and the Internet to produce and distribute their artistic work.

The project activities will take place in the 18 months of the period January 2010 – June 2011. They will include 3 face-to-face workshops in Bulgaria, rural municipality of Dupnitsa (in 2nd, 9th, and 17th months) and 15 online workshops (monthly review of the creative results and exchange of country team progress, in between the face-to-face workshops). Each workshop will include both training sessions on state-of-art audiovisual software and ICT usage for creative purposes, and creative sessions of joint artistic work. Each of the 4 partner organisation will be represented by 4 multidisciplinary participants (young artists from rural regions with fewer opportunities of access to specialised formal education and innovative technologies) and 1 coordinating youth worker at each of the workshops. Each partner organisation will also be responsible for coordinating the country work group of 4 multidisciplinary artists and will provide this administration
work and relevant ICT facilities as in kind co-funding.

The outcome of the young artists’ joint creative process should be the production of a film. It will be created by all of the participants who will be selected according to the multidisciplinary frame of the project, which envisages the team to include composers, sound engineers, computer animation artists, script writers, camera operators, video mix engineers, etc. The entire process of the production of the movie will be designed and undergone by the joint creative effort of the multidisciplinary artist team. The artistic work will be fulfilled on a voluntary basis with all necessary equipment and travel expenses provided by the project and will result in official credits for authorship on the movie.

The produced film will include author music and will treat the topic of stereotypes about the EU countries and the reality of youth’s everyday life in each of the participating countries. The film’s aim is to foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries. It will be presented and marketed via popular new media and social networks to the purpose of initiating an awareness raising campaign about the role of artistic networking in overcoming and redefining national citizenship stereotypes on the background of the process of European integration.

The long-term results for the personal, occupational and social lives of the participants will include:

► Knowledge and skills in using innovative media tools and channels, including audiovisual software, new media and work in virtual communities;
► Creative application of media software and channels, being acquainted and able to use state-of-art multimedia technologies to produce art content;
► Active use of Internet and ICTs that empowers the participants to create media content and to critically exploit the potential of contemporary media for both professional development and as a way to active citizenship by access to various messages and the ability to critically and consciously participate in their production;
► Knowledge and skills in using and participation in virtual networks to promote their artistic and civil stance;
► Awareness of media as a tool for promoting various content of both insecure quality, purpose and accuracy, and a capacity for critical appraisal and contribution to using contemporary media channels for producing innovative artistic products and independent civil messages;
► Familiarity with the increasing opportunities in using the Internet as a distribution channel that will allow the participants to create and disseminate images, information and content;
► Conscience of the European dimension of contemporary citizenship in each of the participating countries and solidarity and tolerance among young people in the European Union;
► Ability of team work in a multicultural environment;
► Improved organisational capacity of the partner organisations due to the introduction of innovative technical tools and up-to-date media methods in their youth activities.

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Sep 21, 2009

21 PhD positions in Physical Chemistry, Poland

21 PhD positions for 4 years are opened at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in collaboration with 29 foreign institutions, starting October 2009. The monthly scholarship is 3000 PLN + 500 PLN insurance in Poland and 4500 PLN + 500 PLN insurance during secondments to foreign partners (between 6 and 18 months).

Graduate students of chemistry, physics, applied mathematics, and engineering departments are encouraged to visit the web page:

Application Deadline

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One post-doc + 4 PhD students at KTH-Stockholm-Sweden

Dear Colleagues,

The School of Electrical Engineering at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden is pleased to announce
- four PhD positions in wind power integration and Multi-Terminal HVDC
- one Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in research area electric power systems.

The postdoctoral position is part of the research program "Controllable Power Systems" within the Competence Centre for Electric Power (EKC-2), where the Swedish power industry (such as ABB, Fortum, SvK and Vattenfall) is strongly involved.

Details of the positions are available from the web site:

Best regards,
Lennart Söder Phone +46 8 790 8906
Royal Institute of Technology Fax +46 8 790 6510
Electric Power Systems e-mail lennart.soder@
S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
personal home page :

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PhD Studentships in IT, Univ. of Ballarat, Australia

PhD Studentships
Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL)
Graduate School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

The University of Ballarat is offering a unique opportunity for students

Undertaking PhD studies in the area of Internet Commerce Security to receive up to A$120k over three years. You will work on real problems and

Data related to current fraud activity faced by many financial organisations in the world of internet commerce security.

The University of Ballarat, Westpac Banking Corporation and IBM have jointly established the Internet Commerce Security Laboratory (ICSL) to carry out research into eSecurity and cybercrime.

Current research themes include profiling of phishing e-mails and websites, profiling of malware, fraud detection, identity theft and recovery, and forensic imaging techniques.

To be successful in your application, you must have:
• A first class honours degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Information Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Psychology, Law or Business/Commerce
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability and aptitude for both a research and commercial environment

You must be willing to:
• Successfully complete a PhD in this research area
• Be part of a motivated, dynamic and creative environment
• Apply your knowledge to critical real world problems
• Be ready for employment opportunities that will exist in this field

Scholarship: A$26,000 per annum (tax free). The Scholarship term is three years.

Laboratory: Applicants are also able to apply for additional optional funding of A$14,000 per annum (taxable) for Laboratory engagement.

Applicants are required to access the specific PhD application form from:

Applicants are requested to complete Sections A and B of the PhD Application Form and answer the Key Selection Criteria, and submit all documentation to the Research & Graduate Studies Office by 31 October 2009.

Please contact the Director of Postgraduate Research in the Graduate School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Dr Phil Smith p.smith@ballarat., if you have any questions regarding these positions.

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INTERNSHIP: British Council Romania [DL: 22 sep]

Daca esti interesat de managementul de proiect in domeniul educatiei, stiintei, al artelor, al guvernarii si egalitatii de sanse, poti sa faci un stagiu de practica la Departamentul de Proiecte & Consultanta al British Council, Bucuresti. Programul de internship ofera studentilor oportunitatea de a acumula experienta practica intr-un mediu de lucru international precum si de a intelege strategia si domeniile de activitate ale British Council.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 22 septembrie 2009

Informatii detaliate:

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BURSE: Fondul de burse QS

British Council in parteneriat cu QS va invita sa va inscrieti la Turneul QS World Grad School, cel mai prestigios targ de programe de master si doctorat, care va avea loc in Bucuresti, la hotelul Intercontinental, luni 12 octombrie, de la orele 17.00 la 20.00. Participantilor la eveniment le vor fi oferite burse in valoare totala de 150.000 dolari.

Printre bursele QS oferite in cadrul acestui targ se numara:
- Bursa QS pentru femei din centrul si estul Europei - 2.000 euro
- Bursa QS pentru excelenta academica - 10.000 dolari
- Bursa QS a Scolii de Afaceri EMLYON - aproximativ 15.000 euro
- Bursa QS a Scolii de Arte Tisch din Asia - approximativ 20.000 dolari

Pentru inscrieri, acceseaza:


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Conference: 10th International Congress of A.I.E.S.E.E, Paris, 24.9.2009

10th International Congress of A.I.E.S.E.E. (Association Internationale d'Etudes du Sud-Est Europeen), "Humans and Their Environment in South-East Europe (populations, geography, means of work, production, means of communication) "

Venue: Paris, 105 boulevard Raspail (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)

Opening ceremony: September 24, at 10 am.

Objectives (taking into account the general objectives of UNESCO):

A Populations: physical geography (climate, environment etc.), human geography (demography, concentrated and dispersed settlements, movements, migrations, cities and villages etc.)

B Means of work: education, training, trades, tools

C Production and exchanges: agricultural, industrial and artistic production

D Means of communication (roads, currencies, banks, languages, ways of thinking)

Alexandros Dagkas
Associate professor in Social History
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Education
GR - 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone/Fax +30 2310 995080

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CfP: Western Association for Slavic Studies, Reno, 14-17.4.2010

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Deadline for proposals is: December 1, 2009. Please include the following information (online submission coming soon):

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Abstract (not to exceed 200 words)
Scholars willing to serve as moderators or discussants should indicate their interest to the appropriate section coordinator. All participants are required to register for the conference prior to March 1, 2010.

For additional information, please consult the Fall 2009 WSSA newsletter or contact the WSSA General Program Chair and President- Elect:

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Book Review: Colic-Peisker, Migration, Class and Transnational Identities: Croatians in Australia and America

Val Colic-Peisker. * /Migration, Class and Transnational Identities: Croatians in Australia and America./
Studies of World
Migrations Series. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2008. xii + 252
pp. $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-252-03360- 5.

*Reviewed by* Catherine Baker (University of Southampton)
*Published on* H-SAE (September, 2009)
*Commissioned by* Abby L. Drwecki

*Croatian Immigrants in Australia: Class versus Ethnicity as Factors in Identity*

Val Colic-Peisker's ethnography of Croatian immigrants in the Australian city of Perth sets itself the brave task of dampening migration scholars' fascination with ethnicity and calling attention to class as the determinant of migrants' transnational experiences. This is the third monograph on Croatians in Australia to be published in twelve years, but the first to take this line. Colic-Peisker' s study was preceded by Dona Kolar-Panov' s /Video, War and the Diasporic Imagination /(1997)/ /and Zlatko Skrbis('s /Long Distance Nationalism: Diasporas, Homelands, and Identities /(1999), both of which focused on the diasporic transnationalism through which migrants stayed in touch with and provided material support for the homeland during the post-Yugoslav conflict, that is to say, (from their perspective) Croatia's war of independence.

Although the book's title implies a full-scale comparison of the Australian and American (or rather U.S.) experiences of Croatian migrants' acculturation, Australia far outweighs the United States when it comes to the content of the book. Observations about the relative status of migrants, in particular "white ethnics," a term used by the author, in Australia and the United States recur every so often, and
there is a brief comparison of Croatian cultural and political organization in the two states (pp. 82-83). For the most part, however, the book represents an anthropological and sociological study of an Australian community, and is all the stronger for it. Colic-Peisker engages with Australian sociological debates about multiculturalism and assimilation, hints at how changes in Australian immigration policy structured the profile of Croatian migration to this particular hostland, and grounds her findings in her interviews with forty working-class and middle-class Croatians negotiating the workplaces and sprawling suburbs of Perth.

Colic-Peisker situates herself within academic debates on migration by attempting to bridge what she refers to as the "old" migration studies (the sociological study of how migrants interact with their host country) and the "new" migration studies' paradigm of transnationalism- -the contacts migrants retain with their homelands amid
flows of cultural products, material goods, information, capital, and people (p. 6). The typical "ethnic transnationalism" of activities across state borders that "nurtures territorial, ethnic, and national attachments, " she argues, aptly describes the diasporic migrants of Kolar-Panov and Skrbis( (working-class migrants from poor backgrounds in rural Dalmatia who arrived in Australia during the 1950s and 1960s), yet does not account for the identities of a second group of Croatian
migrants that Colic-Peisker encountered. These were young professionals who moved from Croatia to Australia in the 1980s and 1990s, who situated themselves instead within a cosmopolitan framework based "on a deterritorial, acquired (and therefore changeable and transferable) professional identification" (p. 212). The core of the working-class cohort's identity, Colic-Peisker finds, was ethnicity and their town,
village, or island of origin, whereas education and profession was the core of identity for the younger middle-class cohort. The former "see their social position determined purely by ethnicity, by being 'strangers' in Australia," while the latter "recognize their class as well as ethnic position and navigate their life chances on the labor market accordingly, " for example, making use abroad of their privilege
as white Australians (p. 18). The two cohorts of migrants had little in common and rarely encountered each other socially. The working-class group constructed "the emotional cement of the ethnic community" through nostalgic practices, such as folk music and dance, card games, religious belief, and attendance at the local Croatian club (p. 98). None of these activities appealed to the young professionals, who rejected the stereotypes of "low occupation status, broken English, and ethnonationalism, " which had become attached to Croatians in Australia (p. 167). They constructed their identity instead around access to a global professional milieu to which their qualifications- -and their hard-won proficiency in the English language--entitled them. Migrating to Australia facilitated and corroborated their membership of this elite. While "a collectivistic ethnic-ascribed identity is a central axis for the working-class cohort" of Croatians, "the identity axis of the middle-class cohort is professionally achieved, individualistic, and secular.... The professional core of identity of the younger cohort became (even more) globally validated and Westernized through life and work in Australia" (p. 169).

The contrast between these two migrant cohorts underpins the book. Colic-Peisker begins by introducing readers to the migrants' homeland, Croatia, and offering an overview of Croatian sociological theories on "how rural culture was co-opted into the socialist worldview" (p. 41). Here, she seeks to understand the "intersection of traditional, modern and 'socialist' values," as well as the generational value shift of late socialism, which she expects to have shaped her informants' values (p. 37). She draws on Ronald Inglehart's theory of the "culture shift" in advanced industrial society (/Culture Shift in Advanced Industrial Society/ [1990]) as an explanation for the differences between her two cohorts. She shows that a generation brought up in material security, like the young professionals who were born during Yugoslavia's
economically successful 1950s and 1960s, is likely to develop "postmaterialist" rather than "materialist" values; therefore, this group "seeks goals beyond the purely material, such as freedom, self-expression, quality of life, and self-actualization" (p. 53). Two further chapters follow this orientation in the sociology of the sending country: one short piece on the global context of migration (more than
half of which is actually taken up by a history of Croatian emigration) and a longer overview of multiculturalism and egalitarianism in Australia. The kernel of the book is contained in chapters 4 and 5, which discuss the different experiences of the two cohorts, illustrated by a number of biographical narratives. What would in many other cases be the headline story of a study of Croatian migration--the concept of the Croatian diaspora and nationalist sociability and activism--does not appear here until chapters 6 and 7. By this point in the book, the author has contextualized well her analysis of the migrants' social practices, their investment in their homes and gardens (not that "investment" is the right word to describe the attitudes of a group
that, in contrast to the host society, cherished the use value rather than exchange value of their homes), and their working lives. A quantitative values survey among Croatian migrants takes up the last chapter, before a conclusion that attempts to refine the concepts of transnationalism and diaspora in light of the author's research findings.

Colic-Peisker first encountered a number of her informants, and indeed first reflected on the differences between the two groups of migrants, when she started working as a public service interpreter soon after her own arrival in Australia--an experience which suggests that, to paraphrase the Shakespearean adage, some are born to ethnography, some achieve ethnography, and some have ethnography thrust upon them.
Colic-Peisker counted herself among the cohort of young professionals from Croatia (those whose ability in English unlocked the possibility of acculturation) when she began to visit the schools, hospitals, courts, and police stations of Perth--"What a bonanza for a sociologist! " indeed--and to meet older, working-class Croatians who had built up and remained in their own ethnic networks (p. 3). "Their stories also
revealed to me that their migration experience was very different from the experience of recently arrived Croatians, including my own," Colic-Peisker explains (p. 3). "I felt a little guilty, as if I was hiding my true identity from my interlocutors, a curious social scientist as well as a recent migrant 'disguised' as an interpreter.
With the force of fate, this job that I had never planned to do led me toward a formal research project exploring identities in transnational context" (p. 3). The bulk of Colic-Peisker' s reflection on her insider position is contained in a separate essay that she published in an edited collection, but her status as a co-national is inseparable from her ethnographic reflections here.[1] In particular, her understanding of the norm of hospitality in working-class Croatian homes seemed to
overcome her informants' frequent suspicion of social research: "A visitor who refuses the offered food and drink defines herself as an outsider and, therefore, implicitly, cannot be trusted.... The ritual of hospitality also empowers the hosts, as the visitor accepts socializing on their terms" (p. 27). Accepting gifts from her informants' gardens (the site where people with repetitive manual jobs could keep up "a sense of being a complete person" and "show off one's skills" by growing fruit and vegetables, sometimes even keeping poultry) likewise contributed to the rapport and avoided the embarrassment of refusal (p. 103). Once, when Colic-Peisker asked for a white tea at a women's fundraising event, the coffee-drinking women from the neighborhood' s working-class Croatian community "recognized this was an 'English way' ... and, implicitly, my choice was seen as un-Croatian" (p. 200).

As befits an ex-interpreter, Colic-Peisker makes language an important part of her ethnography. What distinguishes the two migrant cohorts, besides class and values, is their competence in English: the older working-class group came to Australia when English instruction for migrants were few and far between, acquired a limited vocabulary through work, and used Croatian at home and among friends. The younger
professionals could not have entered the country under the Australian immigration regulations of the time without some proficiency in English and had to refine their skills further on arrival in order to succeed in the professional fields to which they aspired. Their high aspirations sometimes led to frustration that they had not lost their foreign accent even though the accent seemed not to have caused them any practical difficulties. The older working-class migrants' relative lack of English, in contrast, put them at a disadvantage in several regards: they could not negotiate with bosses (except ethnic entrepreneurs) or take part in a union, they missed out on the promotions that skilled laborers could ordinarily look forward to as they got older, they were at higher risk of industrial injury if they did not understand safety instructions (this problem was compounded by a norm of masculine gender
identity in which strenuous physical labor in order to feed one's family garnered respect), and they had to rely on ethnic media sources rather than the Australian mainstream media for information about the wider world. The Croatian ethnic community, like the communities of Italians or Greeks, provided enough services to fulfill the needs its members could not fulfill in general Australian society. In contrast, younger professionals could not join their desired stratum of "skilled
itinerants who search for opportunities across the globe" unless they did speak English (p. 87). English-language skills, Colic-Peisker argues, have thus become "the basis for class distinction in non-English- speaking countries" and, indeed, a basis for societies' perceptions of immigrants as higher or lower status (p. 87). The
commonsense idea of language as an ethnic marker is also complicated by the Croatian-Australian case. Colic-Peisker observes that "it is hard to say without hesitation that the two cohorts speak the same language," since the older working-class migrants spoke the distinctive dialect(s) of Dalmatia and its islands (p. 166). The urban professionals spoke standard Croatian instead, and "language differences sometimes reach the point of mutual incomprehension, " with Colic-Peisker the interpreter more than once having to switch into the Dalmatian dialect in order to be understood (p. 166).

Colic-Peisker' s observations about English point to one somewhat under-theorized aspect of the book: the role and power of the state in structuring the immigrant experience. As a new interpreter, she had expected to meet members of the same migrant cohort as herself on her assignments; yet she met only the older cohort, and realized eventually that this was a result of the Australian immigration reforms of the 1980s, which imposed a points test on prospective migrants that required both labor skills and English proficiency. Through these restrictions, the state narrowed down the pool of potential migrants and structured the future migrant cohorts in advance. However, the immigration procedure, and indeed migrants' interactions with the state's agents and institutions in general, are rarely mentioned, as significant a part of the migrants' experiences as they may well be (moreover, as a public service interpreter the author would have witnessed many such interactions herself). Chapter 3, on the hostland, would have been one obvious place to discuss the impact of state power, yet most of the chapter is, in fact, concerned with social attitudes (multiculturalism and "ethnic food," the Australian myth of egalitarianism, "white
ethnics," English and social mobility, and the social geography of Perth). These are an important feature of the host society but, by themselves, are insufficient to explain the state's immigration regime. The four-page history of Australian immigration policy that opens the chapter could have been greatly expanded: in particular, a historical account of the creation and development of Australia's stringent, much-imitated points-based system for immigration would have provided
readers with a greater understanding of the political background to the ethnography. One is also left to wonder about immigrants of the same age as the young professionals who came to Australia in different circumstances, such as refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Perhaps so few Bosnian Croats qualified to enter Australia that their impact on the Croatian community was trivial; if so, we are not told even that,
although we do know that "some ethnic Croats from Bosnia, who came as refugees in the 1990s" started going to the Croatian clubs in Perth but could not connect with the Dalmatian dialects and pastimes that dominated there (p. 172). The picture of contemporary migration is more complicated than a dichotomy between low-skilled economic migration to the rich West after World War II and highly skilled transnational migrant flows in the 1980s and 1990s, as Colic-Peisker acknowledges when she mentions U.S. "illegals" and "the difficult migration of (post)modern- day helots" late in the book (p. 217). Including low-skilled young migrants, or simply explaining that there were none to include, would have expanded the study by giving both a synchronic and a diachronic perspective on Colic-Peisker' s key factor of class.

Although this study is rooted in Australian realities (so much so that it is hard to understand what "America" is doing in the title at all), it is still of some interest to anthropologists of Europe. One of the major debates in the anthropology of former Yugoslavia is the so-called rural-urban divide: the issue had been raised well before the fall of Yugoslavia, and was translated during the post-Yugoslav wars into an
account of the war that associated the countryside with backwardness, war, and nationalism, and the city with progress, cosmopolitanism, and peace. One could argue that the consequences and constructions of Croatia's rural-urban divide (or rather, former Yugoslavia's rural-urban divide, since the phenomenon went well beyond Croatia) are played out in migrants' social practices half the world away. Colic-Peisker introduces the origins of this discourse by discussing the émigré Croatian
sociologist Dinko Tomas(ic''s idea of "Dinaric culture," the source of many an urban stereotype of the backward peasant.[2] Yet she does not take the opportunity to pursue the afterlife of his theory into the present day: a rich vein of Croatian ethnology that shows how rural social practices were transformed by (and commented on) the modernization policies of socialism, and a contemporary interest by both insiders and outsiders in the relative significance of ethnicity in the post-Yugoslav successor states, both go unmined. Colic-Peisker' s observation that the cosmopolitanism of her young professionals "is an attribute of those who do not feel that ethnic and national belonging determine their identity" recalls the work of Stef Jansen on young city-dwellers in mid-1990s Croatia and Serbia (/Antinacionalizam:
etnografija otpora u Beogradu i Zagrebu/ [2005]), who rejected the dominant nationalist discourse that ethnicity should be the primary determinant of everyone's identity (p. 11). Jansen conducted his fieldwork in Zagreb and Belgrade between 1996 and 1998; his informants might well have belonged to the same age cohort and shared the same social background as Colic-Peisker' s. There is similarly more to be said
on the different concepts of kinship and care among the cohorts. "Global care chains" and the tensions they entail are an emerging topic of interest in migration studies, but the topic rarely comes up in this account, besides the problem that Australian-born children of Croatian migrants sometimes do not share the Croatian ethic of personally caring for an elderly parent.[3]

The major value of the study, however, is as a reminder that there is more to migration studies, and to post-Yugoslav studies, than the fashionable (and sometimes necessary) topic of ethnicity. While considering the differences among migratory cohorts produced by class (and by state immigration policy), we are invited to reflect on what would happen if class, rather than ethnicity, were to (again?) become
the focus of our scholarly enquiry.


[1]. Val Colic-Peisker, "Representing One's Own 'Ethnic Community': The Experience of an Awkward Insider," in /Anthropologists in the Field: Cases in Participant Observation/ , ed. Lynne Hume and Jane Mulcock (New York and West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 2004), 82-94.

[2]. See Dinko Tomas(ic', "The Structure of Balkan Society," /Drus(tvena istraz(ivanja/ 2, no. 6 (1993), 939-948. As cited by Colic-Peisker, this is a reprint of Tomas(ic''s original article from 1946.

[3]. On "global care chains," see, e.g., Julie Vullnetari and Russell King, "'Does Your Granny Eat Grass?' On Mass Migration, Care Drain and the Fate of Older People in Rural Albania," /Global Networks/ 8, no. 2 (2000): 139-171.

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Job: Central/Eastern European History, Towson University

*Location:* Maryland, United States
*Institution Type:* College/University
*Position Type:* Assistant Professor
*Submitted:* Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

*Main Category: *European History

*Secondary Categories: * European Studies

Tenure-track beginning August 2010, entry level position with scholarship interests in 19th and/or 20th century Central and/or Eastern Europe. Ph.D. required, however, ABD's expecting to complete defense by June 30, 2010 will be considered but placed in the rank of Instructor until the doctorate is awarded. Candidates also expected to teach Germany 1871-Present and survey courses in European history and civilization since the 17th century. Applicants must possess a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and show potential for a productive scholarly program. The teaching load is 3/3 during the first three years and based on research record thereafter. This position is contingent on funds being available at the time of hire.

Founded in 1866, today Towson University is recognized by U.S. News & World Report's as one of the top public universities in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Towson is nationally recognized for its programs in the liberal arts and sciences, business, education, communications, health sciences, and the fine and performing arts. The University places a strong emphasis on service learning and civic engagement through such activities as internships, practica, clinical placements, course assignments and student events. As the Baltimore area's largest university and Maryland's Metropolitan University, Towson articulates its research and scholarship mission through partnerships that link the University to the economic, educational and cultural life of the state of Maryland and the mid-Atlantic region. Towson enrolls more than 21,000 undergraduate and graduate students in 63 undergraduate
majors, 38 master's programs and four doctoral programs. Located on a rolling 328 acres, the striking campus is eight miles north of downtown Baltimore and 45 miles from Washington, D.C. The campus and its surrounding cities provide an excellent environment for teaching and supporting the academic pursuits of the 780 full-time faculty who work here.

Candidates should send letter of application, curriculum vitae, three professional letters of recommendation, a writing sample (published article or dissertation chapter), and official graduate transcripts by October 15, 2009 to:

Towson University is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer and has a strong institutional commitment to diversity. Women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

*Contact Info: *
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CfP: Association for the Study of Nationalities Convention 2010

Call for Papers

*"Nations and States: On the Map and In the Mind"
15th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
*International Affairs Building,
Columbia University, NY
Sponsored by the Harriman Institute
15-17 April 2010

****Proposal deadline: 4 November 2009***

*Contact information:
proposals must be submitted to:
darel@uottawa. ca /and/ darelasn2010@

120+ PANELS on the Balkans, Central Europe and the Baltics, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey, Afghanistan, China, and Nationalism Studies

History, Politics, and Memory
Interpretive and Cognitive Approaches in Ethnography
The Resurgence of Russia: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications

THEMATIC Panels on
Islam and Politics, Genocide and Mass Killing, Ethnic Violence, Religion, Language Politics, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Autonomy, Gender and Identity, EU Integration, NATO Expansion, Diaspora and Transnational Networks, International Law and Tribunals, Political Economy and the Nation, History and Nation-Building, and many more...

SCREENING of New Documentaries
AWARDS for Best Doctoral Student Papers

SPECIAL EVENTS sponsored by the ASN Journal /Nationalities Papers
The ASN Convention, the most attended international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in Central Europe, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, the Caucasus, the Turkic world, and Central Eurasia. The Convention also invites proposals devoted to comparative perspectives on nationalism- related issues in other regions of the world, as well as theoretical approaches that need not be grounded in any particular geographic region. Disciplines represented include political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, area studies, economics, geography and
geopolitics, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields

The Convention is inviting paper, panel, roundtable, or special presentation proposals for three special thematic sidebars:
."History, Politics and Memory," on the construction and contestation of the memory of historical events in sites, political discourse and historical research;
."Interpretive and Cognitive Approaches in Ethnography, " on the richness and breadth of findings in the increasingly popular contextual approachto the study of nationalism and ethnicity;
."The Resurgence of Russia: Domestic and Foreign Policy Implications, " on the transformation in the discourse, policies and practices of the Russia internally and externally.

To celebrate the re-launch of /Nationalities Papers/, the opening reception of the convention will be hosted by /Nationalities Papers/ at which occasion the re-launched journal will be introduced by the editorial team. During the convention, /Nationalities Papers/ will host the first /Nationalities Debate/, a high profile discussion on the state of the art, which will be subsequently featured in the journal.

Since 2005, the ASN Convention has acknowledged excellence in graduate studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Student Papers in five sections: Russia/Ukraine/ Caucasus, Central Asia/Eurasia, Central Europe, Balkans, and Nationalism Studies. The winners at the 2009 Convention were Sofia Sebastian (LSE, UK) for the Balkans, Jennie Schulze (George Washington U, US) for Central Europe, Erik Scott (UC Berkeley, US) for Russia/Ukraine/ Caucasus, Fredrik Sjoberg (Harvard U, US/Uppsala U, Sweden) and Barbara Junisbai (Indiana U, US) for Central Eurasia, and Laia Balcells (Yale U, US) for Nationalism Studies. Doctoral student applicants whose proposals are accepted for the 2010 Convention, who will not have defended their dissertation by 1 November 2009, and whose papers are delivered by the deadline, will automatically be considered for the awards.

The 2010 Convention is, moreover, inviting submissions for documentaries made within the past few years and available in DVD format (either NTSC or PAL). Most films selected for the convention will be screened during regular panel slots and will be followed by a discussion moderated by an academic expert. Films on the 2009 Program included /The Singing Revolution/ (US, 2008), /Holodomor/ (Hungary, 2008), /Shadow of the Holy Book/ (Finland, 2008), /The Lost Colony/ (Netherlands, 2008) and /Citizens K: The "K" Twins /(France, 2007).

The 2010 Convention invites proposals for INDIVIDUAL PAPERS or PANELS. A panel includes a chair, three or four presentations based on written papers, and a discussant. Proposals using an /innovative/ format are encouraged. A popular new format is a roundtable on a /new book/, in which the author is being engaged by three discussants --- /ten /book panels were featured in the 2009 Convention. Other innovative formats in proposals are encouraged.

The 2010 Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as DISCUSSANT on a panel to be created by the Program Committee from individual paper proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.

There is NO APPLICATION FORM to fill out in order to send proposals to the convention, BUT A FACT SHEET IS REQUIRED; TO BE DOWNLOADED AT All proposals and fact sheets must be sent by email to Dominique Arel at /both/ darel@uottawa. ca /and/ darelasn2010@

INDIVIDUAL PAPER PROPOSALS must include the name, email and affiliation of the author, a postal address for paper mail, the title of the paper, a 500-word abstract and a 100-word biographical statement that mentions a recent or forthcoming publication, if applicable, with all bibliographical information, and with the title appearing in the original language of publication [with a translation in brackets]. /Long CVs will be rejected, as the bio statement must be sent in narrative form, like a paragraph/. Graduate students must indicate the title of their dissertation and year of projected defense. They can also submit the bibliographic information of a recent or forthcoming publication.

PANEL PROPOSALS must include the title of the panel, a chair, three or four paper-givers with the title of their papers, and a discussant; the name, affiliation, email, and 100-word biographical statements of /each participant/ and include full bibliographic information of a recent or forthcoming publication, if applicable. /Long CVs will be rejected, as the bio statement must be sent in narrative form, like a paragraph/. Graduate students must indicate the title of their dissertation, the
year they joined a doctoral program and the year of projected defense. A 500-word abstract of each paper is not required for panel proposals.

PROPOSALS FOR FILMS OR VIDEOS must include the name, email and affiliation of the author, the title of the film, name of director, country and year of production, a 500-word abstract of the theme of the film and a 100-word biographical statement.

PROPOSALS USING AN INNOVATIVE FORMAT must include the title of the panel, the names, emails, affiliations, postal addresses, 100-word biographical statements of each participant (same specifications as above) and a discussion on the proposed format.

INDIVIDUAL PROPOSALS TO SERVE AS DISCUSSANT must include the name, email, affiliation, a paragraph about the areas of expertise of the proposed discussant, and a 100-word biographical statement (same specifications as above).

All proposals must be included IN THE BODY OF A SINGLE EMAIL, except for the FACT SHEET that must be attached. Attachments other than the Fact Sheet will be accepted only if they repeat the content of the email message/proposal, and if all the information is contained IN A SINGLE ATTACHMENT, except for the Fact Sheet. The receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged electronically (with some delay during deadline week, due to the high volume of proposals).

Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation costs. /Unfortunately, / /ASN has no funding available for panelists/.

An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the selection of proposals. Applicants will be notified in December 2009 or January 2010. Information regarding registration costs and other logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.

The full list of panels from last year's convention can be accessed at

The film lineup of last year's convention can be accessed at

The programs from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also online

Several dozen publishers and companies have had exhibits and/or advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due to considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged to place their order early. For information, please contact Convention Executive Director Gordon N. Bardos (gnb12@columbia. edu).

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

The Convention Organizing Committee:
Dominique Arel, ASN President
Gordon N. Bardos, Executive Director
Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair
Florian Bieber, Zsuzsa Csergo, Dmitry Gorenburg, and Vejas Liulevicius,
ASN Executive Committee

*/Deadline for proposals: 4 November 2009 (to be sent to both
darel@uottawa. ca AND darelasn2010@
The ASN Convention's headquarters are located at the:

Harriman Institute
Columbia University
1216 IAB
420 W. 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
212 854 8487 tel
212 666 3481 fax
gnb12@columbia. edu

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