Feb 5, 2014

2014 Korean Government Scholarship for Graduate Program

Chonnam National University(CNU) is accepting applications for Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Programs. This program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for
international students in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the participating countries. If you are interested, download the attached files and send the application by *March 25, 2014 via post mail.*

CfA – Postgraduate Summer Courses - Research Training and Professional Development

Central European University's Summer School has opened the application season for 2014. The program offers opportunities for short, intensive postgraduate study. The general application deadline for this year’s interdisciplinary courses is Feb. 14. 

Feb 4, 2014

CfA: Paid internship, Cervantes Escuela Internacional, Malaga, 11 months

Internship duration: Minimum 3 months and maximum 11 months

Cervantes Escuela Internacional. The company is a Spanish Language School which offers Spanish courses besides other activities like sports or excursions to its students. The student will work in the Administration Department and Marketing Department of the school.

2.) She will have to do translations, documents storing, customer service, mailing, phone, market studies, answering petitions and inscriptions of the students. In general she will have to help in the Administration
Department and Marketing Department.

The student should have a fluent level of the English language as well as a good knowledge of different computer programmes.

As far as the professional development is concerned, the student will be capable to work with different computer programmes in practice, she will improve her Spanish and will know how to put her theoretical skills of Economics into good use for a company.

3.) The working language is Spanish but English is necessary, too.

4.) The working team consists of Spanish language teachers and staff (all native speakers).

5.) The student will have a supervisor named Michele Galotta who is the head of administration

There will be a person in the company who will show her how to carry out her future tasks and to whom she can refer to if she has any questions.
She will be introduced into the process of working in the mentioned departments and gets explanations.

Every once in a while the student and the tutor will have a conversation about how the trainee develops, if there are any problems at the workplace and if the student could improve something.

6.) The student will receive a job reference/certificate upon completion of the placement.

Paid from the school: the accommodation. Please send CV to info@escuelacervant es.org

CfP: European Conference on Politics, Economics and Law

ECPEL 2014 - The European Conference on Politics, Economics and Law
3rd to 6th July 2014
Brighton, United Kingdom
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1

2014 Conference Theme: "Individual, Community and Society: Conflict, Resolution and Synergy"
Enquiries: ecpel@iafor. org
Web address: http://iafor. org/ecpel

CfRP: 2014 - Netspar Vision Grants (for the social sciences), DL 13.

Call For Proposals
2014 - Netspar Vision Grants

Deadline For Draft Proposals April 13, 2014

Netspar supports innovative academic research on all aspects of the social sciences related to aging and retirement. As part of these efforts, Netspar offers Vision Grants for up to 50% of a project's budget for three years, with a maximum of kEuro 250 (medium) of kEuro 500 (large) per project. This year, Netspar is likely to have a budget of at least kEuro 750 to allocate. The exact size of the budget for 2014 will only be known in June, dependent on re-commitments of the partners. Large and Medium Vision Projects are partially funded by NWO, Social Infrastructure Agenda (see NWO-website: http://www.nwo. nl/over-nwo/ organisatie/ nwo-onderdelen/ magw/sociale+ infrastructuur+ agenda in Dutch).

CfA: 2014 Summer Research Colloquium for Graduate Students in Economics


The 2014 Summer Research Colloquium for Graduate Students in Economics!

July 10-13, 2014, Orange, CA

Once again, the Institute for Humane Studies will be hosting a colloquium-style academic conference for graduate students in economics pursuing liberty-advancing research taking place at Chapman University in Orange, CA on July 10-13.

CfP: Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2014: The Value of Housing


Housing Studies Association Annual Conference 2014: The Value of Housing
Tuesday 15th- Thursday 17th April, University of York

CfP/J: Methods, Data, Analyses (MDA) - political science


We like to invite paper submissions to the peer reviewed journal "Methods, Data, Analyses (MDA)", a journal for survey methodology and quantitative methods 
(see www.gesis.org/mda ).

Feb 2, 2014

Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE-2014)

April 28-30, 2014, Dublin, Ireland

The IICE is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices in education. The IICE promotes collaborative excellence between academicians and professionals from Education. The aim of IICE is to provide an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields with cross-disciplinary interests to bridge the knowledge gap, promote research esteem and the evolution of pedagogy. The IICE 2014 invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design
implementation and performance evaluation. All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and modified version of selected papers will be published in special issues peer reviewed journals.

Jan 29, 2014

Newton International Fellowships, The British Academy, DL 10.03

Call for applications to Newton International Fellowships

A new round of Newton International Fellowships - an initiative to fund research collaborations and improve links between UK and overseas researchers - has now opened. The Newton International Fellowships are funded by the British Academy and the Royal Society and aim to attract the most promising early-career post-doctoral researchers from overseas in the fields of the humanities, the natural, physical and social sciences.

13 Early Stage Researcher (ESR, PhD) and 3 Experienced Researcher (ER, PostDoc) positions

open in the Marie Curie ITN project "Socio- economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe" (RegPol²) The project RegPol² coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography focusses on new patterns of regional disparities between metropolitan core regions and the remaining parts
of Central and Eastern European countries (CEE). 16 subprojects will be dealing with the socio-economic forms of regional polarisation, their wider impacts on society as well as the responses conveyed by social, economic and political actors.

CfP: Conf. 'The Business of War Photography", Durham, DL 01.03

Durham, UK, July 31 - August 1, 2014
Deadline: Mar 1, 2014

Conference: The Business of War Photography
31 July to 1 August 2014
Durham University, DLI Museum and Durham Art Gallery

Proposals are invited for the forthcoming conference The Business of War Photography: Producing and Consuming Images of Conflict, presented in association with the Centre for Arts and Visual Culture at Durham
University, in partnership with DLI Museum and Durham Art Gallery and Impressions Gallery.

CfP: Conf. 'Virtual Cultural Heritage in Ireland', Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, February 27 - 28, 2014

Deadline: Jan 30, 2014

Call for papers

Virtual Cultural Heritage in Ireland
The State-of the Art and Visions for the Future
A Workshop for Cultural Heritage Professionals, Industry, Researchers and Funders

CfP: "Analytical Politics: Theoretical Models and Empirical Inference"

"Analytical Politics: Theoretical Models and Empirical Inference" at the 2014 ECPR General Conference in Glasgow (3-6-September) . We are particularly interested in paper and panel proposals that focus on key
issues in analytical politics in the following areas: government formation and coalition politics, legislative politics, models of electoral choice, computer simulations, experiments, international relations and quantitative methods. A detailed description of this section is provided below. The deadline for paper and panel
submissions is February 15th. Please note that full papers must be included in your submission. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

CfP: Eclectic meanings of party membership in Southeastern Europe

SCOPE International conference of Political Research, Department of Political Science, University of Bucharest, 27-29 June 2014 
(www.scienceofpolit ics.eu http://www.scienceo fpolitics. eu/) 

The literature on post-communist parties highlighted the ab origine disenchantment with politics (either in terms of identification or membership) and a drastic decline in the electoral turnout. In parallel, parties seemed to have, more or less voluntarily, downgraded their classic expressive and representative functions (Van Biezen et al. 2012) and cemented, as in the Western democracies&# 39; case, their bond to the State and their role as governing agencies. Still, far from being uniform, the configuration of party grassroots in post-communist Europe testifies to a plurality of anatomies and various meanings of party membership roles (Spirova 2005, Ionascu and Soare 2012). Besides, the enrolment figures, the various organisational arrangements unveil various definitions of party members: their codification according to party laws, parties' statutes, etc. 

Jan 28, 2014

Postdoc, Russian and East European Studies, 2014-15, DL ASAP

The Israeli Inter-University Academic Partnership in Russian and East European Studies is offering a small number of highly competitive postdoctoral fellowships in the field of Russian and East European Studies for the 2014-2015 academic year. These fellowships are offered to researchers across all disciplines in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, broadly defined, and will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence. Postdoctoral fellowships are offered to young scholars who have received their PhD degree no earlier than 2009 and no later than June 2014. The fellows will be selected by an international academic committee and then placed in one of the partner universities: Bar-Ilan University, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa.

Postdoc, UNECE/European Commission project: Active Ageing Index

Please see the link below for an exciting Research Fellow opportunity to work in the new UNECE/European Commission project: Active Ageing Index: Second Phase (AAI-II). The Research Fellow will work under the
supervision of Asghar Zaidi, and he/she will be responsible for the statistical analysis of large and complex survey datasets including the EU-LFS, the EU-SILC and the EQLS. The post will be based at the Centre for Research on Ageing, Social Sciences, University of Southampton.

CfP/J: Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy, Issue 2, DL 25th of April 2014

The Center for European Dialogue and Cultural Diplomacy announces the call for the second issue of the Journal of Global Politics and Current Diplomacy.

JGPCD has the following structure:

I. Global and European Politics
II. Current Diplomacy
III. Reviews
a. Books
b. Movies

CfP: Applied Modern Languages at Lumina - University of South-East Europe

The program of Applied Modern Languages at Lumina - University of South-East Europe was created with the aim to circulate, cross and encourage exchanges between the Western cultural and linguistic space, represented by the English and French languages, on the one hand, and the emerging South - Eastern European space, on the border between continents and cultures. It is this positioning, between the East and the West, between the North and the South, between religions that represents the hallmark of our program, open to students from all over
the world. Out approach is supported by the Enlightenment paradigm that has been encouraging us for nearly two centuries and a half to venture out.

International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) Fellowships,

Call for applications: IFABS 2014 Fellowships

The International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS) is delighted to announce its call for applications for the IFABS 2014
Fellowships www.ifabs.org

The objective of this program is to foster close collaboration between emerging fellows and senior researchers, of which IFABS coordinates to create a stimulating and professional research environment.

CfA: Consultant studiu Profilul expertului roman activ in domeniul dezvoltarii internationale

ARCADIA angajeaza Consultant intocmire studiu in cadrul proiectului "Formarea tinerilor experti romani in domeniul dezvoltarii internationale" 

Despre proiect: Proiectul "Formarea tinerilor experti romani in domeniul dezvoltarii internationale" se desfasoara in perioada decembrie 2013- noiembrie 2014 la nivel national si isi propune sa contribuie la formarea de resurse umane specializate in politica de cooperare internationala pentru dezvoltare raspunzand nevoilor de orientare in cariera si de perfectionare academica a studentilor interesati de acest domeniu. Proiectul este finantat de catre Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, din bugetul de Asistenta Oficiala pentru Dezvoltare implementat in Romania in parteneriat cu Programul Natiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare - Biroul Regional din Bratislava. 

CfP: 3rd MoFiR workshop on banking, Ancona, DL 31.01

Please find below the Call for Papers for the upcoming 3rd MoFiR workshop on banking, organized by the Money and Finance Research group (MoFiR) and sponsored by the Review of Finance.

PhD and MRes Studentships 2014-15 at University of Ulster

The University invites applications for admission to full-time research studies commencing in September 2014. Studentships will be available for selected applicants*. 

Research supervision leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is offered in the following Research Institutes: 
Science, Engineering and Information Technology 
Biomedical Sciences, Built Environment, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Nursing and Health Research, Psychology 

CfP/J: Special issue on governance and risk in banking, Journal of Economics and Business Special Issue

Editor: Jens Hagendorff, University of Edinburgh

The Journal of Economics and Business invites submission of papers that deal with topics related to governance and risk in banking.

OVERVIEW: The financial crisis that started in 2007 has brought issues relating to corporate governance and risk-taking in the banking industry to the attention of researchers, policymakers and the wider public. Banking is increasingly becoming an industry with separate corporate governance standards from other industries. In the UK, a review conducted by Sir David Walker has made recommendations on board arrangements and the qualifications of board members as well as on the compensation arrangements of UK financial firms. Similarly, the Netherlands has had a Banking Code in place since 2010 that contains guidelines on the make-up of bank boards, including the qualification and training of board members and their remuneration. Additionally, US
compensation guidelines for CEOs and other senior executives at large banks come close to dictating compensation structures in banking. Consequently, we solicit papers that are in any area of governance and risk in the banking industry.

Appel à candidature I Call for artist residency : École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, Québec

École de danse contemporaine de Montréal, Québec,

Appel à résidence - Deadline 15 mars 2014

Reconnue pour la rigueur de la formation offerte à ses étudiants, l’École de danse contemporaine de Montréal (EDCM) forme des danseurs-interprètes professionnels et polyvalents, par un enseignement de qualité et des outils de développement technique, artistique et personnel, afin de leur ouvrir une carrière dans le monde actuel de la danse contemporaine. Fondée en 1981, l’École est affiliée au Cégep du Vieux Montréal et est accrédité par le ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec. L’EDCM est également subventionnée par Patrimoine canadien.

Jan 27, 2014

PhD, Network science, Northeastern U, Boston, DL 01.03.2014

We expect applications from talented students from around the world with strong interdisciplinary interests. Application materials include: transcript(s) , a personal statement, three letters of reference, general GRE scores, and TOEFL in the case of international applicants (a minimum score of 100 is required). We offer a generous complete package for the first year that includes a full tuition waiver, full medical coverage and a competitive yearly stipend as long as the student remains in good standing at the end of the academic year.

PhD, Finance, University of Sussex, Department of Business & Ma

University of Sussex, Department of Business & Management
Ph.D Research Studentships in Finance

The Department of Business & Management is delighted to offer up to 6 Research Studentships with effect from September 2014 to highly-qualified candidates who have been accepted to study for a Ph.D in Finance (depending on methodology, candidates for Accounting topics may study for a PhD in Finance or a PhD in Management).

CfA: 2-week "International Mini-MST Certificate Program", Summer 201

Greetings from Pittsburg State University!

Do you have students interested in technology, engineering, electronics, manufacturing, automotive, construction, plastics, graphic design, or workforce learning? Do you have students looking for a short-term,
2-week study abroad experience this summer? We have the program for you!

Pittsburg State University's *College of Technology* is excited to host the *International Mini-MST Certificate Program* which is a great introduction to/Master of Science in Technology/. The Mini-MST Program
will be held this summer on *July 14-25, 2014*. This program is uniquely designed to accommodate the international learner and introduce the U.S. industrial, engineering, and technological environment presented by the faculty of PSU award-winning and nationally recognized College of Technology. This program includes both on-campus classes in the state-of-the- art *Kansas Technology Center* and off-campus field trips.

CfP: 23nd World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association


The 23nd World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (IMDA) will be held at ATILIM UNIVERSITY in Ankara, Turkey, between June 24-28, 2014. For papers in the area of "Global Economics, Taxation, and Public Finance" , please send your abstract or full paper to Dr. Erdal Atukeren (
erdal.atukeren@ bsl-lausanne. ch ) with a cc to Dr. Anand Krishnamoorthy  ( akrishnamoorthy@ troy.edu ) and Dr. Talha D. Harcar ( tdh13@psu.edu ) by 31.03.2014. See www.imda.cc for details.

CfP: Annual Conference of the Commission on Urban Anthropology

Annual Conference of the Commission on Urban Anthropology [CUA-IUAES] 
Title: Dreamed/planned cities and experienced cities 
Venue & Date: University Jean Monnet, St Etienne, France, 8-11 July 2014 

Call for Workshops 

Nowadays, there is a growing interest among anthropologists to do urban research that looks at both the government of the city and the  dwellers' representations of the city (Lefebvre). Many ethnographies 
have thus focused, on the one hand, on urban policies and, on the other hand, on social practices. The Urban Anthropology Series - published by Ashgate - and the works published in the Journal Urbanities are good examples of this growing trend among anthropologists, which is consistent with the major transformation of 
cities around the world: gentrification, competition between cities, urban sprawl, mobility, heritagization, etc.. Urbanity is paradoxically claimed as one of the main attributes of Modernity at a time when cities are diluting and disseminating.