The topic dealt with is that of Human Rights and the protection of such rights on the European and International plane. There will be 30 hours of lectures aimed at studying the relevant areas of law.
General information
The summer school takes place during the month of July in the prestigious "Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro" situated in Bertinoro’s citadel. It is co-organised by CIRDCE (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerche sul Diritto delle Comunità Europee), the Robert Schuman University of Strasbourg, and King’s College London.
Main topics: EU Law and International Law (relating to Human Rights)
The course consists of 30 hours of lectures and/or seminars held in English and French which take place from 09.00-13.00 hrs and 15.00-17.00 hrs each day. This full immersion course, enhanced by the academic infrastructure available at Bertinoro, helps to stimulate student participation whilst simultaneously ensuring a high level of concentration is maintained.
Target group
Students should be competent in both French and English. The course is open to graduate and undergraduate students alike. Candidates currently enrolled on a degree course or who have graduated in an area related to the subject-matter of the summer school shall be given priority.
Admission and fee
Fees: €250,00 for PHD students; €150,00 for undergraduate students; €75,00 for Robert Schuman and King’s College students.
Admission: Applications should be made on a "blank form" and should include the following details: Name; Surname; Email; any Certificates or personal statements proving the linguistic abilities required (language school attendances, studies abroad etc.); CV. Applications must be sent by post to:
Mr. Stephen Curzon
CIRDCE, Istituto Giuridico A. Cicu,
Via Zamboni 27/29, 40126 Bologna (Italy), or hand delivered (from Monday to Friday, 10.00am-2.00pm) to
Ms. Silvia Dalla
CIRDCE, Viale Filopanti 9, Bologna (Italy).
You are also requested to inform us of your application by emailing:
Applications must be received by the 20th of May.
Scholarships opportunities
None available at present
Credits and valutation
Students enrolled at the School of Law (Facoltà di Giurisprudenza) will be awarded with 3 "credits" (crediti formativi) following the successful completion of a multiple choice test.
Accommodation and meals
Fees include registration, course materials, 5 night accommodation in a double room (Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro), breakfast, coffee breaks and lunch. As regards dinner this is at the expense of the students.
Social programme
Local excursions can be suggested by the tutor who may also, at his discretion, organise nights out.
Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg
King's College of London
Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì
Professor in charge: Prof.ssa Lucia Serena Rossi
Facoltà di Giurisprudenza
Via Zamboni 22,
40125 Bologna.
Tutor: Stephen James Curzon
Address: Viale Diaz 26,
47838 Riccione (Rn)
tel: +39 051 2094300
website: CIRCE
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