Jan 18, 2006

Capecart4development artist exchange programme in Cameroon

CAPEC is offering a series of artists exchange programmes for art students,art teachers,artists and art reseachers who would like to experience life in an African
context/city/Village/surburb/Fondom/country.The programmes which ranges from teaching arts,learning a culture,painting the environment,doing arts with children;street children,orphans, or in the hinterlands,Visits to fondoms and interaction with local artists etc is aimed at developing partnership and innovative
project,strengthening the aspect of international and national cooperation.
CAPEC would also do placement for artists with a particular focus.

Nereus Patrick CHEO
BP 20646 Yaounde,Cameroon
Tel +237 762 89 09
Fax +237 220 90 03
Email capecam2001@yahoo.com

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