Jan 28, 2006

Free place for EVS project "On the Road for Safe Sex" in Belgium-flanders

For this message, please reply to evs@mja.be MJA (Social Youth Action) from BELGIUM-Flanders is looking for a period of 6 months for a volunteer, in the framework of Action2 of the Youth Programme. This EVS-project is open to young people from a programme-country, aged between 18 and 25 years. This means that
volunteers have to be between 18 and 25 years old at the beginning of their voluntary activity (1th of May).


The project "ON THE ROAD FOR SAFE SEX" starts from 1th of May 2006 and ends 30th of October 2006.
This project focuses mainly on health prevention for young people, but also offers the possibility for the volunteer to participate in (or help develop) other domestic and international activities and projects from MJA.
The first focus in this project is the health prevention on safe sex and prevention of diseases related to sexual intercourse, targeting on young people. This project is about health information, promotion and prevention. The volunteer gets the chance to tour around to several festivals in Belgium with the "condovan" during the summer period. Besides the safe sex-prevention, the volunteer hosted in a vacation center ('De Barkentijn') in which children vacations are being organized, mainly during school vacations. Helping at 'De Barkentijn' means being a part of the local team, helping with the practical arrangements and doing educational work (animation) for the children who spend their holiday there.
We still want to apply for the deadline of the 1th of February, so if you are interested, please read further information and react as soon as possible.
If you are interested, please read carefully all the information on
Candidates from all youth programme countries can candidate for this EVS-project by filling out the form that is available in this website. To know more about the hosting organization, you can visit www.mja-english.be or call +32 2 515 04 67

Jan Van Hove,
EVS Coordinator in MJA

[sursa euproject]