May 19, 2006

5th Hanseatic Baltic Summer School -- 27 August - 1 September 2006

Europe in the International Security Order: Concepts, Issues, and Trends In cooperation with the Centre for European Peace and Security Studies (ZEUS) Sponsored by the Edmund Siemers-Foundation

12 April 2006: Call for Application starts. Closing date: 3 July 2006.

The summer school covers the following topics: models for the CFSP, ESDP, transatlantic relations, EU and NATO, OSCE, terrorism, Europe and Middle East peace process, relations with eastern Europe etc. The Summer School is open to researchers and advanced students who are working in the social sciences (economics and political science) and law. Preference will be given to students at the end of their studies or beginning of their PhD.

[sursa romstudyabroad]