May 18, 2006


May 17-21, 2006, Wendesday-Sunday, Ankara

Why A Meeting Against Homophobia?

We encounter homophobic attitudes and behaviors in all areas of our daily lives. We are exposed to discrimination because of our sexual orientation. When we cannot resist homophobia, we foster our worries and anger, directing them towards ourselves and the people around us. But that is the last thing to be desired!

We would like to make it known that homophobia is not only an issue concerning gays & lesbians but also heterosexual women and men.

We would like to exchange our ideas about the issue of how homosexuals and heterosexuals can be liberated together.

We are well aware of the fact that homophobia is a global affair. Based on this fact, we would like to learn and share the anti-homophobic experiences of gays and lesbians from the Balkans, the Middle East, Europe, and all other parts of the world.

We are looking for solutions to our problems. We would like to share the solutions we have found as well as to create the material and intellectual means for acting together when necessary.

We would like to do these together and in an interactive way.

We would also like to meet new people, share our thoughts, lessen our anxieties and feel more relaxed.

Not a crime, not a sin, not a disorder; Cheers for gay and lesbian love!

Kaos GL

Kaos Gay and Lesbian Cultural Research and Solidarity Association

Address: Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvari 29/12, Kizilay-Ankara, Turkey

Phone&Fax: +90 312. 230 0358 E-mail:

Venue: Ekin Sanat Merkezi, Menekse-1 Street, No:8/E, Kizilay, Ankara

Saturday, May 20, 2006, DAY FOUR


Moderator: Kursad KAHRAMANOGLU

First Session: 09:30 – 11:00

The Gay and Lesbian Rights Policies of Norway

Anette TRETTEBERGSTUEN, Arbeiderpartiet / Labor Party MP, Norway

Present Focus of the Work of LBL

Martin CHRISTENSEN, LBL International / The Danish National Gay and Lesbian Organization, Denmark

In my presentation I will give a brief overview of the history of LBL and the gay and lesbian movement in Denmark since 1948, but the focus will be on the organization's present work for the liberation at all level in society of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. The general aim is enhanced through a work program containing specific tasks in these areas: Education and research, Culture, Library and archive, Counseling services, Hiv and aids, Family (partnership/marriage, adoption, parenthood), Artificial insemination, Labor market, Handicap, International politic, Asylum and integration, Church, Publicity and Organisational development.

At the moment the focus is on lobbying for the introduction of full marriage and the right to be married in the church, adoption and insemination of lesbians and single women. Also that attitude towards gays and lesbians at the workplace is in the center of LBL's work.

LBL'nin Güncel Ýlgi Alanlarý

Martin K.I. CHRISTENSEN, LBL International / Uluslararasý LBL Örgütü, Danimarka

Sunumumda, LBL'nin geçmiþi ve Danimarka'da 1948 yýlýndan beri yürütülen gey ve lezbiyen hareketi hakkýnda kýsa bir özet vereceðim, ancak asýl konumu örgütün gey erkek, lezbiyen ve biseksüel topluluðunun tüm katmanlarý için günümüzde yürüttüðü çalýþmalar oluþturacak.

Örgütün genel amacýnýn ayrýntýlarýný, þu alanlarda gerçekleþtirilen özel görevlerden oluþan bir program belirlemektedir: Eðitim ve araþtýrmalar, Kültür, Kütüphane ve arþiv, Rehberlik servisleri, Hiv ve aids, Aile (partnerlik/evlilik, evlat edinme, ebeveynlik), Yapay döllenme, Ýþ piyasasý, Bedensel engeller, Uluslar arasý politika,
Sýðýnma ve uyum, Kilise, Tanýtým ve Örgütsel geliþim.

Þu anda temel ilgi alanlarýný, eþit haklarla evlenme, kilisede evlenebilme hakký, evlat edinme ve lezbiyenlerin ve bekar kadýnlarýn yapay döllenme yoluyla çocuk sahibi olmalarý oluþturuyor. Bunun yanýnda, LBL'nin çalýþtýðý konular arasýnda iþyerinde gey ve lezbiyenlere karþý tutumlar da bulunmakta.

ILGA Europe and Hosi Wien's Methods and Strategies Against Homophobia: How can a relationship, cooperation be established with EU so as to struggle against homophobia?

Kurt KRICKLER, ILGA-Europe, HOSI Wien, Austria

The United Nations and the Advancement of LGBT Rights

John FISHER, ARC International, Switzerland

Engaging effectively at the UN: This is a critical time for the United Nations. Even as this Conference takes place, major reform of the UN human rights system is unfolding. Find out the latest developments, future directions for international human rights protection, and what it all means for the rights of LGBT people
around the world! This workshop will begin with a brief update on current events at the UN affecting lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people. Strategies and options for advancing our rights will be outlined, followed by a discussion about how we can work effectively together to advance our rights - both at the UN and in
countries around the world.

Birleþmiþ Milletler ve LGBT Haklarýnýn Geliþimi

John FISHER, ARC International, Ýsviçre

Birleþmiþ Milletler'de etkili bir þekilde yer almak: Bu BM için kritik bir dönem. Bu konferans yapýlýrken Birleþmiþ Milletler insan haklarý sisteminde büyük reform yapýlýyor. En son geliþmeleri, gelecekte uluslararasý insan haklarýný korumaya yönelik direktifleri ve bütün bunlarýn tüm dünyadaki LGBT insanlar için ne anlama

Bu sunum, BM'deki þu anda LGBT nsanlarýn durumunu anlatan kýsa bir ekleme ile baþlayacak. Haklarýmýzýn geliþimi için kullanýlacak stratejilerin ve seçeneklerin ne olduðunun altý çizilecek. Tartýþma: Haklarýmýzý geliþtirmek için beraber, nasýl etkili çalýþabiliriz, BM'de ve dünyanýn her ülkesinde...

Coffee Break: 11:00 – 11:15

Second Session: 11:15 – 12:45

Homophobia: Legal and Social Change in the United Kingdom

Michael UPTON, Social Anthropology, Manchester Univeristy, UK

From De-Criminalization to Same-Sex Marriage: The LGBT Rights Movement in Canada

Karen BUSBY, Professor of Law, University of Manitoba, Canada

Human rights laws prohibiting discrimination based on "sexual orientation" in employment, housing and services in both the public and private sectors have been passed at all of the provincial (state) levels of government and at the national (federal) level in Canada. The Canadian Charter of Rights (which was passed in 1982) provides that courts can strike down laws that deny equality. Many
laws, including those restricting gays and lesbians in military service, denying government benefits to same-sex couples, prohibiting gay and lesbian couples from adoption, and restricting marriage to opposite sex-couples have been struck down as
unconstitutional. Little, if any, legal discrimination against gays and lesbians continues to exist in Canada. Professor Busby's presentation will focus on: what strategies did we use to get to this place? If there is time she will also consider: do the reformed laws work? and what challenges still exist?

Karen Busby has been a lawyer, researcher and social activist in the Canadian feminist and LGBT movements since 1982. She became a Professor of Law at the University of Manitoba in 1988. She has worked on many court cases and law reform projects including topics such as sexual and domestic violence, obscenity law, human rights laws, same-sex relationship recognition and marriage, adoption, and
the rights for transgendered and transsexual people. Currently she is on the board of Egale Canada, the largest LGBT organization in Canada.

Yasallaþma Sürecinden Eþcinsel Evliliðine: Kanada'daki LGBT Haklarý Hareketi

Karen BUSBY, Hukukçu, Manitoba Üniversitesi, Kanada

Çalýþma, barýnma ve gerek kamu gerekse özel sektörde hizmet alanlarýnda "cinsel yönelim" temelinde ayrýmcýlýk yapmayý yasaklayan insan haklarý yasalarý Kanada'daki tüm yerel ve federal devlet katmanlarýndaki organlarca kabul edilmiþ durumda. 1982 yýlýnda kabul edilen Kanada Hak ve Özgürlükler Beyannamesi ülkedeki mahkemelerin,
eþitlik hakkýný yok sayan yasalarý kaldýrabilmesini olasý kýlmaktadýr. Gey ve lezbiyenlerin orduda görev yapmalarýný kýsýtlayan, eþcinsel çiftlere devlet yardýmý yapýlmasýný engelleyen, eþcinsel çiftlerin evlat edinmesini yasaklayan ve evlenmeyi yalnýzca heteroseksüel kiþilerle sýnýrlayan yasalar da dahil olmak üzere pek çok yasa, anayasaya ters düþtükleri için kaldýrýldý. Kanada'da gey ve lezbiyenlere karþý neredeyse hiçbir yasal ayrýmcýlýk kalmamýþtýr.

Profesör Busby'nin sunumu, þu nokta üstünde duracaktýr: Bu duruma ulaþmak için ne tür stratejiler uyguladýk? Eðer zaman kalýrsa, iyileþtirilmiþ yasalarýn iþe yarayýp yaramadýðý ve halen ne gibi zorluklarla karþýlaþýldýðý ile ilgili de konuþacaktýr.

Karen Busby, 1982'den beri avukat, araþtýrmacý ve Kanada'daki feminist ve LGBT hareketlerinde toplumsal aktivist olarak çalýþmýþtýr. 1988 yýlýnda Manitoba Üniversitesi'nde Hukuk Profesörü olmuþtur. Arasýnda cinsel ve aile içi þiddet, müstehcenlik yasasý, insan haklarý yasalarý, eþcinsel iliþkilerinin ve evliliðinin
tanýnmasý, evlat edinme ve cinsiyet deðiþtiren ya da deðiþtirmek isteyen (transgender ve transeksüel) kiþilerin haklarý da bulunan konularla ilgili pek çok yasa reformu projelerinde ve davalarda çalýþmýþtýr. Halen Kanada'nýn en büyük LGBT organizasyonu olan Egale Canada'nýn yönetim kurulunda yer almaktadýr.

The Discrepancy Between the Legal Equity for Gays and Lesbians in the Netherlands and their Social Integration

Gert HEKMA, University of Amsterdam, Sociology, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Netherlands

The Dutch have reached the pinnacle of gay emancipation in a legal sense. There are no laws any longer that discriminate against gays and lesbians. Since 1974, gays and lesbians are allowed in the army (that has diversity policy for ethnic minorities, women and queers), since 1993 the Dutch have an Equal Rights Law for the same groups
and since 2001 marriage is open for same-sex couples (including adoption). The legal picture is rosy, but the social climate is more difficult. As everywhere else in this world, heterosexuality remains the norm notwithstanding tolerance for gays and lesbians, and queers remain a privatized marginal minority. Most people, straight and gay, consider that homosexual emancipation has reached its aims and the gay and lesbian movement can close its doors. Notwithstanding this optimistic perspective, verbal and physical violence remains common in streets, in schools, at the workplace, and still many homosexuals prefer to remain in the closet. No enduring endeavour is undertaken to engrain the tenets of homosexual emancipation in Dutch
society by sex education, or supporting the sexual citizenship of gays and lesbians. Policies to go beyond sexual or gender dichotomies, as proposed in the 1960s, have been forgotten. Attitudes have become indifferent, and few people realize the
necessity to continue the struggle for sexual liberalization of Dutch (and now also European) society.

Hollanda'da Eþcinsellerin Elde Ettikleri Yasal Eþitlik ile Toplumla Bütünleþme Düzeyleri Arasýndaki Çeliþki

Gert HEKMA, Amsterdam Üniversitesi, Toplumbilim, Gey ve Lezbiyen Çalýþmalarý, Hollanda

Hollandalýlar, yasal açýdan eþcinsel özgürleþmesinin zirvesine ulaþmýþ durumdalar. Gey ve lezbiyenlere karþý ayrýmcýlýk uygulayan hiçbir yasa bulunmamakta. 1974'den beri, gey ve lezbiyenler orduda görev yapabilmektedir; silahlý kuvvetlerin etnik azýnlýklar, kadýnlar ve eþcinsellere yönelik bir çoðulculuk politikasý
bulunmakta. 1993 yýlýndan beridir de, Hollanda devleti bu gruplar için Eþit Haklar Yasasý'ný uygulamaktadýr, ve 2001'den bu yana ayný cinsten çiftlere evlenme ve evlat edinme olanaklarý tanýnmaktadýr. Yasal görünüm tozpembe olsa da, toplumsal ortam daha çetrefilli bir durumdadýr. Geyler ve lezbiyenlere gösterilen hoþgörüye raðmen,
dünyanýn diðer her yerinde olduðu gibi, Hollanda`da da heteroseksüellik normu oluþturmaktadýr, ve eþcinseller özelleþmiþ, marjinal bir azýnlýk durumundadýr. Gerek düzcinsel gerekse eþcinsel pek çok kiþi, eþcinsel özgürleþmenin amacýna ulaþtýðýna, ve artýk gey ve lezbiyen hareketi için kepenkleri indirme vaktinin geldiðine
inanmaktadýr. Bu iyimser bakýþ açýsýna raðmen, sözlü ve bedensel þiddet sokaklarda, okullarda, iþyerinde yaygýn olarak sürdürülmekte ve hala pek çok eþcinsel kimliðini gizlemek yolunu seçmektedir. Cinsel eðitim verme yada gey ve lezbiyenlerin cinsel yurttaþlýk haklarýný destekleme yoluyla, eþcinsellerin özgürleþmesine ait ilkelerin Hollanda toplumu tarafýndan derinden benimsenmesine yönelik hiçbir kalýcý çaba harcanmamaktadýr. 1960larda önerildiði gibi, cinsellik ve cinsiyet ikiliklerini aþmayý amaçlayan politikalar unutulup gitmiþtir. Tutumlar kayýtsýzlýða dönüþmüþtür,
ve Hollanda (ve artýk Avrupa) toplumunun cinsel özgürleþmesi için mücadeleye devam etme gerekliliðini çok az kiþi fark etmektedir.

Coffee Break: 12:45 – 13:00

Third Session: 13:00 – 14:30

Lesbian Visibility

Inge-Lise PAULSEN, LBL / Vice chairman of LBL International / The Danish National Gay and Lesbian Organization, Denmark

It is my firm belief that a lot can be gained from cooperation between lesbians and gay men. But cooperation is by no means a simple strategy.

Lesbians and gay men may work towards the same goals. But because of gender differences, our social conditions, cultures and ways of thinking are very different.

Lesbians are also women. So lesbians have to fight on two fronts – against homophobia and against sexism. Consequently, the problems of lesbians are a lot more complex – and difficult to combat – than those of gay men or heterosexual women. On top of that, cooperation between lesbians and others becomes difficult, because our allies will also, from time to time, be our opponents.

How do we in the lesbian and gay community handle this challenge?

The thoughts and ideas for my presentation are based on my experiences as lecturer of women's studies at the University of Odense and from 20 years of activism as a lesbian and a feminist in LBL (The Danish National Organisation for Gays and Lesbians), in ILGA (including the Women's Secretariat in the mid 1990's) and as co-
author of the EU-funded report "Lesbian Visibility" from 1994.

Lezbiyen Görünürlüðü

Inge-Lise Paulsen, Uluslararasý LBL Örgütü'nün Baþkan Yardýmcýsý, Danimarka

Lezbiyenlerle gey erkeklerin iþbirliðinden kazanýlacak çok þey olduðuna inanýyorum, ancak bu iþbirliði basit bir strateji birliði anlamýna gelmemektedir. Lezbiyenler ve geyler ayný amaca yönelik olarak çalýþabilirler. Fakat, aramýzdaki cinsiyet farklýlýklarý yüzünden, içinde bulunduðumuz toplumsal durumlar, kültürler ve sahip
olduðumuz düþünme biçimlerimiz oldukça farklýlýk gösterir. Lezbiyenler ayný zamanda kadýndýrlar. Bu demektir ki, lezbiyenler iki cephede birden savaþmak zorundadýr: homofobiye ve cinsiyetçiliðe karþý. Sonuç olarak, lezbiyenlerin sorunlarý, gey erkekler ve Heteroseksüel kadýnlarýn karþýlaþtýklarýna göre çok daha karmaþýk ve
savaþýlmasý daha zordur. Dahasý, lezbiyenlerle diðerlerinin iþbirliði zora da girmektedir, çünkü ittifak ettiklerimiz zaman zaman karþýtlarýmýz da olabilmektedir.

Peki lezbiyen ve gey topluluklarýnda bu zorlukla nasýl baþedebiliriz?

Sunumumda ele alacaðým düþünceler, Odense Ünivsersitesi'nde Kadýn Çalýþmalarý alanýnda verdiðim derslerde elde ettiðim deneyimlere ve LBL'deki (Danimarka'nýn Ulusal Gey ve Lezbiyen Örgütü) 20 yýllýk lezbiyen ve feminist aktivist geçmiþime dayanmaktadýr; bunun yaný sýra, ILGA (90'lý yýllarýn ortalarýnda Kadýn Grubu Sekreterliði de dahil olmak üzere) örgütünde çalýþmýþ bir kiþi ve 1994 yýlýnda AB
tarafýndan finanse edilen "Lezbiyen Görünürlüðü" baþlýklý raporun yazarlarýndan biri olarak da görüþlerimi bildireceðim.

The Sociocultural and Political Progress of the Macedonian LGBT Community

Aleksandar ANDREEV, EGAL/Equality for Gays and Lesbians, Macedonia Info on EGAL (short bio/history). Past, current, and future projects of EGAL, mission and strategy. Short info on other LGBT organizations in Macedonia – their work so far as well as which areas they are working on. Short history of the Macedonian LGBT
community. Social, cultural, political and legal overview of the current situation which the Macedonian LGBT community is living with. Problems that the LGBT population in Macedonia is currently facing. Homophobic attacks/molestations; discrimination cases etc. The feelings Macedonian LGBT have about the LGBT communities and societies in their neighboring countries.

Makedonya LGBT Toplumunun Sosyo-Kültürel ve Politik Seyri

Aleksandar ANDREEV, EGAL (Gey ve Lezbiyenler için Eþitlik), Makedonya

EGAL'in hakkýnda kýsa tanýtým. EGAL'in yapmýþ olduðu, halen devam eden ve gelecekteki projelerinin, misyonlarýnýn ve stratejilerinin özeti. Makedonya'daki diðer LGBT organizasyonlar üstüne tanýtýcý bilgi; þu ana kadar yapmýþ olduklarý çalýþmalar ve çalýþma alanlarý. Makedonyalý LGBT topluluðunun içinde yaþadýðý durumun toplumsal, kültürel, politik ve yasal açýlardan deðerlendirilmesi. Makedonya'da LGBT topluluðunun halen karþýlaþmakta olduðu sorunlar: homofobik
saldýrýlar/tacizler, ayrýmcýlýk vakalarý, vs. Ülkedeki LGBT'lerin, komþu ülkelerin LGBT topluluklarý hakkýnda düþünceleri.

Is Homophobia Politically and Socially Correct in Poland? Development of the Polish LGBT Movement

Mike URBANIAK, President of the Culture for Tolerance Foundation, Poland


18:45 – 20:15, Ekin Sanat Merkezi

Lesbian and Bisexual Women Discuss Homophobia

Moderator: Burcu ERSOY

With participating of Inge-Lise PAULSEN and Anette TRETTEBERGSTUEN

Only open to the participation of women; closed to the press and men.

Friday, May 19, 2006, DAY THREE


09:30 – 11:00, Ekin Sanat Merkezi

Tactics and Failures: The Representative of Gays and Lesbians in the Scandinavian Media

Jon Martin LARSEN, Journalist, "Dagsavisen", Norway


14:00 – 16:00, Ekin Sanat Merkezi

The Challenge of Diversity in the Netherlands

André van HOUWELINGEN, Psychologist, The Netherlands


18:45 – 20:30, Ekin Sanat Merkezi

An Introduction to Queer Mutiny Bristol: Who we are and what we do?

Michael UPTON, Queer Mutiny Bristol, United Kingdom

[sursa eurostudyabroad]