Feb 4, 2007

CfP: CEU Political Science Journal - dead-line: March 15

CEU Political Science Journal
Vol. 2, No. 2, April 2007

Nationalism and International Relations after the Collapse of Communism

The “CEU Political Science Journal” is an online and printed periodical that emerged in the academic community of Central European University, Budapest. Its main goal is to promote research of young scholars from Central and Eastern Europe, but valuable contributions from all over the world are welcomed.

The Journal accepts now submissions for its second issue of volume two (2007). The theme of this issue is “Nationalism and International Relations after the Collapse of Communism”. Given the increasing interdependence generated both by globalization and the EU integration, nationalism and its political manifestations does not have only national implications but also cross-national and international. The events that followed the extreme-right parties parliamentary success in Austria, Belgium, France and the Netherlands is only an example of the implications that go beyond nation borders of nationalism.

This theme is broadly conceived so that a variety of approaches and subjects fit in. Papers may approach the new challenges for the EU 27, recent developments in the international system, or national and international organizations facing nationalism. Contributions on the largely unexplored relationship between ultra-nationalism/ right-wing extremism and international relations are particularly welcome.

The Journal contains a special “Work in Progress” section presenting research still to be finished and PhD research proposals. A section on book reviews introduces relevant books in political science and related fields. For further information, see www.personal. ceu.hu/PolSciJou rnal or contact the editors directly (e-mail addresses at the Editorial Board section of the website).

Deadline: March 15, 2007
E-mail: ceu_polsci@yahoo. com

CEU Political Science Journal. The Graduate Student Review,
www.personal. ceu.hu/PolSciJou rnal

[sursa euroconferinte]