Feb 13, 2007

Course in Leadership, Lucca Leadership Trust

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Abul Lais Foundation would like to bring to your attention a great opportunity for future Transformation Leaders. This is a once in a lifetime course organised by the Lucca Leadership Trust here in UK.

Lucca Leadership runs week long courses in transformational leadership which enable young people of all nationalities and backgrounds to discover their purpose, clarify their vision and develop the skills needed to make change happen for the benefit of
their communities, nations and ultimately humanity itself.

Lucca Leadership is a global organisation, headquartered in London and registered as a UK charity. The centre for the leadership development experiences is in Lucca, Italy, but affiliated Lucca Leadership charities also run courses in Australia, Ireland, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Lucca Leadership believes that real transformation happens when people see unity not division, and learn to co-operate rather than just to compete. Their courses make this ideal of finding unity practical by providing tools for increased levels of awareness, ethical decision making and dialogue, as well as developing the skills required to lead effective change.

Bursaries are available and the trip would be all inclusive.

Please visit their site http://www.luccalea dership.org/ and apply for the Leadership Foundation Course on
http://www.luccalea dership.org/ apply/applicatio n

Application deadline is on the 15th of April 2007. Please do not be alarmed by the questions it is not as difficult as it seems to be selected. Mention "The Abul Lais Foundation" where it says How Did You Hear About Us? Good Luck!!!

The Abul Lais Foundation

[sursa romstudyabroad]