This is an open invitation to Knowledgelab 4 - an alternative gathering for those interested in exploring political, philosophical and practical solutions to the problems we see around us today. We are seeking interested people from all walks of life to participate in a weekend packed with practical workshops, discussions and investigations. The topic this time round is 'How do we Know?', so discussions are focussed around questions concerning how our minds react to our understanding of the world.
There is a timetable for the weekend here: http://www.knowledg uk/wiki/Prelimin ary_Timetable
Knowledgelab has similarities to a conference but there is a strong emphasis on non-hierarchical participation and collaborative contribution. Each Knowledgelab has a significant part devoted to re-developing methodologies for interaction so that we as a group constantly re-asses how to optimise our creative and collaborative potential.
'How do we know?' is being held over the weekend of 16th-18th February in the Portland Building of Nottingham University. Workshops are spread across Saturday and Sunday. Accomodation is available for those coming from outside of town.
On Sunday afternoon we will be joined by the Nottingham Student Peace Movement for their annual Peace Conference.
Here are a few of the workshops which are planned, just to get your thought-buds flowing:
* Feeling Media - How are our senses affected by advertising and the media?
* Gender and suppressed knowledge - How can suppressed knowledge be released into the mainstream?
* Radical Music - Take along some music which moved you to think a different way. We'll play some tunes and talk
* Invisible Aesthetics - A talk about the meaning(s) of 'co-artists' (rather than artists/audience) and a look at the reasons why some artists lie about not being artists.
* V3 Wind Turbine workshop - Find out how to make your own wind turbine
Read all about it in the original call-out here: http://www.knowledg uk/wiki/FourthKn owledgeLab and by navigating this website you can find out all about Knowledgelab
For more information or to book a place email mrmattypants@ or rhiannonfirth@ You can also phone Matt on 07962 428 333
[sursa romstudyabroad]