May 12, 2006

International Summer Workcamps

Auzi constant ca Moldova e o tara fara
posibiliati? Asociatia de Voluntariat International vine
sa dezbata aceasta trista constatare oferindu-ti
mari oportunitati pentru vise nelimitate! AVI-Moldova
(Asociatia de Voluntariat International-Moldova ), este o
organizatie non-guvernamentala, partenerul organizatiei SCI
(Service Civil International) în Moldova. Promovînd pacea,
toleranta si activitatea de voluntar, AVI-Moldova este
furnizorul ceor mai energizante, variate si bogate experiente
traite vreodata!

SCI (Service Civil International ) este o organizatie si
miscare pacifista de nivel mondial, fondata în 1920,
cu scopul de a promova pacea si toleranta între natiuni,
voluntariatul, non-violenta ca principiu si metoda,
drepturile umane, solidaritatea, respectarea mediului
înconjurator, etc. SCI crede ca oamenii sunt capabili
sa convetuiasca în mediu de respect mutual,
fara recurgeri la acte de violenta întru
solutionarea conflictelor. Pentru a afla mai multe despre SCI
vizitati linkul

Taberele de lucru sunt adevarate aventuri! Acolo poti deveni
realmente util. Activînd în domeniul artei, istoriei, socialului,
ecologiei, etc, timp de 2-3 saptamîni, Ajuti si Te
Ajuti. Fascinant faptul ca în cadrul acestor tabere
poti cunoaste oameni noi si culturile acestora. Îti
poti face prieteni, poti învata lucruri noi, poti
calatori si poti sa te simti Voluntar!

Pentru a afla informatii despre taberele internationale
vizitati linkul

Iata cîteva propuneri pentru taberele de vara:

Ukraine - SVIT Ukraine

Begin:September 5, 2006, End: September 19, 2006

Topic: Sexuality and Gender


STRONG-EQUAL! (Berdyansk)

The camp will be held in Berdyansk city on the Azov see. Women from
small cities of Ukraine have insufficiently advanced active vital
position. The purpose of project is to raise awareness and level of
knowledge of young people on gender issues, initiate discussion on
of male and female in society. This subject does not receive enough
attention in Ukraine, and is crucially important due to changes in
society and lifestyle, cultural transformation. Target group of this
educational project is students of Berdyansk University and senior
pupils of secondary schools . The project includes preparation and
organization of educational activities at the University, and secondary

Work: elaboration and participation to seminars and discussions,
preparation and participation to information sessions with creative
elements for young people, distribution of informational materials.

Study: sessions on intercultural learning and human rights, about
history and culture of the region.

Accommodation: Volunteers will live in the student hostels on the
territory of university (beds and bed clothes are available), kitchen
and sanitation facilities are in the house. Volunteers will cook for
themselves. Bring a sleeping bag for excursions.

Number of Volunteers: 8

Switzerland - SCI Switzerland

Begin:August 20, 2006, End: September 2, 2006

Topic: Peace and disarmament


NO MORE WAR, Oberehrendingen

The military budgets are rising, new weapons are tested, foreign and
interior policy are militarised, intolerance is spreading around the
world. SCI Switzerland is offering in the frame of this study camp the
possibility to discuss new concepts of peace policy with different
perspectives and activists from different organisations. The volunteers
will live at the co-operative "Gipsgrueb" in Oberehrendingen,
near Zurich.

Work: 50% of the time helping the co-operative in helping to build a
water pipe to a biotop and cutting wood. 50% of the time is dedicatet
the study part. S. Peace Policy, antimilitarism & globalisation, Human
Rights. Meetings with different representatives of NGOs.

Accommodation: Simple, in the barn or in tents

Extra: Please write a motivation letter

Number of Volunteers: 10

Senegal - Les Ententes Senegal

Begin:July 2, 2006, End: July 26, 2006

Topic: North South solidarity


Rural village camp

The Ententes is a non-governmental association created by farmers. It
wants to be an economic alternative for its members. Its aims are: an
education work, less inequality in villages between rich and poor,
stopping the emigration to big cities. Work: workcamp of immersion in
small rural villages. Volunteers will be separated by groups of 2 or 3
persons and will be hosted in a village. They will participate to the
daily tasks of the inhabitants.

Accommodation: by host families.

Language: very good french speaking

Terminal/Region: Volunteers should arrive the 2nd of July at Dakar

Extra: 77 euros, local transport costs excluded

Number of Volunteers: 15

Important: Pentru a aplica la tabara trebuie sa va
adresati la AVI-MD, nu la organizatia la care are loc

Cei interesati sunt asteptati sa ne contacteze la

Asociatia de Voluntariat

International din Moldova

Chisinau, str. Cosmonautilor 6, of 403


tel/fax: +373 22 243 717

[sursa eurostudyabroad]