Feb 11, 2007

PhD position at University of Hamburg

Dear all,

in the group on mesoscale and microscale atmospheric modelling at University of Hamburg a new PhD position becomes available, starting April this year. Application should be sent as soon as possible, preferably before February 19 (pretty soon, I was not aware of this list up to now).

The thesis shall concentrate on developing a cost-effective method for the on-line calculation of photolysis rates in atmospheric chemistry models with consideration of the heterogeneity of meteorology (cloud distribution) .

If you want to know more about the project, look at
http://www.mi. uni-hamburg. de/Wissenschaftl iche-r-Mitarbeit er-in.5830. 0.html

You will see that the job offer and project description are in German. However, the thesis can be written in English.

Please forward this mail to anyone interested.

Looking forward to your applications, Heinke Schluenzen

Prof. Dr. K. Heinke Schluenzen e-mail: heinke.schluenzen@ zmaw.de
Meteorologisches Institut phone : +49-40-42838 5082
ZMAW, Univ. Hamburg fax: +49-40-42838 5452
Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany http://www.mi. uni-hamburg. de/memi

[sursa beasiswa]