Jan 27, 2017

CfP: 13th ESA conference, "Ageing in Europe," Athens

As many of you will know this year in August the 13th ESA conference is taking place in Athens, Greece. I want to invite and encourage you to again make the RN1 sessions as popular, stimulating and interesting as in the past.

Below you can find the call for papers for our Research Network “Ageing in Europe”, as well as the calls for 3 joint sessions organized together with other RNs.

Registration and abstract submissions can be done through the general ESA Conference Tool: https://www.conftool.pro/esa2017/

More information on the conference, the location and the complete call for papers (for all RNs) can be found here: http://esa13thconference.eu/

The deadline for submissions of abstracts is the *1st February 2017*.

*RN01 - Ageing in Europe*

*Coordinators:* Bernhard Weicht, University of Innsbruck, Austria bernhard.weicht@uibk.ac.at, Dirk Hofäcker, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany dirk.hofaecker@uni-due.de

The Research Network has been organising outstandingly successful sessions since 2001 and we thank everyone who helped to make those sessions so stimulating. At the 13th ESA conference, the Research Network will again hold sessions that focus on empirical, theoretical and conceptual aspects of ageing. In addition to the transformations taking place in contemporary Europe, societies continue to age, creating new compositions with related challenges and opportunities. In various contexts, questions about the retirement age, the organisation of care or issues related to health care have been topics of controversial debates. At the same time older persons can themselves be agents of change: as subjects of the silver economy, participants in voluntary work, or providers of support in intergenerational relations. Population ageing, however, is not a uniform
process but rather exacerbates old and creates new inequalities within and between European countries. As a consequence, international perspectives and collaborations are vital. The sessions of the RN “Ageing in Europe”
will allow the continuation of discussions and the development of new themes, based within and beyond the conference topic:

*"(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Soli-darities, Subjectivities”*. Papers are invited for the following thematic areas:

· Theories of Ageing

· Work, Retirement, Post-retirement and Voluntary Work

· Environments of Ageing, Ageing in Place

· Social Networks and Intergenerational Relations

· Health, Mortality and Quality of Life

· Religion, Spirituality and Ageing

· Ageing and Technology

· Ageing Societies and the Welfare State

· Formal and Informal Care

· Active Ageing and Social Participation

· Ageing and Sexuality

· Ageing and Migration

· Ageism, Age Discrimination and Intersectional Accounts

· Silver Economy, Senior Markets and Consumerism in Older Age

· Culture, Values and Images of Ageing

We also consider papers on the topic of “Ageing in Europe” that do not fit into any of these categories. Papers with a cross‐national, multi-national or comparative focus are particularly welcome. Submissions from early-career researchers are also encouraged.

*RN01_a: Ageing in Europe (General Session)* Specific sessions will be created from the general RN pool of abstracts.

Additionally to our own sessions we are organizing 3 joint sessions with other research networks:

*RN01_RN13: How do increasing childlessness and limited family support affect older adults? (Joint Session with RN13 Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives)*

For many older people, the family is a crucial source of social interaction and integration. In many European countries, however, we are observing a considerable and in-creasing number of people entering older adulthood who have remained childless. What consequences does this development have for the experience of ageing and what strategies do older people use in order to compensate for the lack of support from offspring? And in what ways can family policies and societies respond to these overall trends?

*RN01_RN16: European health policy and ageing societies: Challenges and opportunities (Joint Session with RN16 Sociology of Health and Illness)*

Organisers: Angela Genova (University of Urbino, Italy), Edward Tolhurst (Staffordshire University, UK)

*RN01_RN21: Advanced quantitative analysis in ageing research (Joint Session with RN21 Quantitative Methods)*

This joint symposium focuses on new or underutilized techniques applied to the study of human ageing. The focus will be on the theoretical aspects of performing analyses as well as on examples of the application of these advanced techniques. Special emphasis will be on the relation of techniques used of interviewing older respondents in large scale surveys, how to deal with longitudinal research (panel) and assessing quality of obtained data for analysis.

I hope many of you will submit their abstracts to our sessions again and I’m looking forward to meeting many of you (again) in Athens in August.

All the best!


*Bernhard Weicht*

Chair of RN1 Ageing in Europe

Department of Sociology

University of Innsbruck

Universitätsstraße 15, 2nd floor west

A-6020 Innsbruck


+ 43 (0)512-507 7302