We would like to invite paper proposals for our stream at the 15th anniversary ESPAnet conference in Lisbon, September 14th-16th, 2017. Abstracts of max. 500 words should be submitted by *March 15th, 2017*. Submission with detailed guidelines online at:http://espanetlisbon2017.eu/papers/
*Stream 10: Pension policies – challenges, reforms, outcomes*
Convenors: Susan Kuivalainen and Kati Kuitto, Finnish Centre for Pensions
Pension systems in Europe and beyond have been challenged by demographic ageing, changing labour markets and fiscal austerity. Major reforms in most countries’ pension systems have been conducted in the face of these
challenges. Some of the reforms have been systemic, changing the balance between the pillars in the pension provision architecture. Others have been parametric, adjusting existing schemes to increasing old age dependency ratio and gearing them towards postponing retirement. Pension policies have been driven by the premise of financial sustainability and fiscal constraints have become even more coercive in the aftermath of the
financial crisis of 2008. Simultaneously, concerns about the adequacy of old-age income protection have been raised. Both sustainability and adequacy have also been emphasized in the policy recommendations of the EU
and the OECD.
This stream aims at shedding light in a) the dynamics and forms of recent pension reforms, b) how to explain pension policies and certain reform paths, and c) the outcomes of pension reforms in terms of old-age income
security, retirement and equality.
We encourage contributions on (but not limited to) the following themes:
- Reforms of pension systems
- Politics and rationales of pension reforms
- Outcomes of the reforms - adequacy of pension provision, old-age income and poverty, intergenerational and gender effects
- Financial sustainability of pension schemes
- The role of the EU and other international organizations in shaping pension policies
Both case studies and comparative analyses are welcome.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions: kati.kuitto@etk.fi. More information on the conference at: http://espanetlisbon2017.eu/
Kind regards
Susan Kuivalainen and Kati Kuitto