Feb 13, 2017

CfP/J: CMM Special Issue on Computational Methods

CT&M’s journal Communication Methods and Measures invites submissions for a
special issue on computational methods. Here is the full call for papers:

For this special issue, we invite submissions that further the
understanding, development and application of computational methods in
communication research.Computational methods include (but are not limited
to) methods such as text analysis, topic modeling, social/semantic network
analysis, online experiments, machine learning, and agent-based modeling
and simulations. Computational Methods can be used to build theory about,
quantify, analyze, and visualize communication structures and processes.
Computational methods can be applied to “big data” and social media data,
but can also be used to analyse historical archives (e.g. newspaper
archives, proceedings) or to provide a more sophisticated understanding of
“small data”.

In particular, we welcome submissions on:

Innovative ways to use computational methods for communication research;
Evaluation and validation of computational approaches to studying
communication research;
Application of computational methods to answer substantive communication
research questions;

Reflections on the role of computational methods in communication research

and their link with theory;

The special issue may also include a “teacher’s corner” article with brief
descriptions of useful software packages and tools for studying
communication. Authors interested in this format are encouraged to contact
special issue co-editor Wouter van Atteveldt prior to submission.

*The deadline for submission for consideration is July 1, 2017.* Submitters
should include a statement in the cover letter that the manuscript is being
submitted for the special issue on Computational Methods. Articles will be
peer reviewed and a decision rendered within 60 days, with a target
publication date of March 2018. Instructions for authors and a description
of the online submission process can be found on the journal’s home page at


Questions about this special issue can be directed to Wouter van Atteveldt
or Winson Peng, Guest Editors, at wouter@vanatteveldt.com and