All interested researchers are invited to participate in the 5th SICS-Summer Institute in Competitive Strategy, which is scheduled to take place in July 16-20, 2007, at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a setting which enables researchers interested in competitive strategy in marketing to meet and discuss research in this area for an
extended period, exchange ideas, and engage in collaborative work.
Doctoral students: Doctoral students interested in competitive strategy are welcome, should apply to register by June 15, 2007, and if accepted do not have to pay the registration fees. Limited financial support for Doctoral students interested in attending SICS may be available upon request. Requests for financial support, with
resumé and recommendation from adviser, can be submitted to sics@haas.berkeley. edu. Researchers interested in submitting a paper to be presented at SICS should submit the paper or abstract by January 31, 2007.
http://groups. haas.berkeley. edu/marketing/ sics/announcemen t2007.htm
[sursa romstudyabroad]