Dec 21, 2006

Middle East / Palestine Scholarships

There are currently 2 student scholarships available at CMI of 25 000 NOK each for Masters' students focusing on the Middle East/Palestine conflict. The scholarships are meant to cover fieldwork expences on the West Bank and are offered in co-operation with Muwatin - the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy. Muwatin will provide office space and assistance during the fieldwork. Application
deadline: 30 January 2007.

When selecting the successful candidate, we will focus on formal qualifications, grades, project proposal and language proficiency.

For queries and additional information, please contact, head of information Ingvild Hestad (55 57 42 31) or research director Are Knudsen (55 57 42 40).

Please send your application including your CV, project proposal, university transcripts and referenecs to:

Ingvild Hestad
Chr. Michelsens Institutt (CMI),
Postboks 6033 Postterminalen,
5892 Bergen

Mark the envelope "CMI-Muwatin studentscholarship".


[sursa romstudyabroad]