Dec 27, 2006

Europe for you - Free encyclopedia of international programmes

Europe for you - Free encyclopedia of international programmes 5.000 pagines of information on culture, training, work, rights, participation and citizenship.
Bancadatigiovani presents "Europe for you": a free web-site and a free Cd-Rom frutto of the co-operation between different italian and international organizations and institutions.

The project, a sort of "encyclopedia" of programmes for youth, for youth workers,
trainers and different bodies dealing with youth is produced in Italian and
English and contains some 5.000 pages of information; it has been produced during a 6 months work by Italian and Finnish volunteers and it has been supported by the European Parliament - DG for Information, by the Administration of the Province of Palermo and by the Secretariat for volunteer organizations of Palermo.

Both the Cd-Rom and the web-site contain a detailed guide to programmes and initiatives of the European and international Institutions in the fields of
culture, training, work, participation and active citizenship, plus a guide to
traineeships in more than 100 international organizations.

Among the different initiatives reported, you can find not only the well-know Leonardo, Erasmus, Europass, European Social Fund and Youth, but also the newly
established "Progress"and "Europe for citizens".

Thanks to the availability of the material provided by the Council of Europe, also a specific section on human rights and human rights education is included in the guide, together with a description of the European Community initiatives in the field.

All the information, updated till the end of November 2006, can be read using a
simple web-browser as the common software used for the Internet.

The Cd-Rom is under distribution for free in 3.500 copies while the website will
offer constant updates. The Cd-Rom can be ordered for free on http://www.bancadat igiovani. info/joomla/ index.php? option=com_ facileforms &Itemid=35

Connected to the Cd-Rom and the web-site, we also have a free information service
on calls and tenders from European institutions in the fields of culture, training, education, work, social work, participation and citizenship.

The whole initiative is addressed to a wide range of potential beneficiaires:
university student and teachers, school, education institutions, public officers,
social services and workers, youth information centres, training institutions,
non governmental organizations and many others.

For more information

[sursa moldova_doc]