Jun 28, 2007

USA: MBA at Auburn, Graduate Assistantships Available

MBA Program at Auburn

Auburn's full-time MBA program is fully accredited by the AACSB International and consistently ranks well in the annual U.S.News & World Report MBA ranking surveys and profiles. Auburn MBA students come from all walks of life. It is the different cultural and educational backgrounds- in context with the constant pace of change in global business practices-that make each MBA class unique.

The current MBA class consists of students from ten U.S. states and seven foreign countries. Additionally, there are five students who have already completed another master's program and three students who currently hold a Ph.D. The mix of students with business degrees/backgrounds , engineering degrees, and degrees in liberal arts and the sciences is approximately one-third each. The application deadline for fall semester entry is March 1 each year.

Whatever their initial reason for becoming a part of the Auburn MBA program, once here, each student thrives as they work toward completing their degree and becoming a part of the Auburn family.

Auburn students come not only to receive a world-class education and degree, but also to be part of a growing family of individuals bound by a shared experience-a family unified by a way of life and long-lasting traditions. Here's what two students had to say about their Auburn experience:

Financial Aid

The Auburn University MBA Program does not generally offer scholarships or guaranteed financial aid to students, either U.S. or international, prior to
admission. However, if admitted, a student would be eligible to apply for one of a limited number of graduate research assistantships. Graduate assistantships can be awarded to applicants with strong GMAT scores. Assistantships carry a stipend of $600 per month (during the 9-month academic year and when classes are in session) and also include full waiver of tuition.


Auburn University
MBA Program
503 Lowder Business Building
Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-4060
E-mail: mbainfo@auburn. edu
Web: www.mba.business. auburn.edu

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Jun 27, 2007

BEST International Conference - "Education Beyond 2010"

From 11th to 13th of October 2007 Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) is organising a with the challenging topic: "Education Beyond 2010". BEST Conference 2007 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal and is organised with the support and with the cooperation of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) of Universidade Técnica
de Lisboa (UTL).

For more information visit http://www.best. eu.org/conferenc e/

Andrei Zapodeanu
Treasurer of Local BEST Group Iasi
Board of European Students of Technology
www.BEST.eu. org/iasi
Telephone: +40-722-991415, +40-767-583625
e-mail: Andrei.Zapodeanu@ BEST.eu.org

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Traininguri vara 2007

Manipulare si Body-Language (14-15 iulie)
Negociere si rezolvarea conflictelor (21-22 iulie)
Motivare (in curand)
Leadership (in curand)

Manipulare si Body-Language (14-15 iulie)
Cursul de Manipulare si Body-Language este un produs cu aplicabilitate directa in mediul profesional si nu numai, centrat pe latura psihologica ascunsa a comportamentului uman. Conceptele prezentate sunt abordari inovatoare ale comunicarii eficiente, cu impact imediat in activitatea socio-profesionala.
Cursul ofera instrumente utile, practice si usor de utilizat celor care sunt nevoiti sa creeze si sustina relatii eficiente cu cei din jur. Tehnicile prezentate si exersate in cadrul cursului ofera plus-valoare procesului de comunicare.
Domenii de interes: vanzari, relatii publice
Investitia necesara: 110 EUR
Se asigura coffe-break, diplome de participare, aparatura moderna (flipchart, videoproiector, aer conditionat) , follow-up
Detalii pe www.smartips. eu

Negociere si rezolvarea conflictelor (21-22 iulie)
Trainingul de Negociere si rezolvarea conflictelor face parte din seria de cursuri destinate abilitatilor de comunicare speciale, cu aplicabilitate deosebita mai ales in mediul business.
Simularile situatiilor reale fac din produsul Smart TIPs un instrument deosebit de util managerilor si personalului din vazari.
Domenii de interes: management; vanzari; relatii cu clientii.
Investitia necesara: 110 EUR
Se asigura coffe-break, diplome de participare, aparatura moderna (flipchart, videoproiector, aer conditionat) , follow-up
Detalii pe www.smartips. eu

SMART TIPS - Training Intelligent People
office@smartips. eu
www.smartips. eu
0751 189 684

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If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Festivalul Plai 2007

Festivalul PLAI* 2007 aduce în cadrul celei de-a doua ediþii, nume de talie mondialã pe scenele de jazz ºi muzica lumii, workshop-uri, piese de teatru, demonstraþii de dans, lansãri de carte, expoziþii de fotografie ºi multe alte activitãþi artistice. Programul celor trei zile de muzicã, artã ºi multiculturalitate de la Muzeul Satului Bãnãþean din Timiºoara este:

Vineri, 14 septembrie 2007
19:00 Ternipe (Ungaria)
20:30 Jean-Luc Ponty (Franþa)
22:00 Pentatones (Germania)
23:30 Yungchen Lhamo (Tibet)

Sâmbãtã, 15 septembrie 2007
19:00 Dullemajik (Luxemburg)
20:30 Eldad Tarmu Chamber Jazz Ensamble feat. Cristina Pãduraru (Statele Unite & România)
22:00 ÄlJawala (Germania)
23:30 Paco de Lucia (Spania)

Duminicã, 16 septembrie 2007
A treia zi a Festivalului PLAI va fi dedicatã workshopurilor de dans ºi muzicã, meºteºugurilor ºi teatrului.

Despre artiºtii prezenþi la PLAI 2007:

Pe lângã legendarul chitarist Paco de Lucia, Festivalul PLAI aduce la aceastã ediþie artiºti care reinventeazã muzica lumii ºi sound-ul electronic: Äl Jawala ºi Pentatones din Germania, precum ºi formaþia luxemburghezã Dullemajik.

În spirit multicultural, la Festivalul PLAI din acest an se va auzi, în premierã în România, “vocea Tibetului”, Yungchen Lhamo. De când a ajuns pe jos din Tibet în Dharamsala, reºedinþa lui Dalai Lama, Yungchen Lhamo a devenit cea mai importantã vocalistã tibetanã care concerteazã pe scena lumii. Numele de Yungchen i-a fost dat chiar de cãtre Dalai Lama, iar traducerea acestui nume este “zeiþa melodiei ºi a cântului”. De la scenele Operei din Sydney pânã la reflectoarele din Carnegie Hall, prestaþiile a cappella ale vocalistei tibetane au încântat audienþe din peste 70 de þãri.

Pe aceeaºi scenã, vor mai concerta Jean-Luc Ponty, Eldad Tarmu ºi Ternipe.

Jean-Luc Ponty
Muzician foarte apreciat ºi cunoscut în toatã lumea, Jean-Luc Ponty este un pionier ºi un incontestabil virtuoz al viorii în contextul jazz-rock-ului contemporan, fiind considerat un inovator care ºi-a aplicat viziunea unicã. Ponty s-a nãscut într-o familie de muzicieni ºi a absolvit Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris ca ºef de promoþie. A concerat într-o orchestrã simfonicã timp de trei ani iar mai apoi ºi-a început adevãrata aventurã experimentalã în lumea jazz-ului. Jean-Luc Ponty este ºi unul dintre primii jazzmani care au realizat un clip video care a revoluþionat industria de profil prin introducerea aºa-numitei tehnici “time lapse” ce utilizeazã imagini din care sunt eliminate periodic pasaje de o secundã. Jean-Luc Ponty este prezent la PLAI 2007 cu sprijinul Centrului Cultural Francez Timiºoara.

Eldad Tarmu
Deja cunoscut publicului timiºorean de la PLAI 2006, vibrafonistul ºi compozitorul de jazz Eldad Tarmu, american de origine israelianã, predã de 3 ani la Facultatea de Jazz „Richard Oschanitzky” de la Universitatea Tibiscus din Timiºoara. Numele sãu se leagã de festivaluri cunoscute de jazz din lume, la unele dintre ele fiind ºi director muzical. În cadrul festivalului PLAI, Eldad Tarmu a þinut ºi ateliere de vibrafon, acesta fiind instrumentul muzical preferat al artistului.

Ternipe este una dintre cele mai autentice formaþii de muzicã þigãneascã din Ungaria. Trupa promoveazã muzica folcloricã instrumentalã ºi noninstrumentalã , îmbinând atât influenþe ale culturii balcanice cât ºi ale Extremului Orient.

* Festivalul PLAI este organizat de cãtre Asociaþia Culturalã Sunet Ambianþã Timiºoara (ACSAT) ºi susþinut de ETA2U, la aniversarea a 15 ani de activitate, ºi 24 FUN ca partener media. PLAI este un festival independent, care aduce mai aproape de oameni forme diverse de exprimare a multiculturalitãþ ii, într-o atmosferã liberã ºi creativã.

Pânã în 31 iulie, preþul biletelor la Festivalul PLAI 2007 este de 25 RON pentru zilele de vineri, respectiv sâmbãtã. Pachetul pentru ambele zile costã 45 RON. Duminicã, intrarea este rezervatã doar celor care au bilet pentru una din zilele precedente. Din 1 august, preþul biletelor va fi de 30 RON/searã.

Pentru detalii, contactaþi Departamentul de PR al Festivalului PLAI, la adresa pr@plai.ro.

Muzeul Satului Bãnãþean, Timiºoara
14-16 septembrie 2007
Web: www.plai.ro

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Scoala de Vara "ACT" la Cluj, 1-12 august

Institutul Roman pentru Actiune, Instruire si Cercetare in domeniul Pacii (PATRIR) va organiza in perioada 1-12 august Scoala de Vara “ACT”, un ansamblu de zece cursuri interactive la alegere, pe teme ca mediul si ecologia, drepturile omului, transformarea conflictelor, teatrul.

Evenimentele vor avea loc la sediul PATRIR, pe b-dul 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 26 si sunt adresate in mod direct elevilor de liceu si studentilor.

Cursurile prezentate in cadrul programului Scolii de Vara sunt:

> Scoala: planificarea învatatului si implicarea în activitati (9 august)

Cum înveti? De ce înveti? Cum termini totul la timp? Cum învat eu cel mai bine? Ce altceva exista pe lânga scoala? Ce altceva as putea face pe lânga scoala? Scopul cursului este de a oferi atât metode simple de planificare a timpului si de învatare, cât si îndrumarea spre o educatie non-formala.

> Reciclarea deseurilor (11 august)

Prezentarea modalitatilor de reciclare a deseurilor. Tehnici, tehnologii de reciclare a materialelor plastice si a hârtiei. Exercitii: realizarea hârtiei manual, din hârtie reciclata. Prezentarile includ si filmulete.

> Aplicatii ale energiilor alternative (10 august)

Cursul va prezenta posibilitatile de utilizare a energiilor alternative regenerabile, cu focalizare pe energia solara. Vor fi prezentate instalatii de producere a energiei electrice si de captare a energiei termice. Exercitii- cu panouri solare, punerea în miscare a unor motoare, alimentarea sistemelor electronice.

> Refuza violenta! (1-3 august)

Cursul este destinat liceenilor si studentilor care doresc sa cunoasca modalitati nonviolente de abordare a conflictelor si de transformare constructiva a acestora. Vor fi abordate notiunile de conflict (elemente, tipuri), violenta (cauze, niveluri, solutii), nonviolenta (metode concrete), actiune, empatie, creativitate, comunitate. Discutiile si sesiunile de lucru vor aborda experientele de viata ale participantilor si vor contine atât prezentari ale conceptelor folosite de lucratori de pace si conflicte cât si sectiuni practice si exercitii. Cursul îsi propune sa ofere metode concrete pentru a aborda situatiile conflictuale si sa promoveze alternative la solutiile violente. Programul va fi interactiv si poate include un numar maxim de 20 de persoane.

> Secretele comunicarii eficiente (8 august)

Comunicarea în zilele noastre e foarte importanta, de aceea este necesar ca toata lumea sa înteleaga formele comunicarii (verbale, ale trupului, mimica, gesturile) si sa le foloseasca ca atare. Aici se impune si un anumit cod al comunicarii care include si bunele maniere, un anumit comportament în situatii diferite (scoala, interviu, când vorbesti în public). Trainingul va contine si unele joculete, cum sa dai si sa primesti feedback, o evaluare personala si sfaturi pentru îmbunatatirea si eficientizarea comunicarii în scopul obtinerii unor rezultate cât mai satisfacatoare.

> Biodiversitate: apel la descoperirea comorii ascunse a Clujului (4 august)

Acest curs are 2 parti, una preponderent teoretica si cealalta practica. Prima se doreste o introducere în tema biodiversitatii, o prezentare a notiunilor legate de acest subiect si importanta acesteia în viata oamenilor în general si în special în cazul clujenilor.
Partea practica va consta dintr-o excursie într-o zona protejata din judetul Cluj. În cadrul acestei excursii elevii vor avea ocazia sa vina în contact direct cu natura, sa constientizeze valoarea acesteia si sa fixeze notiunile prezentate prin exemple practice. De asemenea, la sfârsitul acestui curs, fiecare va putea sa prezinte o idee de cercetare a biodiversitatii/ de conservare/ de dezvoltare durabila care va fi votata, iar la sfârsit premiata de catre ceilalti elevi si de catre trainer.

> Fete si baieti / femei si barbati - Stereotipuri de rol de sex si consecinte asupra vietii sociale (8-9 august)

Simplul fapt de a te naste fata sau baiat în orice societate atrage asteptari, roluri si traiectorii de viata diferite si de multe ori inegale. Idealurile de masculinitate si feminitate prezente la nivelul societatii românesti exercita presiuni reale atât asupra fetelor-femeilor cât si asupra baietilor-barbatilo r de opta, în dorinta de a fi acceptati social, pentru anumite activitati si modele de comportament care pe termen lung pot influenta negativ dezvoltarea personalitatii. Multi barbati mai cred ca femeile sunt "sexul slab" si ca locul femeii este acasa, eventual "la cratita"; femeile sunt considerate uneori incapabile sa gândeasca, irationale; sau se presupune frecvent ca barbatii sunt în mod natural mai "agresivi", pornirile lor violente fiind încurajate. Atelierul de fata propune o serie de activitati practice pentru a analiza si întelege modul în care aceste stereotipuri se formeaza si ne influenteaza, punând în discutie valorile lor pozitive si negative pentru
dezvoltarea personala atât a femeilor, cât si a barbatilor. Dialogul se va axa pe identificarea provocarilor existente precum si a solutiilor, ideilor, alternativelor pe care le putem pune împreuna în practica.

> Teatrul ca mijloc de exprimare. Fii instrumentul! (în limba engleza, 1-5 august)

Oricine poate participa la acest curs; nu este nevoie de talente artistice sau de experienta în domeniul teatrului. Noi vrem sa folosim teatrul ca instrument: tu, corpul tau si lucrurile care te preocupa sunt cele cu care vrem sa lucram. Teatrul nostru se bazeaza pe improvizatii, pe exercitii simple si pe jocuri. Pas cu pas, vom învata cum sa ne exprimam prin intermediul uneltelor noastre proprii, cu scopul de a dobândi cunostinte, cum sa folosim mai bine instrumentul improvizatiei pentru a arata propriile noastre griji si conflicte. În timpul practicii si dupa aceea vom fi capabili sa propunem solutii, sa vorbim despre rezultate, sa reflectam asupra lor. În ultima zi de curs vom organiza o reprezentatie în strada.

> Toti avem dreptul la... Drepturile omului pe întelesul tuturor (10-12 august)

Cursul de drepturile omului ofera tinerilor participanti metode si concepte critice pentru a le da posibilitatea de a reflecta si de a-si mari dorinta de participare în cadrul comunitatii. Cursul va fi interactiv si va porni de la experientele personale ale participantilor pentru a cladi pe fundamentele teoretice si pe conceptele critice de drepturile omului, drepturile femeii, relatii internationale, pace, religie, drepturile minoritatilor, economie, filosofie, antropologie.

> Organisme modificate genetic- NO, THANKS! (12 august)

Stiati ca, pentru umflarea conturilor unor corporatii multinationale si în numele progresului tehnologic, unii oameni de stiinta introduc gene provenind de la animale, bacterii si alte organisme în plante obisnuite de cultura pentru a le face mai productive si pentru a reduce costurile de productie? România este cel mai mare producator de Organisme Modificate Genetic din Europa, dar majoritatea consumatorilor nu au cunostinta nici macar de existenta acestora. De exemplu soia modificata genetic sau derivate ale acesteia sunt prezente în mezeluri, alimente pentru vegetarieni, sosuri, produse de panificatie, în ciocolata, etc... Cine modifica? Ce se modifica? De ce se modifica? De ce ne opunem? Care sunt riscurile?

Taxa de participare se percepe în functie de numarul de zile alocat fiecarui curs, astfel:
- pentru 1 zi: 100.000 lei
- 2 zile: 150.000 lei
- 3-7 zile: 200.000 lei
- la cursul "Organisme modificate genetic-No,Thanks" nu se percepe taxa.

În cazul în care optati pentru al doilea curs, veti primi o reducere de 25.000 lei, iar la al treilea curs ales reducerea este de 50.000 lei.

Persoana de contact este Anca Ciascaiu: email anca.ciascaiu@ patrir.ro , tel: 0264-420298, 0745-358613.

[preluare http://romania. indymedia. org/ro/2005/ 07/930.shtml ]

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

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Jun 26, 2007

CfP: Statistical evaluation of economic and social development, Iasi

Within the CEEX Project Politics, models and scenarios for economic development in the view of the adhesion of Romania to the EU, code Pc-D08-Pt00- 195, the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iaºi, organizes, during the period October 19-21, 2007, the International Conference on the theme Statistical evaluation of the economic and
social development.

Iaºi, România
October 19-21, 2007

URL: http://www.feaa. uaic.ro/cercetar e/simpozioane/ 19_21_Oct_ 2007/Index. htm

Abstract submission deadline: July 30, 2007

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

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CfA: Funding for ArtsLink Projects (for artists, curators, presenter

ArtsLink Projects support U.S. artists, curators, presenters and non-profit arts organizations undertaking projects in Central Europe, Russia and Eurasia. Since 1992, ArtsLink has disbursed nearly $1.5 million in ArtsLink Projects awards. Awards are made in a given discipline on an alternate-year basis:

* 2008 Performing Arts and Literature
* 2009 Visual and Media Arts

http://tools. isovera.com/ organizations. php3?orgid= 100&typeID= 870&action= printContentItem &itemID=8569& User_Session= 7cda60cfd3a9bf28 992a1738a42dca4b

Deadline: January 15, 2008

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Shifting landscapes of film and media, Bilgi University, Turkey


Shifting Landscapes of Film and Media:
Questioning Legacies, Navigating Critique
8 -9 -10 September, 2007

URL: http://filmandmedia .bilgi.edu. tr/

Submissions of papers are being accepted until the (extended) deadline of July 10th, 2007.
Please send paper abstracts (not to exceed 250 words) and queries to Ozge Ozyilmaz (conference@bilgi. edu.tr)

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: The Regional Programme on Human Rights for participants from Eastern Europe

The Regional Programme on Human Rights for participants from Eastern Europe, Balkans and Central Asia. Last date for submitting applications is July 29, 2007.

October 8 - November 2, 2007 (Phase I)
May 19 - 23, 2008 (Phase II)

URL: http://www.rwi. lu.se/news/ tempact/osshumr0 7.shtml

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

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New Book: Democratic Transition in Croatia

Democratic Transition in Croatia

Value Transformation, Education, and Media

Edited by Sabrina P. Ramet and Davorka Mati

With the fall of communism and the breakup of Yugoslavia, the successor states have faced a historic challenge to create separate, modern democracies from the ashes of the former authoritarian state. Central to the Croatian experience has been the issue of nationalism and whether the Croatian state should be defined as a citizens' state (with members of all nationality groups treated as equal) or as a national state of the Croats (with a consequent privileging of Croatian culture and language, but also with a quota system for members of national minorities). Sabrina P. Ramet and Davorka Mati have gathered here a series of studies by important scholars to examine the development of Croatia in the aftermath of communism and the war that marred the transition.

Sixteen scholars of the region discuss the values and institutions central to Croatia's transformation from communism and toward liberal democracy. They discuss economic change, political parties, and the uses of history since 1989. To understand the patterns in Croatia, they examine how civic values have been expressed, reinforced, and sometimes challenged through religion, education, and the media. The implications of nationalism in its various manifestations are treated thematically in all the analyses.

This book is a companion volume to a similar study on Slovenia, edited by Sabrina P. Ramet and Danica Fink-Hafner and released in fall 2006. Together, these two works form an important case study in comparison and contrast between two countries in the same region going through the transition from communism to liberal democracy. Scholars and policy makers will find a wealth of material in these two volumes.

SABRINA P. RAMET is a professor of political science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway, and a senior associate of the Centre for the Study of Civil War, PRIO, Oslo. She has served as visiting scholar
at the Center for Eurasian, Russian, and Eastern European Studies, Georgetown University. Holding a Ph.D. from UCLA, she is the author of many books and articles. DAVORKA MATI is head of the department of sociology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She was president of the Croatian Sociological Association. She received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Zagreb in 1998 and is the author of one book and many articles.

http://www.tamu. edu/upress/ BOOKS/2007/ rametcroatia. htm

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CfP: Polis

Call for Papers

Polis, European University of Tirana (UET)

Polis an academic journal published by the Political Science Department of the European University of Tirana (UET), Albania, would like to invite post – graduate students, researchers and academics in general to submit papers for its fourth issue. The journal is published in Albanian and comes out three times a year. It focuses on issues directly or indirectly related to democratization in general and Albanian democratization in particular. The three previous issues of Polis have focused on political representation, Albanian Euro scepticism, and informality in Albania, respectively. The papers published in the second issue of Polis can be accessed on line from the UET website: www.universitetieur opian.com or following the link below;

http://www.universi tetieuropian. com/site/ index.php? option=com_ content&task= blogcategory& id=14&Itemid= 57

The fourth issue of Polis will have as its central theme; The Role of the International Community in Albanian Democratization. In this issue we aim to explore different aspects of the intervention of the international community in the process of democratization in Albania, including but not limited to, building democratic institutions, monitoring electoral process, funding civil society organizations and anti-corruption campaigns. Therefore, we would like to invite submissions that explore these aspects from a critical perspective. However, we are open to submissions that focus on the role of international community in democratization process in other countries that might be relevant to the Albanian case as well. The papers can be submitted in Albanian or English. If selected for publication they will be translated from English to Albanian by the Polis staff.

For inquiries, comments, or submissions please send your e-mails to: bkajsi@essex. ac.uk or kajsiu@yahoo. com

Submission deadline: August 15th, 2007

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If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

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CfA: RESET Seminar 2007-9, Cultures of Memory and Emancipatory Polit

Open Society Institute - Higher Education Support Program Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching and centre for research, art and civic engagement "the city"

RESET Challenge Seminar 2007-2009:
Cultures of Memory and Emancipatory Politics:
Re-visioning the Past and Communality in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Spaces


Higher Education Support Program of Open Society Institute (Budapest) and the Centre for Research, Art and Civic Engagement "The City", Bosnia and Herzegovina, are announcing a new Regional Challenge Seminar for Excellence in Teaching, inviting interested scholars and university educators from all fields of social sciences and humanities to take part in the programme.

The collaborative interdisciplinary international project entitled Cultures of Memory and Emancipatory Politics: Re-visioning the Past and Communality in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Spaces will be carried out by a team of prominent scholars from various disciplines and will involve junior university-based academics primarily from the former Yugoslav region. The aim is to support and advance their teaching and research abilities and professional development through a collaborative international effort that offers a host of opportunities for young scholars/academics.

Working languages of the seminar are both English and South Slavic languages (Bosnian/Serbian/ Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian*). The duration of the project is currently planned for two years starting in Autumn 2007. During this period, we aim to conduct and accomplish a number of tasks pertaining to teaching and research advancement in the areas of concern, and conduct two autumn and two spring sessions to take place in the Former Yugoslav region. The first joint session is tentatively planned for late September 2007 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project has a rhizome-like structure both in terms of its lines of research and the organization of participants. Brining together researchers working at the cross-roads of cultural and literary theory, political theory, sociology and anthropology, the first core session addresses common concerns and later divides into distinct interdisciplinary, yet connected, research pathways. These will undertake research towards themes like: the revision of cultural memory in the former Yugoslav region, the recasting of past and communality in post-Yugoslav space and potentials for emancipatory politics, and so forth. Both core sessions (total of two) as well as
specific pathways (and their specific sessions and other activities) will ensure a concrete, flexible, and deliverable manner of devising, developing, and testing teaching and research methodologies that can be applied in junior faculty's research projects and teaching. The rhizome-like organization of the participants ensures their greater mobility and mutual exchange, encourages their independence and creativity, and sets in motion potential team-work both in teaching and researching
after the completion of the project.

For more details on the programme structure and the productive challenges it offers, please CONSULT two separate documents containing information sheet and programme outline. (Please note that many programme specifics will be revised and developed later by all the participants in order to respond to their interests and concerns to the fullest).


The project is aimed at young faculty primarily from former Yugoslav universities who are interested in developing their research and teaching skills in a challenging and collegial context. The applicants must be at an early stage of their teaching academic career, with a strong MA degree and publishing record, and preferably holding a PhD degree or enrolled in a doctoral programme. We welcome applications from all disciplinary backgrounds in social sciences and humanities (political theory, sociology, anthropology, law, gender, cultural and literary studies, and so forth).

It is essential that participants be committed to working as a group for an extended period of time. Each participant must have a very good command of English language in order to be able to engage with literature at an advanced level, strong interest in scholarship related to the theme of the seminar, as well as a developed interest in advancing the teaching and research process at their institutions and more widely.

Application process

The following documents must be submitted electronically and emailed as attachments to reset@centargrad. com:

Completed application form
a supporting statement (no longer than 500 words) in English outlining your needs and expectations from this Challenge Seminar as well as the way in which you will aim to contribute to it;
your academic CV with a select list of publications;
a sample of your published research / work in progress (no longer than 2,000 words).

Deadline for applications

We expect application as soon as possible, but certainly before 20 July 2007.

For more details about the seminar contents, goals and activities, and about the application process, please refer to additional materials attached: [ATTACHMENTS REMOVED - PLEASE CONTACT THE COURSE ORGANIZERS AT THE ADDRESSES BELOW FOR APPLICATION MATERIALS]

1. Programme outline (pdf)
2. Information sheet (doc)
3. Application form (doc)
4. Call for applications (doc)


Jasmina Husanovic, Academic Director (jasmina@centargrad. com)
Damir Arsenijevic, Administrative Director (damir@centargrad. com)
Official Project Mail: reset@centargrad. com
Project Website: www.reset.centargra d.com

information sheet:

ReSET Challenge Seminar
Title of the Project Cultures of Memory and Emancipatory Politics:
Re-visioning the Past and Communality in the and Post-Yugoslav Spaces
Discipline(s) and Academic Areas Cultural, political and gender studies,
anthropology, literature, sociology
Project Period 1 June 2007 - 1 May 2009 (24 months)
Host Institution( s) "The City", Centre for Research, Art and Civic
Engagement, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Working Language(s) English and South-Slavic languages:
Bosnian/Serbian/ Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian*

Project Directors
Name Jasmina Husanovic-Pehar PhD
Title, position, institution Lecturer in Cultural Studies and Vice-Dean for
Research in the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla, Bosnia
President, Board of Directors, Centre for Art, Research and Civic
Engagement "The City" Tuzla
Name Damir Arsenijevic, PhD near awarding
Title, position, institution Lecturer at the CIPS, University of Sarajevo

Core Resource Faculty
Name Jasmina Lukic PhD
Title, position, institution Associate Professor, Department of Gender
Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Name Elissa Helms PhD
Title, position, institution Assistant Professor, Department of Gender
Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Name Boris Buden PhD
Title, position, institution European Institute for Progressive Cultural
Policies, Vienna, Research Fellow
Name Rastko Mocnik PhD
Title, position, institution University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts,
Professor in the Department of Sociology
Name Jasmina Husanovic PhD
Title, position, institution University of Tuzla, Lecturer in Cultural
Studies and Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Philosophy
Name Damir Arsenijevic, PhD near awarding
Title, position, institution University of Sarajevo, CIPS, Lecturer in
Cultural/Gender Studies

Project Description
(approx. 100 words) The project has a rhizome-like structure both in terms
of its lines of research and the organization of participants. Brining
together researchers working at the cross-roads of cultural and literary
theory, political theory, sociology and anthropology, the first core
session addresses common concerns and later divides into distinct
interdisciplinary, yet connected, research pathways. These will undertake
research towards themes like: the revision of cultural memory in the former
Yugoslav region, the recasting of past and communality in post-Yugoslav
space and potentials for emancipatory politics, and so forth. Both core
sessions (total of two) as well as specific pathways (and their specific
sessions and other activities) will ensure a concrete, flexible, and
deliverable manner of devising, developing, and testing teaching and
research methodologies that can be applied in junior faculty's research
projects and teaching. The rhizome-like organization of the participants
ensures their greater mobility and mutual exchange, encourages their
independence and creativity, and sets in motion potential team-work both in
teaching and researching after the completion of the project.

Participants Eligibility
Disciplines Cultural studies, political theory, gender studies,
anthropology, literature, sociology (as well as other disciplines in
humanities and in social sciences)
Region/countries Post-Yugoslav countries
Academic standing/level/ prerequisites MA and PhD degree holders involved in
teaching and research of target disciplines in the regional faculties and
research centres
Other criteria A good knowledge of English language, working knowledge of
the basic concepts used in the discipline/s and at an early stage of their
teaching/research career

Deadline for applications 20 July 2007
Application procedure (essay, test, interview, etc.) Application form, CV
with a list of publications, statement of purpose, a sample of written work
Contact information for applicants and general inquiries
Contact person Jasmina Husanovic-Pehar PhD
Postal address Stupine B6/6-32, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Telephone/fax +387 61 411 968, + 387 35 306 332
E-mail jasminamak@gmail. com or jasmina@centargrad. com
Web site www.centargrad. com

Other important information
Other invited professors as potential guest faculty for specific sessions:
Biljana Kasic PhD, University of Zadar, Professor in the Department of
Sociology, Co-ordinator of Women Studies in Zagreb
Renata Jambresic Kirin, Research Associate at the Institute of Ethnology
and Folklore Research in Zagreb, Lecturer at the Centre for Women's
Studies, Zagreb
Dubravka Ugresic, writer and scholar, various post in Netherlands and Europe
Wendy Brown, Professor of Political Science, University of California,
Berkeley, US
Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor, Department of Rhetorics and
Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley, US
Nancy Ries, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Colgate
University, US
Terry Eagleton, Professor of Cultural Theory, University of Manchester, UK
Shoshana Felman, Woodruff Professor of Comparative Literature, Emory
University, US
Sari Wastell, Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of London,
Goldsmiths, UK
Kirsten Campbell, Lecturer (social and legal studies), Department of
Sociology, University of London, Goldsmiths, UK

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CASE PhD studentship at the Stockholm Environment Institute

Dear all,

in collaboration with the University of Kent, we at SEI-Oxford are inviting
applications for candidates for a CASE funded PhD position. Please pass this
on to those you think may be interested.

Kind regards,

http://www.sei. se/index. php?page= jobitem&item= 5612

Project Title: A comparison of social learning and local decision making in change adaptation to water scarcity issues in South Africa and the UK using climate envelopes and knowledge elicitation

*Institutions* : Anthropology, University of Kent. Stockholm Environment Institute (Oxford).

*Supervisors* : Prof. Michael Fischer (Kent), Dr. Thomas E. Downing (SEI Oxford).

The Anthropology Department at the University of Kent has programmes including the PhD in Anthropology, Environmental Anthropology, Ethnobotany, Social Anthropology and Anthropology with Applied Computing. The Department received a 5 rating in the Research Assessment Exercise.

The SEI is a multidisciplinary, independent research organisation, with offices in Stockholm, Oxford, York, Boston, Tallinn, Bangkok and Cape Town. The Oxford office of the Stockholm Environment Institute is a dynamic multidisciplinary social science group researching climate adaptation and social learning.

The research for the CASE award relates to an existing EU project, (ADAM), within which the Oxford unit of the Stockholm Environment Institute is undertaking cases studies of climate change adaptation as a process of robust decision making and social learning. The project proposed for the +3 CASE studentship is comparison of social learning and local decision making in change adaptation to water scarcity issues in South Africa and the UK using the ClEAR Platform for analysis.

The CASE student will also develop their own research that will contribute to the larger project. The research will be based on documenting, analysing, building theory and evaluating models relating to organisational knowledge and its creation, representation, transmission and adaptation, particularly with respect to social learning, interaction, and networks.

We are looking for a dynamic individual who is interested in independent research and policy advice. We place great emphasis on linking an understanding of action at the local scale to the drivers and institutions that shape global policy.

Sukaina Bharwani
Research Fellow
Stockholm Environment Institute
http://www.sei. se/

266 Banbury Road, Suite 193
Oxford OX2 7DL
Tel: +44 1865 426316
Fax: +44 1865 421898
Mob: +44 7958 602175
sukaina.bharwani@ sei.se

263 Banbury Road,
Suites 1-4 Suffolk House (above Somerfield)
Oxford OX2 7HN

http://www.iisd. ca/email/ subscribe. htm

[sursa beasiswa]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Summer camp in Ukraine "Visa mobility of youth in Europe"

Summer Camp in Ukraine 2007
It's time to make a stand
15. - 22. July 2007, Ukraine

Deadline: 01.07.2007 (please note that it is different than the one posted on the website)
URL: http://www.cdnee. org/projects/ 2007/sc-ukraine. htm

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: RESET Challenge Seminar 2007-2009

RESET Challenge Seminar 2007-2009:

Cultures of Memory and Emancipatory Politics:

Re-visioning the Past and Communality in the Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav Spaces
Aimed at young faculty *primarily* (but not exclusively) from former Yugoslav universities

For more information see http://reset. centargrad. com/activities. htm
Deadline for applications: 20.07.2007

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Jun 23, 2007

CfP: JSRI no 17

JSRI (www.jsri.ro) invites researchers and academics to contribute to the next issue (no. 17) on the topic:

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Research in the Study of Religion

Contributions are welcomed in the form of studies, articles or book reviews. The material will be accompanied by an abstract (10 lines) - except for book reviews - a list of up to ten key words, and by the author's CV, a list of main publications (1/2 page) and a photo (in case of book reviews, the cover of the book).
Materials, as well as general inquiries, can be sent via e-mail at s_c_i_r_i@yahoo. com

Deadline: 1st of July 2007

J.S.R.I. is an international publication of the Seminar for the Interdisciplinary Research of Religions and Ideologies and S.A.C.R.I.(www.sacri.ro) It is a peer-review academic publication intended for professors and young researchers interested in the study of religions and ideologies. JSRI has been indexed by ISI (Arts& Humanities Citation Index and Current Contents: Arts& HUmanities) since 2003 and by DOAJ since 2002.

J.S.R.I. encourages interdisciplinary approaches engaging the following domains: interreligious dialogue, philosophy of religions, political philosophy and political science, ethics, religious studies, anthropology, sociology, educational science and communications theory. Proposals from other related spheres of research can be submitted to the editors.

J.S.R.I. is an open-access journal published on the internet, with three issues per year. The languages in which materials can be published are English and Romanian.

Lecturer Mihaela Frunza, Ph.D. (BBU Cluj)

Editor, Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
Program coordinator, SACRI

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Jun 22, 2007

CfA: Ph.D. fellowships in Helmholtz Research School Biosoft

Dear colleagues,

The International Helmholtz Research School "BioSoft ? Biophysics and Soft Matter" offers research fellowships for graduate students (leading to a Ph.D.) for 3 years. The Research School is open to highly qualified and motivated Ph.D. candidates with a background in physics, biology and chemistry from all countries. The programme
reflects the increasing importance of interdisciplinarity in research and provides comprehensive training in scientific, methodological and "soft" skills. Continuous applications for the programme are possible.

Please find further information at the website:
http://www.ihrs- biosoft.de/ start/

Dr. Susan Kentner
Director, Brussels Office
Helmholtz-Gemeinsch aft Deutscher Forschungszentren /
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
rue du Tr?98
B-1050 Bruxelles, Belgium

Tel.: +32-(0)2-5000- 972
Fax: +32-(0)2-5000- 980
Email: susan.kentner@ helmholtz. de
Web: www.helmholtz. de

With its 15 national research centres and annual budget of approx 2.3 billion euros, the Helmholtz Association is Germany's largest research organisation. The 25 700 Helmholtz employees carry out world-class scientific research in six fields: Energy, Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, Structure of Matter, and Transport and Space. The Helmholtz Association identifies and takes on the grand challenges of society, science and the economy, in particular through the investigation of highly complex systems.

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfP: Universum Journal - University of Prishtina

The Institute for Research and Consultations of the Universum University in Prishtina, Kosovo, invites, professors, scholars, professionals, policymakers, decision makers, researchers and students to submit papers, essays and book reviews for the first Volume of the Universum Journal to be published in September 2007. The Universum Journal is a periodical scientific publication with an interdisciplinary nature and a bilingual structure- Albanian and English, focused mainly, but not only, in public policy. The Universum Journal will be published under the supervision of the Institute for Research and Consultations of the Universum University and its Publishing Board. All contributions are required to comply with our publication rules as in following:

Contribution size: from 2500 ? 10.000 words including
footnotes (N/A for book reviews)
Line space: 1.5
Font type: Times New Roman
Text size: 12 pt
Abstract: about 200 ? 250 words
Brief CV of the author: up to 50 words.
Language: Albanian and English (contributions may
be submitted in both languages)

All contributions are expected to be written in accordance with Chicago Manual of Style, fifteenth edition, the humanities style rules. For more information please visit the Chicago Manual Style website at:
http://www.chicagom anualofstyle. org/tools_ citationguide. html

The submission deadline is August 1, 2007.

The publication of contributions will be decided by the Publishing Board of the Universum Journal. All the authors of contributions accepted for publication, depending by the size of their contributions will be entitled to receive a symbolic honorarium from 50 ? 100 Euros and a free copy of the journal.

The focus for the first Volume will be mainly on the following topics:

1. The Economic Transition of South East European Countries
2. The Challenges of European Integration for Western Balkans
3. The European Perspective of Kosovo
4. Foreign Direct Investments in Western Balkans
5. Building Democracy in Multi-ethnic Societies
6. The Regional Integration in Western Balkans
7. The International Law vs. the Domestic Law

Few other topics may be also considered to be published in the first Volume or in other coming volumes.

For any further information please contact the General Director of the Institute for Research and Consultations of the Universum University Mr. Jordan DACI at: vice.rector@ universum- ks.org or info@universum- ks.org or jordan.daci@ universum- ks.org

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Planul National de Cercetare, Dezvoltare si Inovare - PN II

Program: Resurse Umane

SCOP: Cresterea numarului de cercetatori din Romania si a performantelor profesionale ale acestora.

Program: Idei

SCOP: Obtinerea unor rezultate stiintifice si tehnologice de varf, compatibile cu cele de nivel european reflectate prin cresterea vizibilitatii si recunoasterea internationala a cercetarii romanesti.

Contract expert


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If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: La Region de la Mer Noire et l'Union Europeenne

Cet annonce est valable jusqu’a 11 juillet 2007

Nous avons du plaisir de vous annoncer que Le Mouvement Europeen de Moldova (MEM), Centre International de Formation Europeenne (CIFE), France, l’Institut Europeen des Hautes Etudes Internationales (IEHEI), France, Universite d’Etat de Cahul et Moldova Association pour la Cooperation et Communication Democratique „DIALOG”: Centre Pro-Europa; Cahul presentent la seconde edition de l’Universite d’ete „La Region de la Mer Noire et l’Union Europeenne”, qui se deroulera entre 29 juillet et 5 aout 2007, Chisinau / Cahul.

Le programme organise par le Mouvement Europeen de Moldova comprend des activites menees a analyser le processus de l’integration europeenne et de couvrir tout le spectre des moments/themes lies a ce processus, en general, et son impact sur la region de la Mer Noire, en particulier, dans le cadre de la Politique du Voisinage de l’Union Europeenne.

Les organisateurs se proposent de selecter un groupe des jeunes qui sont des etudiants ou qui ont une activite liee au sujet a debattre. Ce groupe aura la possibilite d’offrir, dans l’avenir, l’attention bien-meritee aux pays de la region de la Mer Noire, pour contribuer a la solution des difficultes avec lesquelles ceux-ci se confrontent en present dans le processus de la democratisation. Les organisateurs vont de meme offrir aux participants une opportunite de connaitre mieux la Republique de Moldova, par le combat des stereotypes existants causes par l’absence de l’information.

Les sessions de l’Universite d’ete, qui comprendront une serie des presentations, debats, jeux de simulation, rencontres avec des personnalites remarquables, diplomates et journalistes, aideront les participantes a obtenir les informations et connaissances concernant le contenu et le dynamisme du developpement des relations entre les pays de la region de la Mer Noire et les pays de l’Union Europeenne, ainsi que de developper les habilites interculturelles, utiles dans une epoque de globalisation.

Les sujets principaux qui seront abordes a cette Universite d’ete sont: l’Europe d’aujourd’hui, l’histoire et le dynamisme de l’integration europeenne, l’Europe des regions, la region de la Mer Noire et l’integration dans l’Union Europeenne: provocations des echanges produites recemment, perspectives de collaboration entre l’UE et ses voisins, la specificite socio-economique et politique de la situation de la Republique de Moldova, etc.

Beneficiaires directs de l’Universite d’ete seront environ 30 jeunes actives et impliques dans des activites menees a developper la societe civile et interesses par les pays de la region de la Mer Noire, de l’UE et de la Republique de Moldova.

Pour faire les presentations et moderer les sessions de l’Universite d’ete, ont ete invitees les experts locaux et internationaux.

Les participants des pays de l’Union Europeenne seront selectes par les partenaires francais: Le Centre International de Formation Europeenne et l’Institut Europeen des Hautes Etudes Internationales. Les participants des pays de la region de la Mer Noire seront selectes par le Mouvement Europeen de Moldova en cooperation avec les Mouvements Europeens des pays respectifs. Les participants moldaves seront selectes par le Mouvement Europeen de Moldova et les partenaires de Cahul.

Les participants seront selectes en base du dossier de candidature, CV et d’une lettre de motivation. Les criteres de selection des participants:
- Etudes et/ou activites liees au sujet de l’Universite d’ete;
- Degre d’implication dans la vie publique.

La langue de travail pendant des cours de l’Universite d’ete sera la langue francaise.

La dossier de candidature et les documents accompagnes doit etre expedie jusqu’a 7 juillet 2007 a l’adresse Chisinau, Puskin 22, of. 518, MD 2012, Moldova, tel./fax: +37322/27 36 66, ou courriel:miscarea_europeana@ yahoo.fr, alexandra_palii@ yahoo.com.

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.


?Summer with Students Flavor"
- 5th edition -
01 ? 07 AUGUST 2007

Hello Student's from the entire world
We are "Student's League from Constantin Brancusi" Association. Student's League was established in the 10th July 2002 by young people experienced in NGO domain and students activities. It caters to the student of the University "Constantin Brancusi", but also to the youngsters that contribute to the achievement of their goals, regardless of race, language and religion. It is a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental association.

What we do:
- peer education;;
- training sessions;
- voluntaring activities;
- seminars on different educational topics;
- holidays;
- measures to provide environment protection;
- typing the student newspaper " WHI$PER" ;
- The International Festival of Students From Tg-Jiu.

The project will take place between 01 ? 07 of Aughust 2007 in Tg-Jiu, Romania ( also in other places in Gorj County) and it will consists in organizing an international festival for students. For them will be cultural, scientific, sports and entertainment activities.

Official language of the festival will be English. Beside the entertainment activities will be approach subjects as: intercultural education, communication and cooperation between students from all states.

To all of this we can add the participation of students representatives from other university centers from Romania and other countries, establishing connections between students from Tg-Jiu and students from all over the country and abroad. There will be organized seminaries, that will consists in a preparation program in organizing area of managing youth activities and communication techniques.

In this seminaries will be presented some materials about the NGO from Gorj County. Informational actions will cover presentations among different ways of communication of youth activities from our organization which implied in cultural and social life locally and nationally level.

As a result of our discussions with young people we will identify the problems which they confront in their lifes and we will try to achieve a project together with our participants that will correspond our area's needs.

Day of arrival is 31 July 2007.
Host 100% covered.
Food 100% covered.
Transport uncovered.
Day of departure is 07 / 08 august 2007.
- must be student;
- member of any kind of NGO;
- must respond to this invitation by filling the application form until 10 July 2007.

The application form is attached at this invitation and need to be sanded at E-mail adress: szvonul@yahoo. com and Fax 0040253.21.57. 94 before deadline 10 July 2007!!!
Students League Team
www.liga.utgjiu. ro

[sursa balkan_youth_forum]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Tabara internationala de vara 'Future of Europe' - Slovenia

Tabara de vara "Viitorul Europei" se va desfasura in perioada 26-29 iulie 2007, la Vrtovin in Slovenia. Acest eveniment va reuni tineri din intreaga Europa, pentru a dezbate, a face schimb de idei si a initia noi proiecte de cooperare viitoare in Europa.

Informatii detaliate: http://www.summerca mp2007.org/

[sursa eurodesk_info]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Jun 18, 2007

Call for application: Mobility grants "European Sustainable Water Goals"

European Sustainable Water Goals 2007–2010
For details see:

http://eswg. watercivilizatio ns.org/?page= news&id=15

We seek qualified PhD, Master Students, post-Docs and professionals who would like to study in the fields of Environmental Sciences and get a Mobility Grant to participate to the conference "Managing Water Resources in European Mountain Environments" which will be held Belluno (Italy), 8-12 October 2007.

For more information please see ESWG training section of our website.

Deadline: July 30th 2007.

R. Andreas Kraemer, Director, Ecologic Institute

Ecologic, the independent not-for-profit Institute for
Strengthening Sustainable Development & International Relations

Ecologic publishes a monthly newsletter.
To subscribe, please register at: http://www.ecologic .de/subscribe. htm

Ecologic - Institute for International and European Environmental Policy
Main address: Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin, Germany
In Brussels: Avenue des Gaulois 18, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: +49-30-86880- 0 | Fax: +49-30-86880- 100
http://www.ecologic .eu/ | http://www.ecologic -events.eu/

Ecologic gGmbH | GF/Director: R. Andreas Kraemer
AG Charlottenburg HRB 57947 | USt/VAT-IdNr. DE811963464

[sursa e-nass]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Call for applications: Training the Trainer 5th edition

Call for applications: Training the Trainer 5th edition - Training the Trainers - Developing youth capacity to promote intercultural dialogue - deadline 24^th of June, 2007

Period of the training course - 24-31 august 2007 (except travel days)
Location - Oradea, Romania

The Train The Trainer program aims to develop participants skills in training development and delivery in order to generate optimum learning outcomes and improved performance.

The training course is based on Accelerated Learning methodology.

Accelerated Learning is based on the latest research on brain and learning. It is open and flexible. It gets learners totally involved. It appeals to all learning styles. It energizes and rehumanizes the learning process. It seeks to make learning enjoyable. And it is solidity committed to results, results, results.

What you will learn:

Module 1: Learning Theories: Brain friendly learning, Participant Learning styles

Module 2: Accelerated Learning: Accelerated Learning, Phases of the learning cycle - A.C.T. -model, Developing educational activities for each of the phases

Module 3: Training Design (Plan): The basic of Training Design, Planning a training, Instructional Objectives, Developing learning materials

Module 4: Skills and Tools for Trainers: Strategies for presenting content, Feedback, Debriefing.

Module 5: Intercultural competences

Participation conditions

ACT Association will:

* cover 100% cost of accommodation and meals;
* reimburse 100% of travel costs;
* reimburse 100% of visa costs;

There is no participation fee.

Further information about the training course and application form can be found at:

http://train- the-trainer. ro/ttt-program

Contact Information

ACT Association – Association for Consultancy and Training
www.act.org. ro
http://train- the-trainer. ro/ttt-program
E-mail: act@act.org. ro

[sursa e-nass]

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If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

5. EuPRA General Conference: DEADLINE EXTENDED





Sakarya, TURKEY
August 21–24, 2007

The conference of the European Peace Research Association (EuPRA) in
co-operation with Sakarya University, Department of International
Conference Coordinator: Dr. Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor,
Sakarya University
e-mail: nkenar@sakarya. edu.tr

Threats of Terrorism and Peace and Future of Security in Europe
Borders of Civilizations in Europe
Politics of Identity and Reconstructing European Union
Occidentalism and Orientalism in Europe After 9/11
Cultures of Citizenship and Democracy in Europe
The Role of International Organizations ( UN, NATO, OSCE and EU) in
the Globalized International System
Peace and War in Southeastern Europe


The Role of NGOs in Crisis-management, Peace-building and

Political Economy

US Foreign Policy

Turkey in 21. Century


**If you would like your abstract to be considered for one of the
panels, please clearly indicate that on your submission.

Other sections to be formed in accordance with the proposals and
papers by the participants.

The programme structure, especially as regards workshops, is still
quite flexible and can be reformed in accordance with the proposals
from the participants. Especially it should be noted that although
the main theme of the conference is " CHALLENGES OF PEACE AND
DEMOCRACY IN EUROPE "- this does imply that all papers should deal
with Europe. On the contrary, the contents of the working groups
should reflect the research being carried out at present within the
European peace research community.
Conference language is English. Presented papers will be published.
APPLICATION: If interested in presenting a paper or organizing a
panel/workshop in the 2007 EuPRA Conference, please submit:
PAPER TITLE (and Panel theme and paper titles if applicable)

Indicate willingness to serve as a session MODERATOR and/or
The deadline for abstract submission is 1st July 2007
Important Deadlines and Dates
1st July 2007 Deadline for receipt of abstracts
15th July 2007 Decisions on acceptance/rejectio n of abstracts by
10 August 2007 Final date for registration by presenters of papers
(otherwise paper will be withdrawn from the conference programme)
21–24 August 2007 EuPRA Conference in Sakarya

For information and registration, contact::
Sakarya University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Department of International Relations, Sakarya, Adapazarý, Turkey

Conference Administration:
E-mail: eupra.conference@ gmail.com
Tel: 00 90 264 295 63 72
Fax: 00 90 264 295 62 33

Conference Coordinator: Dr. Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor,
Sakarya University
e-mail : nkenar@sakarya. edu.tr

Conference secreteria: Murat Yesiltas muratyesiltas@ gmail.com, Ali
Balcý alibalci@gmail. com, Yýldýrým Turan yildirimturan@ gmail.com ,
Filiz Cicioðlu fsever@sakarya. edu.tr , Ayla Akdoðan
akdogan@sakarya. edu.tr

We welcome proposals reflecting various empirical, theoretical, and
methodological approaches in the social sciences. We encourage all
members to disseminate this message to those who might be interested
in submitting a paper proposal in the conference. Please indicate
your section.

Send all paper proposals to eupra.conference@ gmail.com by June 15th.

Scientific Board:
Haakan Wiberg, Professor Dr., Danish Institute of International
Alaaddin Yalçýnkaya, Professor Dr. Sakarya University, Turkey
Burhanettin Duran, Associate Professor Dr. Sakarya University, Turkey
Emin Gürses, Associate Professor Dr.
Unto Vesa, Professor Dr. Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finland
Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor Dr., Sakarya University,Turkey
Attila Fabian, Associate Professor Dr.,West Hungary University,
Dominika Svarc, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia
Riikka M Kuusisto, University of Helsinki, Finland
Radovan Vukadinovic, Professor Dr., Zagreb University, Croatia
Abdelwahab BIAD, Professor Dr., University of Rouen, France
Kemal Ýnat, Associate Professor Dr. Sakarya University, Turkey
Luc Reychler, Professor Dr., University of Leuven, Belgium
Emin Gürses, Associate Professor Dr., Sakarya University,Turkey
Vidar Vambheim, Associate Professor Dr.,University of Trömso, Norway
Giray Saynur Bozkurt, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University, Turkey
Tuncay Kardaþ, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University, Turkey
Ýbrahim Kamil, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University, Turkey
Ýsmail Özbay, Assistant Professor, Sakarya University, Turkey

Organizing Committee:
Engin Yýldýrým, Professor Dr.
Alaaddin Yalçýnkaya, Professor Dr.
Emin Gürses, Associate Professor Dr.
Burhanettin Duran, Associate Professor Dr.
Kemal Ýnat, Associate Professor Dr.
Nesrin Kenar, Assistant Professor Dr.
Ýbrahim Kamil, Assistant Professor Dr.
Giray Saynur Bozkurt, Assistant Professor Dr.
Ýsmail Özbay, Assistant Professor Dr.
Tuncay Kardaþ, Assistant Professor Dr.
Filiz Cicioðlu, Research Assistant
Ayla Akdoðan, Research Assistant
Ali Balcý, Research Assistant
Yýldýrým Turan, Research Assistant
Murat Yeþiltaþ, Research Assistant
Þaban Kardaþ, Research Assistant

[sursa e-nass

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

USA: Global Awareness Scholarship Program, Dickinson State Universit

Dickinson State University is still accepting Global Awareness Scholarship applications for the 2007-2008 academic school year!

To be eligible for this prestigious award, students must have completed secondary school and secure a TOEFL score of 525 PBT or higher (197 or higher on the computer based test or 71 or higher on the internet based test. Students with native proficiency or have taken equivalent tests may also qualify for this award).

Our Fall semester begins August 20th and there is still time to complete the admission process. Please see the attached document to learn more about Dickinson State University and the scholarship program. You can also visit our website at http://www.dickinso nstate.edu or contact me directly.


Thy Yang
Director of Multicultural Affairs
Dickinson State University
291 Campus Drive
Dickinson, North Dakota 58601 USA
+1.701.483.2598 Phone
+1.701.483.2831 Fax
thy.yang@dsu. nodak.edu
http://www.dickinso nstate.edu

[sursa study-x]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Mobility grants "European Sustainable Water Goals", Belluno, It

European Sustainable Water Goals 2007-2010

For details see:

http://eswg. watercivilizatio ns.org/?page= news&id=15

We seek qualified PhD, Master Students, post-Docs and professionals who would like to study in the fields of Environmental Sciences and get a Mobility Grant to participate to the conference "Managing Water Resources in European Mountain Environments" which will be held Belluno (Italy), 8-12 October 2007.

For more information please see ESWG training section of our website.
Deadline: July 30th 2007.

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Concurs de film in cadrul International Romani Art Festival

“Pentru ca arta de a fi convingator incepe prin a-ti deschide mintea si urechile, nu gura”, noi ne-am decis sa vorbim prin puterea exemplului. Sa gandim vechiul, traditia, cu o minte noua.

Concurs de film in cadrul International Romani Art Festival

Asociatia culturala TURN va anunta organizarea unui concurs de film in cadrul primei editii a International Romani Art Festival, festival care se va desfasura in perioada 31 august-6 septembrie 2007, in Timisoara.

Tema concursului este So Keres Europa? si se asteapta lucrari de scurt- metraj artistic si documentar din partea tuturor celor care sunt interesati de cultura roma. Prin acest concurs se doreste oferirea unei noi perspective asupra traditiilor si modului de viata al romilor.

Aceasta manifestare ridica un semnal vis-a-vis de rolul implicarii fiecarui cetatean european in promovarea diversitatii culturale si luptei impotriva discriminarii si ofera posibilitatea de interactiune, de cunoastere a celuilalt, de remarcare, de a intra in contact cu ale culturi si conceptii.

Concursul va avea 3 premii in valoare de 1000 euro fiecare: unul pentru fiecare sectiune, oferite de un juriu de profesionisti si un premiu al publicului. In vederea atribuirii celui din urma, scurt-metrajele vor putea fi vizionate in luna august si in timpul festivalului , in cluburile timisorene: Jazz Club, Papillon Cafe si Aeternativ Cafe, iar voturile spectatorilor vor fi transmise Asociatiei TURN. Materialele nu trebuie sa aiba o durata mai mare de 15 minute . Pentru suport tehnic va rugam sa folositi adresa de e-mail filmcontest@iraf.ro. Data limita a concursului este 15 august 2007. Lucrarile se trimit prin posta pe adresa Gospodarilor nr 14, Timisoara, Romania cod postal 300778 alaturi de o fisa a fiecarui film cu care se inscriu in concurs, care sa contina informatii importante
precum numele tuturor membrilor echipei de realizatori, unde si cand a fost filmat materialul, premii la festivaluri sau alte distinctii. Fiecare participant are dreptul de a trimite unul sau mai multe filme la oricare dintre sectiunile scurt-metraj documentar si scurt-metraj artistic.

Lucrarile vor fi supuse aprecierii unui juriu format din personalitati ale cinematografiei , precum si a unor oameni de cultura care in decursul timpului si-au dovedit interesul si competenta in acest domeniu, precum Cristi Puiu, Florin Iepan, Mircea Toma, Ciprian Necula , Lucian Ionica, Adrian Voichitescu, Diana Ureche, Delia
Grigore,Ovidiu Mihaita, Iulia Ciucur, Margareta Matache, Mona Nicoara, Miruna Coca-Cozma .

De asemenea pe parcursul festivalui, Asociatia Culturala TURN ofera sansa publicului larg de a viziona filme de lung metraj documentare sau artistice pe tema discriminarii si a artei si culturii rome . Pentru aceasta, organizatorii intentioneaza sa dedice un moment celor interesati sa-si prezinte propriile materialele spectatorilor. Filmele vor fi trimise pe adresa Gospodarilor nr 14, Timisoara, Romania cod postal 300778, alaturi de o scurta prezentare a membrilor
echipei de realizatori, unde si cand a fost filmat materialul, premii la festivaluri sau alte distinctii.

International Romani Art Festival

Este, prin natura desfasurarii lui, un eveniment unic: festival dedicat romilor din Intreaga lume. Pe plan mondial, „International Romani Art Festival” este unicul festival care reuneste reprezentanti ai tuturor artelor, atat romi cat si de de alte nationalitati, dar care promoveaza cultura roma.

Isi propune sa ofere o noua perspectiva asupra unui subiect de actualitate si delicat. Este momentul ca integrarea romilor in societate, renuntarea la prejudecati si la rasism sa devina o realitate, acestea fiind chestiuni vitale pentru dezvoltarea nostra, atat ca oameni, cat si ca societate. International Romani Art Festival inseamna accesul gratuit la concerte in aer liber, concursuri de fotografie si film, targuri ale caldararilor si ale argintarilor, parade ale cailor cu demonstratii de acrobatii, seri de film, expozitii de fotografie indoor si outdoor, concursuri de foto si film cu premii in valoare de de mii de euro, happening-uri si
performance-uri, lansari de carti, dvd-uri si albume, proiectii de filme inspirate din viata romilor in Romania, dimineti literare, worshop- uri de dans si fotojurnalism, cursuri de limba roma, evenimente de informare, spectacole de dans, teatru modern, concursuri de literatura, dezbateri despre arhitectura roma, istoria romilor si multe altele.

IRAF se desfasoara sub Inaltul Patronaj al Institutului Cultural Roman si al Consiliului National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii . Intrarea la toate actiunile din festival este gratuita.

Informatii suplimentare privind International Romani Art Festival puteti obtine accesand www.iraf.ro sau inscriindu-va in www.yahoogroups.com/group/iraf.

Adrian Voichitescu,
presedinte IRAF

Cristina Gavrila,
PR International Romani Art Festival

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Leaders for Tomorrow camp 2007! open call for applications!

Take part to one of the most challenging play of the year: 2007 Leaders for Tomorrow summer camp - Youth Em'power!

Rasinari, Sibiu, 29th July - 5th August 2007

Directed by the Romanian Red Cross, Sibiu branch, in the beautiful scenery of the European Cultural Capital of Sibiu, the play offers you a lot of excitement and the possibility to exchange knowledge and aquire extra abillities.

More information on: www.crucearosie. ro/sb and http://lftsibiu. blogspot. com

Deadline: 5th July 2007!

[sursa eurodesk_info]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: EC Internship for Young Roma Graduates [2007]

Dear friends and colleagues,

The European Commission in cooperation with the Open Society Institute, Roma Participation Program, is announcing the second Call for applications for 2007 for Young Roma Graduates from all new member states (excluding Cyprus and Malta), Croatia , F.Y.R.O.M., Serbia , Kosovo and Montenegro . The internship program will run for 5 months starting with the 1st October 2007. For more information please find enclosed more information about application procedures and eligibility criteria. The deadline for submitting the application is the 15th of July 2007.

Here it is the website where you can download the required documents:
http://www.soros. org/initiatives/ roma/focus/ internship/ grants/internshi p

Should you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact our office.

Violeta Naydenova
Program Assistant
Roma Participation Program
Open Society Institute - Budapest
Fax: (+36-1) 327 38 41
E-mail: vnaydenova@osi. hu

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfP: Contributions for interdisciplinary volume on gender and queer

Dear All,

my name is Silvia Antosa and I teach English literature at the University of Palermo. I am currently editing the second volume of a series of interdisciplinary studies on gender and queer studies entitled Omosapiens (info on the first one:
http://www.carocci. it/carocci/ servlet/LoadPage Net?page= 32&init=sec& act=scheda& cod=3756).

Part of the volume is devoted to the state of the art of gender and queer studies in Eastern Europe. I have already contacted scholars from Poland and Russia who will provide a brief essay in which they trace a history of gay/lesbian and queer studies in their own country and then furnish a bibliography which may be useful to Italian readers (the volume is in Italian) who wish to delve into the subject.

I would like to ask you or someone who would be pleased to take part in this project, if you could take part in this project with a short article (about 4-5 pages) in which he/she traces a short history of queer studies in the Balkan area.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

best wishes
Silvia Antosa
Dott. Silvia Antosa
Dipartimento ARCO
Facolta' di Scienze della Formazione
Università degli studi di Palermo
Viale Delle Scienze, Edificio 15, stanza 713
90128 Palermo
Tel. +39 091 6561032
Mobile: +39 328 1595691

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: PhD opportunity in agricultural economics, MSc degree required,

Hi there is a PhD opportunity in agricultural economy. The ideal candidate should have a MSc degree in related field. More details can be found bellow....

For this PhD scholarship, I am looking for a bright young Researcher from Eastern Europe who is interested in looking at structural changes in agriculture in a selected area of this region. Concerning methods, I am quite open. However, the candidate should possess some knowledge on economic processes and possibly be able to
handle spatial data. I also expect the person to be able to read and write in English as (s)he has to write the (possibly cumulative) dissertation in English. I'd also prefer a strong background in mathematics. Possible methods may include statistics/economet rics, spatial analysis, neural nets, agent-based modeling, or other simulation tools.

Check my website below for topics I was so far interested in, but I am open to new ideas, too!

Dr. Daniel Mueller

Senior Scientist
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and
Eastern Europe (IAMO)
Website: http://amor. rz.hu-berlin. de/~muelleda/
Email: mueller [at] iamo.de


Department of Geomatics
Institute of Geography
Humboldt University Berlin www.hu-geomatics. de

Theodor-Lieser- Str. 2
06120 Halle (Saale)
Ph.: +49(0)345-2928 328 Fax: +49(0)345-2928 399

[sursa moldova_doc]
If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfP: Experimental Methods in Political Science, Belgium


International Workshop on Experimental Methods in Political Science
The workshop will be held on Friday, December 14, 2007, in Brussels.

Proposals for this workshop should address the issue of experimental research in political science. Both theoretical/ methodological reflections, as empirical field reports are invited. Since our focus is mainly on the method being used, we do not have any restrictions on the specific topic of the experiments.

The workshop will be limited to ca. 25 invited speakers and discussants. We envision an informal workshop, but with high level discussions among the participants. To ensure active discussions, papers for the workshop should be circulated at least two weeks before December 14, 2007.

Proposals for a paper should be sent (1 page) to Marc.Hooghe@ soc.kuleuven. be, the program coordinator for this workshop, before July 14, 2007. The final program will be sent out before July 21, 2007.

Website: http://www.essex. ac.uk/ecpr/ onlineservices/ exchange/ showentry. aspx?showID= 518

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Call for production concept proposals, new positions in int'l performing arts


Plateaux is an international production festival for young artists in the field of experimental theatre, performance and live-art. Initiated by the Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM and co-produced by the Deutsche Bank Stiftung, the festival aims to promote new experimental forms of performance by providing them with a professional platform. Plateaux defines itself as a base for artists, who in a conscious and
integrated way operate between the given borderlines of various performing arts. Plateaux herewith would like to invite international artists and artist groups to send in concept proposals for productions in all fields of the performing arts. The concepts should reveal an individual aesthetic position.

Plateaux will commission a limited number of productions. These projects can be carried out and developed beginning December 2007 in residencies either at the Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM or at one of the co-producing houses. The finished productions will then be presented as part of the Plateaux Festival in April 2008. Plateaux will supervise the productions and promote the finished pieces within the
existing international networks.

Plateaux application deadline -- 1st of September 2007 (post marked)

Every proposal must be submitted in print and in digital form (accepted formats: pdf, jpg, html, excel, word). Please clearly mark all material with name of the applicant and project title.

Proposals have to include:
- completed application form that is available for download here
- detailed project description
- comprehensive documentation of previous productions with video examples (prescribed format: DVD, length: maximum 60 minutes)
- CV's of all participants
- calculated budget of the expected total costs including a finance model covering 30% of the total costs

The budget should provide an overview of the total production costs including all artistic fees, travel costs, material costs, royalties, etc. (Accommodation during the residency periods, technical staff and PR will be covered by Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM and do not need to be calculated). The size of the budget has no influence on the choice of production concepts. The volume of production grant will not exceed 70% of the total budget and will be determined according to the requirements of the respective production.

Proposals will be assessed by the project manager and the artistic advisory board.
The decisions will be announced in November 2007.

Dieter Buroch Martin Baasch
Artistic Director Curator

Plateaux Festival 2008 / Künstlerhaus MOUSONTURM
Waldschmidtstraß e 4 / D-60316 Frankfurt/M.
Tel: 0049-(0)69-405895- 16
Fax: 0049-(0)69-405895- 40
plateaux@mousonturm .de
www.mousonturm. de

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Conference on Probing Interactions between Nanoparticles/Biomat

ESF-EMBO Symposium

Probing Interactions between Nanoparticles/ Biomaterials and Biological Systems: Alternative Approaches to Bio- and Nano-Safety

Hotel Eden Roc, Sant Feliu de Guixols (Costa Brava) * Spain
3-8 November 2007
Deadline: August 20, 2007

Website: http://www.esf. org/conferences/ 07227

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Stavros Costopoulos Fellowship at ELIAMEP

Full Time starting 1 October 2007-05-28

ELIAMEP is looking for a qualified Research Fellow in the fields of International Relations or European Integration, broadly defined, for a one-year, renewable appointment. The appointee will contribute to refining and implementing a research agenda and link up with areas of related research at the ELIAMEP. The successful candidate would be expected to develop a portfolio of work that will include initiating new research, forming partnerships with other institutions and translating academic knowledge into policy relevant outputs. Salary is competitive and will depend upon the successful candidate's qualifications.

Candidates should have a PhD or an equivalent level of research experience and possess the following attributes:

· sound knowledge of key issues in current debates in his/her area of expertise

· proven ability to implement independent and/or collaborative research projects

· excellent research and writing skills, ability to work with researchers from a variety of backgrounds and to support their research activities, presentation skills, experience in workshop facilitation, translating academic knowledge into policy relevant outputs

· fluency in Greek and English, knowledge of other languages being an additional asset

· computer and internet literacy.

Deadline for applications: 29 June 2007. Applications should include curriculum vitae, samples of written work and the names of two academic referees. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

Applications and requests for further information should be addressed to: by e-mail to the following addresses: elizabeth@eliamep. gr and areti@eliamep. gr

by mail to ELIAMEP, 49 Vasilissis Sofias, 106 76 Athens, Greece, to the attention of Ms. Elizabeth Phocas

[sursa e-nass]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfP: The Political Economy of International Organizations

The Political Economy of International Organizations
A ETH / University of Zurich joint international conference
Sunday, 3.2.2008 to Friday, 8.2.2008
at the Centro Stefano Franscini at Monte Verità in Ascona, Switzerland

Deadline for submitting extended abstracts: July 31st, 2007

Website: http://www.cis. ethz.ch/events/ PEIO

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA: Postdoc position near Paris, in cardiac hypertrophy

Postdoctoral position near Paris (France)

Employer: Inserm (French Institute of Health and Medical Research) through a grant from the Fondation Leducq.

Description: A Postdoctoral position is available for a highly motivated Scientist with excellent scientific background to join a multidisciplinary ongoing research program focused on the role of cyclic nucleotide compartmentation in cardiac hypertrophy. The position is available for two years (start: September 1st, 2007) in
the Laboratory of Signaling and Cardiac Pathophysiology (Inserm Unit 769, University of Paris 11, France) headed by Dr. Rodolphe Fischmeister. The laboratory is located in the Faculty of Pharmacy of Châtenay-Malabry (12 km south of Paris) and provides state of the art facilities and equipment to carry out cellular electrophysiology &
imaging, cellular and molecular biology and biochemistry.

For more information on the laboratory and scientific environment, see: http://inserm- u769.cep. u-psud.fr and http://ifr141. cep.u-psud. fr/

Requirements: The candidate will have a PhD and a complementary training in at least two relevant disciplines related to cellular signaling (cell physiology, electrophysiology, imaging, molecular biology, biochemistry. ..), preferably in cardiovascular research. Contact: Applications, including a cover letter, CV, and names/e-mail addresses of three people who could provide letters of recommendation,
should be sent to:

Dr. Rodolphe Fischmeister
fisch@vjf.inserm. fr
phone: +33-1 46 83 57 71
fax: +33-1 46 83 54 75

[sursa romstudyabroad]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

CfA:Summer Camp 2007, Debating the Future of Europe, Vrtovin/Slovenia

Dear Sir/Madam,
We wish to invite you and your members to our Summer Camp. This event shall bring together organisations and individuals from all across Europe, to exchange, debate and establish new ideas and projects for the future of cooperation in Europe. We wish for the camp to take place in a neutral relaxed environment, which we believe will be provided by the wonderful setting of Vrtovin, Slovenia.

Please forward this invitation to your members, partner organisations and any other interested parties.

Alternatively you can direct them to our regularly updated summer camp website:
www.summercamp2007. org

Subjects to be debated include:
Employment: The free movement of people – Immigration and Migration
Education: The Bologna strategy
Research and Development: The Lisbon Strategy
Financial and Fiscal Policy: The Euro – Euro Zone vs. Non-Euro Zone

We welcome all comments regarding the topics to be discussed and would be glad to hear any suggestions you have regarding new topics or proposals for workshops.

Cultural Activities
(click for full details)
There shall be many different cultural and fun activities for people to be participating in throughout the whole of the summer camp. These activities include: visits to nearby caves and villages, campfires, barbecues,
swimming, wine tasting and more.

Click Here to Register

We hope to see you at the summer camp.
Kind regards,
TEAM and the EUDemocrats.

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

If you want to publish your announcement, please send it to riliescu2000@yahoo.com.

Conference: Ottomans and wealth, Cambridge, 4-7.7.2007

Ottomans and Wealth: a comparative perspective

4-7 July 2007

The Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies, Newnham College, Cambridge
www.newn.cam. ac.uk/skilliter

Wednesday, 4 - July 2007

10:00-14:00 Registration

14:00-15:00 Panel I
Religion and wealth

Chair: Margaret Malamud (New Mexico)

Gerald Hawting (SOAS), Wealth, charity and alms giving in early Islam.

Adam Sabra (Georgia), Manifesting God's blessings: wealth in Egyptian

15:00-15:30 Tea

15:30-16:30 Panel II
Provincial poverty and wealth

Chair: Ben Fortna (SOAS)

Leslie Peirce (NYU), Were peasants poorer? Assessing provincial wealth in
16th-century Anatolia.

Hülya Canbakal (Sabancž, Istanbul), Comparative reflections on the
distribution of wealth in 17th-century Ayntab.

16:30-18:00 Panel III

Chair: Colin Heywood (Hull)

Amina Elbendary (Cambridge), Making a living and managing poverty in late
medieval Damascus: a reading of Ibn Tawq¹s al-Ta¹liq.

Eminegül Karababa (Exeter), Origins of consumer culture in an early modern
context: Ottoman Bursa.

Virginia Aksan (McMaster) Pockets of wealth in the provinces: the
18th-century Caniklizade.

19:00 Conference Dinner

Thursday, 5 July 2007

09:00-10:30 Panel IV

Wealth, politics and power

Chair: Palmira Brummett (Tennessee)

Ebru Boyar (ODTÜ, Ankara), Profitable prostitution: state use of immoral
earnings for social benefit.

Kate Fleet (Cambridge), Paying for an island: the Venetians, the Ottomans
and Crete.

Alejandro Caneque (Durham), The circulation of wealth and power in an
economy of favour and reward: New Spain in the 16th and 17th centuries.

10:30-11:00 Coffee

11:00-13:00 Panel V

Chair: Margaret Malamud (New Mexico)

Abdul-Karim Rafeq (The College of William and Mary), Sources of wealth and
its social and political implications in 19th-century Damascus.

Frederick Anscombe (Birkbeck, London), Wealth, poverty, justice and
injustice: Balkan revolts of the early 19th century.

Pal Fodor (The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History,
Budapest), Fur of lynx and arable field: the wealth of an Ottoman tax farmer

Svetla Ianeva (The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of History,
Sofia), Financing the state? Tax farming as a source of individual wealth in
the 19thcentury.

13:00-14.30 Lunch

Free Afternoon

Friday, 6 July 2007

09:00-10:00 Panel VI

Wealth and diplomacy

Chair: Leslie Peirce (NYU)

Lisa Jardine (Queen Mary, London), Gloriana rules the waves: cordial
exchanges between Elizabeth I and Murad III.

John Burman (Cambridge), Politics and profit: the National Bank of Turkey

10:00-11:00 Panel VII

Chair: Colin Heywood (Hull)

Elina Screen (Cambridge), Coins and wealth: an early medieval perspective.

John-Paul Ghobrial (Princeton), Money talks: coinage and the communication
of political news in the early modern Ottoman world.
11:00-11:30 Coffee

11:30-13:00 Panel VIII
People and wealth

Chair: David Morgan (Wisconsin-Madison)

Anna Sobers (Cambridge), Slaves, wealth and fear: an episode from late
Mamluk-era Egypt.

Madeline Zilfi (Maryland), Wealth in people: slave ownership and elite
contestation in the Ottoman reform era.

Gabriela Ramos (Cambridge), People, coca, and cloth: changing ideas about
wealth in 16th-century Peru.

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Panel IX


Chair: Julian Chrysostomides (The Hellenic Institute, Royal Holloway,

Elizabeth Zachariadou (Crete), A ship owner on the island of Patmos at the
end of the 16th century.

James Tracy (Minnesota), Aleppo and Cairo in the silver age of Venetian
trade: Andrea Berengo and Lorenzo Tiepolo.

15:00-15:30 Tea

15:30-17:30 Panel X

Cultural wealth
I Display and narration

Chair: Lisa Jardine (Queen Mary, London)

Janet Huskinson (Open University), Desirable residences: display housing for
the living and the dead in the Roman empire.

Palmira Brummett (Tennessee), Envisioning Ottoman wealth: narrating and
mapping Ottoman "treasure" in the 16th and early 17th centuries.

Rhoads Murphey (Birmingham) , Exoticism versus domesticity in the display of
wealth in the households of provincial pashas of the 17th and 18th
centuries: reflections of tereke inventories in Syria and Anatolia and a
comparison with evidence from contemporary Istanbul.

Zeynep Celik (New Jersey School of Architecture) , Defining the cultural
wealth of the Ottoman empire c. 1900: architectural heritage, diversity and
modernity in the Arab provinces.

18:00-19:30 Reception

20:00 Dinner

Saturday, 7 July 2007

9:00-10:30 Panel XI

Cultural wealth
II The book

Chair: Margaret Malamud (New Mexico)

Rosamond McKitterick (Cambridge), Books, wealth and social status in
Carolingian Francia (8th and 9th centuries).

Nelly Hanna (AUC, Cairo), Literacy and legal culture in the 17th century.

Orlin Sabev (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Balkan History,
Sofia), Rich men, poor men: Ottoman printers and booksellers making fortune
or needing survival (18th-19th centuries)?

10:30-11:00 Tea

11:00-12:00 Panel XII

Position and wealth

Chair: Kate Fleet (Cambridge)

Maurits van den Boogert (Leiden), Provocative wealth? The financial position
of non-Muslim beratlis in the 18th century.

Antonis Hadjikyriacou (SOAS), Provincial wealth and power: the case of
Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios, dragoman of Cyprus, 1779-1809.

12:30-14:30 Lunch

For further details please contact

Kate Fleet (khf11@cam.ac. uk) or Ebru Boyar (eb271@cam.ac. uk)

[sursa balkans]

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