Jun 18, 2007

CfA: EC Internship for Young Roma Graduates [2007]

Dear friends and colleagues,

The European Commission in cooperation with the Open Society Institute, Roma Participation Program, is announcing the second Call for applications for 2007 for Young Roma Graduates from all new member states (excluding Cyprus and Malta), Croatia , F.Y.R.O.M., Serbia , Kosovo and Montenegro . The internship program will run for 5 months starting with the 1st October 2007. For more information please find enclosed more information about application procedures and eligibility criteria. The deadline for submitting the application is the 15th of July 2007.

Here it is the website where you can download the required documents:
http://www.soros. org/initiatives/ roma/focus/ internship/ grants/internshi p

Should you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact our office.

Violeta Naydenova
Program Assistant
Roma Participation Program
Open Society Institute - Budapest
Fax: (+36-1) 327 38 41
E-mail: vnaydenova@osi. hu

[sursa romstudyabroad]

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