Feb 29, 2008

Postdoctoral Researcher - Bioinformatics in Proteome Research

VIB group: Department of Medical Protein Research,UGent

Job description:

The Functional Proteomics unit of our department developsand applies peptide-centric or gel-free techniques for detailed analyses of avariety of proteomes. These analyses yield an enormous amount of massspectrometry derived data needing interrogation, intelligent storage anddissemination. Ongoing bioinformatics efforts are focused on the qualityassessment of suggested peptide and protein identifications, the streamliningof data flow and the public dissemination of proteomics data (more info can befound at http://www.proteomi cs.be/-> bioinformatics link).

We aim at expanding our bioinformatics capacity in order to increase our competence in data mining and in linking proteomics data with biologically and medically relevant questions. For this purpose we seek a person who is successful in bridging biology and mass spectrometry. She/he will not only operate in association with the mass spectrometry driven proteomics lab, but will also take up challenges to independently employ and develop bioinformatics tools for describing and predicting at the protein structural level the different features (processing, modifications, interactions) discovered during our proteome-wide analyses when analyzing cell death and oxidative stress.

Junior postdoctoral researcher
Experience with bioinformatics and programming inproteome research
Experience with structural protein modeling isan asset
Experience with biostatistics is an asset
Excellent writing, reporting and communicativeskills
Good publication track record
Willing to supervise PhD students
Willing to apply for research grants

We offer a two year contract renewable for two more years. The selected candidate will have full access to all data derived from the proteomics lab and will be able to independently perform her/his research activities.

KrisGevaert (kris.gevaert@ ugent.be) orJo€ ¢Ã«l Vandekerckhove (joel.vandekerckhove @ugent.be),VIB Department of Medical Protein Research, UGent, A. Baertsoenkaai 3, B9000Ghent, Belgium.

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Conference "Sensors Electronics and Microsystems Technology" , Ukraina

3-rd International Scientific and Technical Conference "Sensors Electronics and Microsystems Technology" (with the exhibition of sensors developments and industrial samples) "SEMST-3", Ukraine, Odessa, June 2-7, 2008

Details - http://www.semst. onu.edu.ua/ semst-3/en/ index.html

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Postdoc positions available at Penn State

Two Postdoctoral Positions at Penn State Plant Molecular genetics, genomics and bioinformatics Seeking two postdoctoral researchers to work on a newly funded project on a biofuel plant species. This is a three-year research project with the aim of utilizing the modern tools of genetics, genomics and biotechnology to facilitate development of a comprehensive research program for directed improvement of a biofuel crop.

The main components of this project include development of genomics database, gene
discovery, development of a comprehensive plant breeding program using molecular techniques, and designing and development of transgenic plants. The two postdoctoral incumbents will work together, however, one would focus mainly on development of genetic markers and maps and marker-assisted selection while the second would focus on functional genomics and bioinformatics.

The successful candidates will have Ph.D. degree in a plant science discipline, including Plant Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics or other related fields. Prior experience with molecular markers and marker-assisted selection, high throughput genotyping, gene expression analysis, statistical and bioinformatics analysis tools is preferred. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are required. Attractive salary and fringe benefits package are

The two positions are available on July 1, 2008, or earlier as agreed to. Send (via email) a letter of research interest and professional goals, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for three referees to Dr. Majid Foolad, Department of Horticulture, 102 Tyson Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802. For additional information: phone: 814-865-5408 or email: mrf5@psu.edu. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its work force.

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POSTDOC: Ecological Genomics Fellowship at K-State University


To view the following announcement on a webpage, please visit
http://www.k- state.edu/ ecogen/Recruit- Postdoc-EcogenVS .htm.

A postdoctoral research fellowship is available through the Ecological Genomics Institute (www.k-state. edu/ecogen) at Kansas State University (K-State). Our interdisciplinary Institute seeks to understand responses of organisms to their natural environment by combining functional genomic and ecological/evolutio nary approaches. The postdoctoral fellow will have access to excellent university resources including the Konza Prairie Biological Station, a core Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) site (www.climate. konza.ksu. edu), the K-State Gene Expression Facility (www.k-state.edu/gene- exp), and infrastructure of the Division of Biology and Departments of Entomology, Agronomy and Plant Pathology. For additional information about the Ecological Genomics Institute please visit the Ecogen website!

Candidates must have excellent oral and written communication skills, demonstrate evidence of past research achievement, and have completed requirements for a Ph.D. by the start date. This full-time position provides a competitive salary and benefits. The anticipated start date is summer 2008.

Full applications must include:

1. A cover letter detailing your qualifications and proposed start date.

2. A research proposal (three page maximum, not including references). *Proposals utilizing genetic and/or genomic approaches to examine ecologically relevant traits or interactions will receive highest priority.

3. A current curriculum vitae.

4. Two letters of recommendation from referees who are familiar with the applicant's research. Major advisor or members of supervisory committee preferred.

Completed applications can be e-mailed to Doris Merrill at dmerrill@k-state.edu.

Applications can also be sent by regular mail to:

Ecological Genomics

Kansas State University

Division of Biology, Ackert Hall

Manhattan KS 66506-4901

Review of applications will begin March 15, 2008.
This position is sponsored by a Kansas State University Targeted Excellence Award in Ecological Genomics.

K-State is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and actively seeks diversity among its employees.

Doris Merrill, Program Coordinator
(785) 532-3482, www.ksu.edu/ ecogen


November 14 – 16, 2008, in Kansas City.

Visit http://www.k- state.edu/ ecogen/symp2008- Brief.html for more details.

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Postdoc: Montpellier Modeling Plant Pathogens


Modelling the demo-genetics of emergent fungal plant pathogen species. A postdoctoral position is available to work with Virginie Ravigné, Jean Carlier (UMR BGPI - CIRAD, Montpellier, France) and Marie-Laure Loustau (INRA Bordeaux, France) in the context of a project funded by the ANR (French national research agency) Biodiversity programme (Project EMERFUNDIS - Understanding the emergence of fungal
plant diseases: a step towards the assessment of global change risks).

Its overall aim is to identify the factors that contribute to the emergence of fungal plant diseases in crop and natural systems and to categorize known pathogens and agro-ecosystems according to their risk of disease emergence under the effects of human-induced global changes such as global warming, increase in pathogen introductions and agro-ecosystem management. So far, plant theoretical epidemiology has much improved our understanding of spatio-temporal population dynamics processes of disease spread, with much effort in linking theory and empirical data.

Theoretical tools for understanding the factors that drive plant disease emergence are far less developed. It is now obvious that the adaptive potential of pathogens is a major determinant in disease outbreaks and is influenced by factors such as
propagule introduction rate, inoculum size, and population genetics. The post-doctoral researcher will thus develop a simulation tool to model the population dynamics and genetics of fungal pathogens clearly integrating into the simplest framework, key-characteristics of diseases (e.g., mating system) and ecosystem properties (e.g., hosts distribution and variability) . He/She will then conduct a sensitivity analysis to look for matches between putative successful pathogen strategies and candidate vulnerable agro-ecosystems. He/She will also be able to participate in the building and analysis of a large database gathering relevant information about all pathogens known to cause emergent fungal plant diseases.

The theoretical approach developed by the postdoc is central to the ANR Biodiversity Project EMERFUNDIS that gathers 8 French teams working in the field of phytopathology. The post-doc will thus be part of a dynamic network of researchers with numerous opportunities to establish collaborations.

Requirements for the position include (1) a proven record of research; (2) a PhD in biology, mathematics, statistics, or related area; (3) excellent skills in scientific programming (C/C++, or Delphi).

The ideal candidate should be well acquainted with demo-genetics simulations. Applications are welcome from candidates in any country. Screening of applicants will begin March 6, 2008. Starting date: April, 2008. Highly motivated applicants are encouraged to email a statement of research interests, CV, and contact details for three references to Jean Carlier (Jean.Carlier@ cirad.fr). Virginie Ravigné Chercheuse CIRAD Département BIOS UMR Biologie et Génétique des Interactions Plantes-
Parasites TA A 54 / K - Campus International de Baillarguet - Bureau 114 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France Tel : + 33 4 99 62 48 10 Fax : + 33 4 99 62 48 48 Mail : Virginie.Ravigne@ cirad.fr Virginie Ravigné

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Postdoc: Paris 1 year Population Modelling

Physiologically structured population models for viability analysis

One Post-doctoral position 2008-2009 available at the Ecology-Evolution
Laboratory (CNRS, UMR 7625) at the Ecole Normale Superieure (CERES-ERTI)
in Paris. Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral position funded by R2DS (http://www.r2ds. centre-cired. fr/) to investigate the dynamics of small populations with plastic life histories using physiologically structured populations models.

Population persistence is notably conditioned by the degree of individual variation in reproductive success, which depends on variation in any part of the life cycle. Yet, the majority of studies that examined population extinction have tended to ignore life history variation and plasticity. Here, we wish to use life history models to inform the dynamics of small populations and ask how plasticity in life history traits influences extinction dynamics.

Many aspects of life history can interact with population dynamics and the project concentrates on three of them, namely growth, maturation and survival. The post-doc will explore this issue by developing models that account for variation in life history traits using the theory of physiologically structured populations (PSP). This theory takes into account that physiological development (e.g. growth, maturation) depends on the current state of the environment (e.g., temperature, food and predator densities).

In turn, the influence of the population on the environment closes a feedback loop between environment, population and life history. The theory of PSP models is thus particularly well-suited to study the interaction between population dynamics and plastic life history.

Small populations are subject to stochastic fluctuation in abundance. The project aims to study the feedback of this variability on life history and the consequences for extinction dynamics. The models will be parameterized with estimates from field and experimental studies undertaken with the common lizard, a species with strong thermal and food plasticity in life history traits. The post-doc will be based at the Ecology-Evolution Laboratory (CNRS, UMR 7625) at the Ecole Normale Superieure (CERES-ERTI) in Paris, where the applicant will work with David Claessen and Jean-Francois Le Galliard.

This post-doc project is part of a research network on the dynamics of small populations funded by ANR from 2008 to 2012 and will therefore interact with a larger group of researchers. The post can start on September 1st or October 1st 2008 and will run for one year with a possible one year extension by applying to extended funding from the R2DS network in spring 2009. Gross salary will be 2500€ per month. The starting date can be postponed in exceptional circumstances. References: Claessen, D. (2005).

Alternative life-history pathways and the elasticity of stochastic matrix models. American Naturalist 165: E27-E35. Le Galliard, J.-F., Fitze, P. S., Ferrière, R. and J. Clobert. 2005. Sex ratio bias, male aggression, and population collapse in lizards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102(50):18231- 18236. Claessen, D; Van Oss, C; de Roos, AM; Persson, L. 2002.

The impact of size-dependent predation on population dynamics and individual life history. Ecology 83 (6): 1660-1675.

Candidate profile
There are no nationality restrictions and the successful candidate will:
(1) Possess a doctoral degree in ecology and/or mathematics, dating no more than 2 years before 1 October 2008, though the last condition may be negotiated in exceptional circumstances.
(2) Not have worked in the hosting lab, nor have prepared his thesis within the hosting lab, except for a return after a period of absence of at least one year.
(3) Have strong competence in modeling, with an interest in population dynamics,
viability analyses and conservation biology and knowledge of C programming or closely related languages.
(4) Have personal qualities needed for group work and inter-disciplinary study.

Contact Application:
Chantal Cuisinier,
tel.: +33 1 44 27 36 89,
email: Chantal.Cuisinier@ snv.jussieu. fr,
postal address is CNRS UMR 7625,
Universite Paris 6, 7 Quai St Bernard, 75005 Paris

Research project: David Claessen,
tel.: +33 1 44 32 27 21,
email: david.claessen@ ens.fr

How to apply

1: Applicants have until April 30 2008 to send a completed application form available at http://jf.legalliard. free.fr/ to the Application contact point.
2: The lab director and a local jury will select one candidate from the application
forms and contact the candidates from May 31 2008.
3: The regional office of the CNRS will be responsible for drawing up the contract.

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Workshop: Guarda 2008

"Evolutionary Biology in Guarda 2008" is open for registration. It is my pleasure to announce this years Guarda workshop in Evolutionary Biology.

The main aim of this 1 week course is to develop the skills to produce an independent research project in evolutionary biology. The course is for master students and first or second year PhD students with a keen interest in evolutionary biology. Course dates: 21. - 28. June 2008 (Saturday to Saturday).

Location: The village Guarda in the Swiss Alps.

Course faculty
* Dr. David Haig (Harvard University, USA)
* Dr. Bruce Levin (Emory University, Atlanta, USA)
* Dr. Sebastian Bonhoeffer (ETH Zürich)
* Dr. Dieter Ebert (Basel University) (course organizer)

For more information:
http://www.evolutio n.unibas. ch/teaching/ guarda/

Please communicate this information to interested students. If you receive this email twice, please excuse me. With best wishes

Dieter Ebert [ Mailto:dieter.ebert@ unibas.ch ]
http://evolution. unibas.ch/
Universität Basel,
Zoologisches Institut,
Evolutionary Biology Vesalgasse 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41-(0)61-267 03 60 FAX +41-(0)61-267 03 62

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CfA: CWWPP Summer Program in Vukovar, Croatia

Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace (CWWPP)
M. Drzica 12
32000 Vukovar
tel. and fax +385-32-441975
tel. only +385-32-450991

28 February, 2008

The Grassroots Experience of Post-Conflict Transformation

The Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace in Vukovar, Croatia, is delighted to announce its fourth annual Summer Program.

The aim of the program is to give the participant an impression of the reality of a post-conflict area and to establish a dialogue between the students and the hosting organizations and to assist the participant in refining his/her academic skills.

• The participant should learn the practical aspects of work in a post-conflict area in terms of politics, religion, health (mental and physical), civil society, human rights, economics and reconciliation.

• The participant should learn the positive and negative aspects of the work of governmental organizations, international non-governmental organizations and local non-governmental organizations in general and in a specific case.

• The participant should learn various approaches to the problems of post-conflict areas and be able to evaluate them critically.

• The participant should have some idea of the differences between the theoretical approaches to post-conflict areas as put forward in university courses and the reality of the situation.

• The participant should have knowledge of one specific area of post-conflict areas of his or her choice and should be able to apply that to the specific case of Vukovar.

• After successfully completing the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

The Summer Program comprises a series of local lecturers and forums offering a platform for discussion on a diverse range of subjects during four week course on post conflict issues, combined with an optional six week project period.

Students and staff will also be offered a recreational program, including excursions, social gatherings and cultural events.

Costs including a tax-deductible contribution, Internet use, use of office equipment and printing and copying, housing, celebrations and lunches for the intensive period of the course.

Summer Program 2100 Euros/3100 USD
Optional Croatian language course 350 Euros/ 515 USD
Project Period 600 Euros/ 885 USD

Costs for persons from Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and other areas currently in violent conflict and/or post-conflict are 100 Euros/150 USD. These cover only the course contribution and do not cover costs of transportation, housing, health insurance (required; to be obtained individually by the participant) or other costs.

The Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace is a Dutch-registered organization that works on issues of health, civil society, non-violent conflict transformation and (re-) development of society. The Coalition has been in the region since 1995. The CWWPP has had interns and volunteers since 1999. They have stayed for periods ranging from a few weeks up to about six months. This Program in Post-Conflict Studies is part of the development of the Vukovar Field Institute for Post-Conflict Studies. More information about the Institute and other aspects of the CWWPP can be found on the CWWPP website, www.cwwpp.org.

Further information
A version of this brochure in Word format is available at
http://www.cwwpp. org/Documents/ Study/2008/ Brochure% 20SUMMER% 20PROGRAM% 202008%202008% 2002%2016. doc

All information and the application form for the Summer Program are
available on the CWWPP website at
http://www.cwwpp. org/Documents/ Study/2008/ Information% 20and%20Applicat ion%20for% 202008%202008% 2002%2016. doc

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USA: Summer 2008 Legal Institute in London

SLI 2008 Program
Part A: Working Effectively in Legal English with
U.S. Attorneys
Part B: Key Doctrines in American Law and U.S. Legal
Program Costs
Part A: $3,750
Part B: $3,750

Both Part A and Part B: $7,300

Cost includes tuition, furnished housing, course materials and administrative expenses
Application Instructions
Apply Online or
Download Application Materials

SLI Alumni Praise the Program
"The SLI program was a great experience by all
aspects: the content of the courses, sharing experiences with lawyers coming from every part of the world, the contact with the professors and the location of the accommodations in the Crofton building."

Edouard Vautheir
Summer 2006 SLI Participant
Summer Legal Institute in London Links
Summer Legal Institute
in London Website

Participating Faculty

Facilities and Housing

How to Apply

Boston University School of Law Links
BU Law Homepage

BU Law LL.M. Programs

The application deadline is approaching for Boston University's Summer 2008 Legal Institute in London (SLI), a unique program specifically designed for lawyers and law students trained outside the U.S.

The course offerings include:

Part A: Working Effectively with U.S. Attorneys
July 6 - 26, 2008

Part B: Key Doctrines in American Law and U.S.
Legal Practice
July 27 - August 16, 2008

All courses are taught by faculty from Boston University School of Law and/or Boston University's acclaimed Center for English Language and Orientation Programs (CELOP).
Participants live in furnished apartments in the heart of South Kensington, one of London's safest and most exclusive districts and home to Boston University's London Center on Harrington Gardens.

The application deadline for both parts is May 1, 2008. Participants may enroll in Part A, Part B, or both. Because enrollment is limited, interested candidates should apply as soon as possible. I invite you to forward this email to interested colleagues or to visit our web site or contact me directly if you'd like more information.

We hope to see you or one of your colleagues in London this summer!


John N. Riccardi,
Director, Summer Legal Institute
Part A: Working Effectively with U.S. Attorneys
July 6 - 26, 2008

Legal English: Participants learn to recognize, understand and properly use the language and vocabulary of the fundamental doctrines of U.S. law, including civil procedure, contracts, constitutional law, torts, criminal law, business organizations and commercial law. Legal Writing: Participants learn to produce a range of writings including a case brief, a client opinion letter, a simple agreement and an update of the law.

Click here for more information

Part B: Key Doctrines in American Law and U.S. Legal Practice
July 27 - August 16, 2008

Participants select two of the four courses listed below.

U.S. Contract Law: This course teaches substantive contract law so lawyers can understand and interpret contracts written in English, by American lawyers - with a particular emphasis on the business and commercial aspects of the law.

U.S. Corporate Law: This course explores the fundamentals of United States corporate law, so that participants can identify and address issues that may arise in transactions with American companies. Students explore both corporate governance and transactional issues. The goal is to provide students with a solid understanding of the structure and an overview of the substantive rules of American corporate law.

International Business Agreements: In this course, students gain hands-on experience in structuring, drafting and analyzing various documents including global joint venture agreements and privatization provisions; sales, distribution and franchise agreements; international finance and loan agreements; and technology licensing

International Trade Regulation: This course reviews WTO discipline-limiting measures for protecting domestic industry, including safeguards, antidumping and countervailing duties, and the protective effects of national health and safety measures as well as the operation of market opening and import protection procedures available under U.S. law

Click here for more information

Forward email

This email was sent to fulbright@fulbright .cz, by sli@bu.edu

Boston University Summer Legal Institute in London | Boston University
School of Law | 765 Commonwealth Avenue | Boston | MA | 02215

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Festivalul filmului pentru tineret: Showcomotion 2008 [DL: 31 mar]

Tinerii cu varste intre 2 si 19 ani din intreaga lume sunt invitati sa participe la acest festival si sa-si trimita filmele. Festivalul proiecteaza filmele realizate de si pentru copii si tineri. El cuprinde trei sectiuni: Panorama Programme; UNICEF UK AWARDS; si Steel City Globe Awards. Pot fi filme de animatie, de actiune si documentare pe tema drepturilor copiilor si tinerilor. Durata filmului nu trebuie sa
depaseasca 30 de minute.

Data limita pentru trimiterea lucrarilor este: 31 martie 2008

Toate informatiile despre festival si trimiterea filmului pot fi accesate la:
http://www.showcomo tion.org. uk/SC2008Submiss ionForm.doc

Showcomotion 2008 se deruleaza in perioada 26 iunie - 10 iulie 2008 in Sheffield, Marea Britanie si este organizat de Showroom Cinema:
http://www.showcomo tion.org. uk/

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Concursul 'Premiul Cedefop PhotoMuseum 2008' [DL: 14 mar]

Premiul Cedefop PhotoMuseum 2008: Persoane la munca, persoane in formare

Toti fotografii si artistii care folosesc ca mijloc de exprimare fotografia, indiferent de sex, varsta sau nationalitate, sunt invitati sa participe la concursul celei de-a 2-a editii a Premiului Cedefop PhotoMuseum. Participantii trebuie sa trimita fotografii pe tema "Persoane la munca, persoane in formare". Un juriu international va alege fotografia castigatoare.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 14 martie 2008

Pentru mai multe informatii privind cerintele tehnice si pentru a solicita
un formular de inscriere, vizitati:
http://www.photobie nnale.gr
Selectati „Award” & „Networking”

Concursul este organizat de Cedefop (Agentia Europeana pentru Dezvoltarea Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale in Uniunea Europeana) si Muzeul Fotografiei din Salonic.

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Concursul ThinkQuest 2008 [DL: 2 apr]

Destinat echipelor de elevi cu varste intre 9 si 19 ani din intreaga lume, acest concurs anual promoveaza crearea de site-uri educative pe internet. Indrumati de catre profesorii lor, elevii trebuie sa conceapa materiale educative inovatoare online. Cele mai bune 10 echipe pe fiecare categorie de varsta vor primi laptop-uri, iar scoala lor va primi o recompensa financiara. In plus, cele mai bune 3 echipe pe fiecare categorie de varsta vor fi invitate sa participe la ThinkQuest Live, un spectacol educativ in cadrul caruia vor fi prezentate realizarile lor. Premiul special va fi acordat echipei care va demonstra cele mai bune perspective globale. In
fiecare an, site-urile castigatoare sunt integrate in biblioteca ThinkQuest.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 2 aprilie 2008

Toate informatiile necesare sunt disponibile la:
http://www.thinkque st.org

Concursul ThinkQuest este sponsorizat de Fundatia Oracle pentru Educatie.

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Concurs transfrotalier de fotografie 'Arata-ne tara ta!' [DL: 23 martie]

Concursul FOTO este organizat in cadrul proiectului "Centrul de promovare a tinerilor", RO2005/017-537. 01.02.02, finantat prin Programul de vecinatate Romania – Moldova 2004 - 2006 , Masura Nr. 2.1. Fondul Comun al Proiectelor Mici-Phare CBC 2005, Prioritatea 2.

Tema concursului : "Arata-ne tara ta!". Concursul este structurat pe urmatoarele categorii:
- Obiective turistice;
- Peisaj;
- Viata oraselor/satelor.

Participanti: tineri cu varsta intre 18 si 39 de ani, pasionati de arta fotografica, indiferent de varsta, ocupatie, statut social, sex sau nationalitate, cu domiciliul in judetele Iasi, Botosani, Vaslui, Galati si Republica Moldova.

Regulamentul concursului poate fi accesat pe:
http://concurs. asociatia- indeco.ro/ regulament. php

Informatii suplimentare:
http://www.asocitia -indeco.ro/
e-mail: office@asociatia- indeco.ro
tel/fax: +40 232 258653

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Reminder: Student Forum Maastricht 2008

Dear students,

We are proud to announce that Student Forum Maastricht 2008 is coming up soon! The European Studies student association Concordantia from Maastricht University
would like to invite you all to participate in this annual international student conference.

Student Forum Maastricht focuses on the exchange of information between students from all over Europe, public officials, academics and representatives of NGOs in order to create a better understanding of the challenges facing Europe today. This year’s forum takes place from 10 to 14 March 2008.

Under the title “Social Realities in Europe: How to Reconcile Economic Growth and Social Security?”, SFM will try to incite a debate on the future of EU social policy. How could the EU alter its policy in order to act more effectively? All participants have the possibility to choose a particular field of interest out of six different sub-topics and explore it further in the following working groups: Unemployment, Labour Migration, Education, Intergenerational Justice, Health and Economic Paradigms. In the end, a final discussion among the participants will present the results on how to make Europe a sustainable and social environment for future generations.

SFM 2008 will provide students with an extensive academic programme that will address the issues at hand. Besides the working groups, which present the backbone of this conference, outstanding experts with political, social service or research backgrounds will hold lectures and answer your questions. On an excursion to Brussels, you will visit the European Parliament and have a panel discussion on “Economic Growth vs. Social Security: The Future of Social Europe”.
Furthermore, students will also be provided with an interesting and diverse activities programme in order to get to know each other and enjoy the time while in Maastricht.

Highlights !!!

· Lectures with outstanding experts
· Working Groups on six academic disciplines
· Excursion to EU institutions in Brussels
· Panel Discussion in Brussels
· Social activities

Get inspired! Find all details on this year's programme and registration under
www.concordantia. eu/sfm

For any further questions, feel free to contact us via email:
SFM@concordantia. com

We are looking forward to your applications. See you in Maastricht!

Your SFM Team 2008

Irina Titei

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Feb 28, 2008

Scholarships & Fellowships at University of Nottingham UK

School of American & Canadian Studies (Incorporating the Institute of Film &
Television Studies)

Applications are invited from highly qualified students across all areas in American & Canadian Studies and Film & Television Studies, including literature, history, politics, cultural and performance studies and new media studies.

Students are expected to apply through the University of Nottingham for funding from the AHRC (home and EU students) or ORS (*overseas students*). Fees paid at home/EU rate. Maintenance grant in line with national levels set by the AHRC, which for 2007/08 are: MA £8,800 and PhD £12,600.

Students are invited to a School Postgraduate Advisory Day on 22 January 2008 or may schedule separate appointments to meet academic staff.

Deadline 29 February 2008
PhD Studentships in Systems

*Four PhD studentships* are available to mathematically trained students as part of a major programme in systems biology at the University of Nottingham. Each provides the opportunity to work on a multidisciplinary project developing mathematical models for an important area of biology, namely:

1. Modelling the effect of maternal diet on the development of diseases (such as diabetes and obesity) in adult life. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor H Byrne.
2. Predictive modelling of the earliest events in vertebrate embryo development. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor J King.
3. Integrative modelling of angiogenesis and progesterone production in the ovary. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr M Owen.
4. From model to crop: modelling root development in cereals. Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor J King

Deadline Friday 29 February 2008

Postgraduate Teaching

The University of Nottingham is one of the UK's leading research universities and the School of English Studies, awarded a 5A in the 2001 RAE, is one of its top-rated research units. The School is notable for the range of its postgraduate opportunities and is organised into four broad and interconnected research groupings: Modern English Literature, Modern English Language, Medieval Studies and Drama and Performance. All staff are research-active and involved in advanced teaching and supervision, with many of them internationally- renowned authorities in their fields.

*The Postgraduate Teaching Fellowships* cover the cost of postgraduate HEU tuition fees for up to three years, and will in addition pay an annual maintenance grant of at least £12,600. Whilst all potential students are eligible to apply for these awards, tuition fees will only be paid at HEU rates. All subject to satisfactory progress.

Deadline Friday 04 April 200

PhD Studentship in Gas Phase Chemical

An EPSRC funded PhD studentship associated with a collaborative project between Professor Katharine Reid and Dr Tim Wright is available at the University of Nottingham. The project is entitled "Probing intramolecular dynamical processes in electronically excited states of small aromatic molecules using picosecond time-resolved photoelectron imaging and ZEKE" and its aim is to use the complementary combination of picosecond time-resolved velocity-map photoelectron imaging and ZEKE, together with Franck-Condon calculations, to identify the dark states responsible for excited state intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) in vibrationally selected excited state molecules.

Students must have a 2:1 or 1st class MSci or MChem degree in chemistry, physics or chemical physics. This studentship is available from 1 October 2008 for a period of 3½ years. Due to funding restrictions, full funding is only available for UK/EU students; international students will require additional funding.

Deadline Thursday 31 July 2008

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Vacancy for 3 Research Assistants in Operations Management/ Supply Chain Management

The Research Center for Operations Management of KULeuven Faculty of Business and
Economics (Belgium) is looking for 3 full-time research assistants (m/f) for scientific research in the area of operations management or supply chain management (OM/SCM). This research should lead to a PhD-degree.

Positions 1 and 2: These 2 positions are offered for a 4-year period starting October 1, 2008 (position 1) or September 1, 2008 (position 2) A variety of research topics within the field of OM/SCM are possible (e.g. within the areas of supply chain coordination, inventory management, lot sizing, etc.). The research will be conducted under guidance of Profs. Marc Lambrecht (position 1) or Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse (position 2).

Position 3: The research will be conducted under a research grant from the Fund for
Scientific Research Flanders, under guidance of Prof. Erik Demeulemeester. It concerns the topic “The design of efficient and effective algorithms for capacity planning in the health care sector”. The position is offered for a 4-year period starting September 1, 2008.

Candidates should have a strong interest in operations management and preferably hold a Master’s degree in Applied Economics, Econometrics, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Civil Engineering or Industrial Engineering. An average degree of “distinction” during preliminary studies is required as well as an appropriate command of written and spoken English.

Experience with at least one programming language is an asset. Students that are currently in the final year of their Masters are especially encouraged to apply.

You will find a dynamic and pleasant working environment, in a group that is actively involved in scientific research at the highest international level.

For further information, please send an email to either: inneke.vannieuwenhu yse@econ. kuleuven. be or marc.lambrecht@ econ.kuleuven. be (for positions 1 and 2) or erik.demeulemeester @econ.kuleuven. be (position 3).

We expect an application file with motivation, a curriculum vitae, and the listings of your exam results. Documents are made available through the K.U.Leuven Application Procedure. Consult: http://www.kuleuven .be/personeel/ jobsite/vacature s.htm (on this website, you can switch to English, code 50007087 (position 1), code 50005996 (position 2) and code 50596077 (position 3))

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CfA: Queer Sarajevo Festival, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina

Queer Sarajevo Festival
24th - 28th September 2008

Please respond to: qsf@queer.ba

Udruzhenje Q for promotion and protection of culture, identity and human rights of queer persons and Sarajevo Open Centre are announcing

Call for Contribution of Art Works

"Okreni Oqueer!"

We are inviting artists who identifying themselves as queer in any way, artists who are not settling with social rules and frames of identity and sexuality within the society, and artists who are dealing, or want to deal with topics mentioned above, in their art projects, to apply to our Call for Contribution for Young Artists and
send us their works.

Therefore, we are suggesting four thematic units:
? Body (gender; sex; body as a temple, transformation/ modification, identity, social codex, discrimination; how do we perceive/discover it...)
? Identity 'in&out' (gender identities and expressions, sexual identities, coming out of LGBTIQ persons, How do they see me..., I feel like..., social vs. individual, deconstruction. ..)
? Sexuality (sexual/gender orientation, sex toys, fetishes, polygamy, monogamy, experimenting, desires, sex...)
? Phobias & Isms (fear, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, gender phobia, internalized phobias, sexism, mono sexism, activism, social outcasts, discrimination, multiple discrimination and their connections) .

Who can apply?
All artists and art students from the region: BiH, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia can apply with their works in the domains of:

- Written forms (poetry, prose, interviews, confessions, etc. Max. 5 pages, Times New Roman, font size 12, single spacing),

- Photography or poster (black and white, color, photography format max. A4, poster format max. A3; photography ? maximum 5 thematically conjoint photos, poster ? maximum 2 thematically conjoint posters),

- Comics (black and white, max. 10 pages, max. format A4),

- Short film (feature, documentary, max. 10 minutes),

- Performing arts (monodramatic play or contemporary dance, max. 30 minutes),

- All forms of new media (installations, video works, max. 10 minutes),

- Design (including different materials and media),

- Applied art (sculpture, painting, graphic, and graffiti on a plasterboard dimension 1.5x1.5m).

You can send several works on different topics within the given thematic units.

We are encouraging applications from artists:
- who didn´t have exhibitions so far;
- who identify themselves as queer, lesbian, gay, trans, intersex;
- who are coming from BiH.

Deadline for submission of works is 1st May, 2008.

All works can be signed according to your wishes. All works connected with applied art, design, photography, posters, and comics should be sent in printed (photographed) versions; works concerning new media, performances and short films should be sent video recorded; and written works should be submitted in written electronic versions in the following languages: bosnian, montenegroen, croatian, serbian or english.

You can send your work per e-mail address: qsf@queer.ba with remark 'Okreni Oqueer', or by regular mail on:

Udruzhenje Q
(For: "Okreni Oqueer")
PO Box 304
71000 Sarajevo

If you have an idea that is exceeding the frames of the given topics, or any questions related to the realization of your work, or a topic, please contact us on the above mentioned e-mail address. Art works that will be presented during the Queer Sarajevo Festival will be chosen by the Selection team and Organization team of SQF. The best three works will be rewarded and exhibited; other submitted works
which meet the criteria will also be exhibited during the Festival at in Sarajevo.

More info about the Call for Contribution at www.queer.ba/ qsf and

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Anthropological conference in Korca, Albania

Rethinking Balkan identities:
The dynamics of space and time

Korca, Albania, 22 - 25/5/2008

Call for Papers

The conference aims in developing cross-border cooperation in the areas of social anthropology, Balkan studies and other social science disciplines. Eventual subtopics might comprise (though are not limited to): cultural heritage and cultural diversity; disciplinary crossings and boundaries, past and present; space and place in SE Europe; emerging anthropological fields; social memory; urban and rural studies; visual cultures; crossing cultures (ideas, social networks, practices); culturalism, racism, exclusivism and intolerance; transnational networks and connections; work and leisure; ethnic minorities and nationalities; folk traditions, invented traditions, popular cultures.

Border Crossings Network
Institute of Popular Culture, Academy of Tirana, Albania
Municipality of Korca
Department of History and Archeology, University of Ioannina
Department of Ethnology, St. Cyril and Methodious University, Skopje
Department of Balkans Studies, University of Western Macedonia, Florina.

The conference is open to all undergraduate and M.A. students from universities members of the Border Crossings Network as well as other students from the area and beyond who might find the network interesting. There are capacities for approximately one hundred participants. Students are expected to present their papers in any way related to the main topic of the conference. The presentation should not exceed ten minutes (plus 5 minutes for discussion). Power-point and multimedia presentations are welcome.

Application procedure:
Applicants should send their personal data, including university affiliation, and paper abstracts (around 15 lines) to the following e-mail address: bordcros08@yahoo. gr as well as to the responsible coordinator at the home university.

Deadline for submissions is March 25, 2008. Successful applicants will be notified by April 20, 2008.

There is no conference fee. However, the organisers are not in position to cover travel costs and the cost of accommodation for participants. Under request, the organisers might subsidize basic accommodation costs for students from
lower-income countries.

Participants will be accommodated in double or triple hotel rooms at an A class
Hotel in Korca. The cost for accommodation, including breakfast, is 20 EUR per
night for participants coming from EU countries (excluding Rumania and
Bulgaria) and 10 EUR per night for participants coming from other countries.

Participants should make their own travelling arrangements. The closest to Korca
international airports are those of Tirana, Thessaloniki and Skopje. A bus will
run from Florina to Korca on the 22/5/2008 and from Korca to Florina on the

Other conference activities:
Excursion around the Korca region, visit to the town of Voskopojë .
Dinner feast in the Vlach village of Boboshtiç ë.
Albanian and Balkan music performance.

Organizing Committee:
Niko Peleshi, Mayor of Korca
Gerda Dalipaj, Institute of Popular Culture, Academy of Tirana
Professor Basilis Nitsiakos, University of Ioannina
Assist. Prof. Georgios Agelopoulos, University of Macedonia - Thessaloniki
Dr. Ioannis Manos, University of Western Macedonia – Florina
Mr. Dimitris Drenos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Academic Committee:
Prof. Vassilis Nitsiakos, Dept. of History and Archaeology, Univ. of Ioannina
Assoc. Prof. Rajko Mursic, Dept. of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology,
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana.
Assoc. Prof. Efi Voutira, Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Dr. Georgios Agelopoulos, Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies
University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki
Dr. Aliki Angelidou, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Panteion University, Athens
Dr. Evgenia Blagoeva, Anthropology Dept., New Bulgarian University, Sofia
Dr. Vassilis Dalkavoukis, Dep. of History and Ethnology, Democritus Univ. of
Dr. Ilia Iliev, Dept. of Ethnology, University of Sofia
Dr. Deema Kaneff, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of
Dr. Valia Kravva, Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
Dr. Ioannis Manos, Dept. of Balkan Studies, University of Western Macedonia,
Dr. Panagiotis Panopoulos, Dept. of Social Anthropology and History, University
of the Aegean, Mytilini
Dr. Ljupco Risteski, Dept. of Ethnology, St Cyril and Methodious University,
Dr. Yiorgos Tsimouris, Dept. of Social Anthropology, Panteion University, Athens

http://technologiki .com/BorderCross ings/index. html

For additional information please contact Assist. Professor Georgios
Agelopoulos, Dept. of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies, University of
Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. E-mail: bordcros08@yahoo. gr,
Fax: +30 2310891337

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Conference: UIdaho. Call For SSB _Symposia. Jun 13-17 _2009

Call for 2009 SSB Symposia The Society for Systematic Biologists invites proposals for symposia at the 2009 SSB meeting to be held at the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho 13-17 June 2009. The meeting will be held jointly with the American Society of Naturalists and the Society for the Study of Evolution.

Proposals should include
(1) a descriptive title,
(2) one or two paragraphs explaining the purpose of the symposium and its relevance to systematics,
(3) a list of presentations including proposed speakers, their institutions or affiliations, and their presentation titles,
(4) an indication of whether the speakers have been invited and whether they have agreed to participate, and
(5) the proposed length of each talk.

Symposia are restricted to half-day sessions. The society is particularly interested in symposia whose topics do not overlap with those from previous meetings, that introduce new ideas or synthesize important concepts, or those that are particularly good examples of the analysis of empirical data. Proposals that unite systematics with other fields are also desirable. We encourage participation from young investigators and others typically under-represented in symposia. Limited funding is

The target date for receipt of proposals is June 1, 2008. Proposals will be discussed and two will be selected at the SSB Council meeting during the 2008 annual meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2009 Symposia will be announced at the SSB business meeting in Minneapolis. Proposals should be sent by email to the Program Chairperson, George D. Weiblen, gweiblen@umn. edu (Department of Plant Biology, University of Minnesota, 1445 Gortner Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 USA).

Reminder: The deadline for receipt of presentation titles for Evolution 2008 is April 1, 2008. Please register at http://www.evolutio n2008.org SSB

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Postdoc: U Konstanz. Mol Evol Genomics

TWO POSTDOC POSITIONS - molecular evolution, genomics or bioinformatics At the University of Konstanz we expect to have two postdoc positions available starting on April 1, 2008 in the lab of Prof. Axel Meyer at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Zoology at the University of Konstanz in Germany.

Due to the funding of the University of Konstanz through the "excellence initiative" of the German government we are in the process of establishing a genomics/proteomics center at the university that will include microarray facilities and second generation sequencing technologies. Therefore, we are particularly interested in postdocs with expertise in molecular evolution, molecular phylogenetics and bioinformatics. We expect that a "junior professorship" in bioinformatics will be advertised shortly as well.

These positions are affiliated with the new graduate school in chemical biology - for more information visit http://www.chembiol .uni-konstanz. de/. For this new program we invite applications of qualified Masters students as well as Ph.D. candidates.

The postdoc projects we are interested in have to do with fish genomics and in particular comparative genomics of cichlid fish. Other projects deal with the evolution of gene families the evolution of the genome in early chordates and vertebrates. Candidates should have a strong interest in bioinformatics, developmental and evolutionary biology and should be experienced in molecular techniques and/or computational biology.

Appointments are for up to two years initially with a salary according to German TVL salary scale that includes extensive health and retirement benefits. The initial contract period would be for two years with the potential for additional years of funding. Informal inquiries should be addressed to Prof. Axel Meyer (axel.meyer@uni- konstanz. de).

Further information on our research can be obtained from our web page: www.evolutionsbiolo gie.uni-konstanz .de.

For publications see http://www.evolutionsbiolo gie.uni-konstanz .de/index. php?sectionQ Applications should include a CV, statement of research interests and email addresses of two references. Review of applications will commence on March 15th
2008. Starting dates are flexible. Applications should be sent as one pdf file to axel.meyer@uni- konstanz. de - or by mail to Prof. Axel Meyer, Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany.

This search will remain open until the positions are filled. -- Prof. Axel Meyer, Ph.D. Lehrstuhl für Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie Department of Biology Building M, Room M806 University of Konstanz 78457 Konstanz Germany fon + 49 7531 88 4163 fax + 49 7531 88 3018 secretary: Ingrid.Bader@ uni-konstanz. de tel. + 49 7531 88 3069
www.evolutionsbiolo gie.uni-konstanz .de Axel Meyer

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Course: ANT COURSE 2008 in South America

ANT COURSE 2008 ANT COURSE 2008, August 9- 19, Estacion Biologica Alberto Fernandez Yepez, Rancho Grande, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Aragua, Venezuela In 2008 the courses focuses on the Ants of South America. English and Spanish are the official languages.

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: April 1, 2008 http://www.antweb. org

COURSE OBJECTIVES. ANT COURSE is designed for systematists, ecologists, behaviorists, conservation biologists, and other biologists whose research responsibilities require a greater understanding of ant taxonomy. Emphasis is on the classification and identification of more than 115 ant genera of South America.

Lectures will include background information on the ecology, life histories and
evolution of ants. The course also addresses the conservation of ants and their role as bioindicators and their importance in agroecoystems such as coffee and cocoa. Field trips are structured to teach collecting and sampling techniques, and associated lab work provides instruction on specimen preparation, sorting and labeling. Information on equipment, literature, and myrmecological contacts are also presented.

COURSE SIGNIFICANCE. Ant Course is a unique opportunity to acquire training that is unavailable elsewhere. This course will provide students with

1) the confidence and skills to identify the major ant genera of South America;

2) an understanding of modern specimen processing and curation techniques;

3) an appreciation for the diversity of ants and their role in ecosystems, and

4) experience keying to the species level.

SPONSORS. California Academy of Sciences, Museum of Comparative Zoology, with funding in part from National Science Foundation.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION. ANT COURSE will be taught from August 9 – 19, 2008 at the Estacion Biologica Alberto Fernandez Yepez, Rancho Grande, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Aragua, Venezuela. The Station is centered amid one of the richest ant faunas in South America. This course is offered annually, and in 2008 the focus is
on South American ants.

PARTICIPANT ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA. ANT COURSE is open to all interested individuals. Priority will be given to those students for whom the course will have a significant impact on their research with ants. An entomological background is not required. We aim to include students with a diverse interest in biology, including ant systematics, ecology, behavioral biology and conservation. The high instructor to student ratio will allow students to receive individual attention.

ANT COURSE 2008 will be presented in English as well as Spanish and is limited to 30 participants. COSTS. Tuition for the 10-day COURSE is $325 for current students and $675 for non-students. In addition Rancho Grande Station fees for this period, covering dormitory room and board, are estimated at $240. Transportation costs between home and Maracay or the nearby airports of Valencia or Maiquetia are to be borne by all participants.

FELLOWSHIPS. Four fellowships are available for 2008. Two fellowships cover tuition fees and two fellowships cover station fees. Students may apply for additional fellowships to assist in travel. Those interested in attending the course should seek all possible avenues to secure funding for the course. You should only apply for the Ant Course fellowship if you can not find other support and it is essential for your participation in the course. Beware that if you apply for an ant course
fellowship it implies that fellowship funding is essential to your participation in the course. Thus, if you are not selected for a fellowship, you might not be accepted into the course. Please notify the course if your funding request status changes before the application due date.

COURSE APPLICATION. Find an application form in pdf or doc format posted on http://www.antweb. org. Send the COMPLETE application with subject line "Ant Course application" to bfisher@calacademy. org.

IMPORTANT DATES: Aug. 8 For those arriving to Maiquetia airport. Aug. 9 Travel to
Rancho Grande field station Aug. 19 Graduation and farewell party Aug. 20 Departure at 8 am to airports (Maiquetia and Valencia)

2008 INSTRUCTORS (tentative): Brian Fisher (Coordinator) , Dept. of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, USA, bfisher@calacademy. org John
Lattke (Coordinator) , Museo Inst.Zoología Agrícola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 4579, Maracay 2101-A, VENEZUELA, piquihuye@fastmail. fm Inge Ambrecht, Departamento de Biologia, Universidad del Valle, Apartado Aereo 25360, Cali, Colombia Leeanne Alonso, Rapid Assessment Program, Conservation International, Washington, DC, USA Beto Brandao, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Av. Nazare 481, Sao Paulo SP, BRASIL 04263-000 Fabiana Cuezzo, Instituto Superior de
Entomología (INSUE), Facultad de Cs. Naturales e IML, Miguel Lillo 205, T4000JFE - San Miguel de Tucuman, ARGENTINA Fernando Fernandez, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Apartado 7495, Bogota D.C, COLOMBIA Bob Johnson, Dept. of Biology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA Mike Kaspari, Dept. of Zoology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, USA Jack Longino, Lab I, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA, USA Corrie Moreau, University of
California, Berkeley, 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Andrew Suarez, Departments of Entomology and Animal Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA Walter Tschinkel, Department of Biological Science Florida State University Tallahassee, FL, USA Phil Ward, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA, USA TA: Edith Rodriguez, Museo Inst. Zoologia Agricola, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 4579, Maracay 2101-A, VENEZUELA

Application and course materials can be found on the following website: http://www.antweb. org

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Postdoctoral Fellowship Max Planck Berlin

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Postdoctoral Fellowship

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Independent Research Group I (Dagmar Schäfer), announces a postdoctoral fellowship for up to two years, beginning 1 September 2008.

Projects from the fields of Art, Architecture, Material Culture OR Economics in Chinese history (10th to 18th Century) that involve the relationship between practical and theoretical knowledge are particularly welcome.

Outstanding junior scholars (Ph.D. awarded no earlier than 2003) are invited to apply. Fellowships are endowed with a monthly stipend between 1.900 and 2300 € (fellows from abroad). The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. Postdoctoral fellows are expected to participate in the research activities at the Institute.

Candidates are requested to send a curriculum vitae, publication list, research prospectus (maximum 1000 words), a sample text, and two letters of recommendation no later than 1 April, 2008 to:

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Administration, PD-NWG I
Boltzmannstraß e 22
14195 Berlin

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Call for applications: Freie Universitaet Berlin International Master

Would you like to enhance your professional prospects academically? Then come to a place of highest quality: the international network university Freie Universitaet Berlin, one of the nine "universities of excellence" in Germany!

The Center for Global Politics, a distinguished Freie Universitaet Berlin institution directed by Prof. Klaus Segbers, is launching a call for applications for its innovative two-year Master of Arts (M.A.) programs (120 credit points according to ECTS): The Center for Global Politics is part of Freie Universität Berlin which was successful in the federal and state Initiative for Excellence. Freie
Universität Berlin is now one of the nine "universities of excellence" in the Federal Republic of Germany.

- East European Studies Online (www.ees-online. org)

This accredited interdisciplinary M.A. program prepares students for challenging Eastern Europe related assignments in business, administration, (non-governmental) organizations and associations as well as for further scientific research. Two renowned German organizations for science and teaching awarded East European Studies
(EES) Online the title of one of Germany's Top Ten International Master's Degree Courses.

- International Relations Online (www.ir-online. org):

This M.A. program helps students to gain in-depth knowledge of IR concepts and topics and enables them to acquire relevant academic and applied research skills in these areas. With globalization on the rise and a multitude of international issues affecting today's world, a rapidly growing demand exists for individuals who possess IR related expertise as well as an understanding of global culture and communication. The degree will give students the academic credentials to fulfil this demand and improve their chances on the international job market.

We offer:

- the chance to study in an international environment using innovative IT and research tools
- lively and rewarding in-house classes in Berlin that provide multiple networking opportunities
- highly qualified international lecturers
- a modern multidisciplinary approach combined with practical orientation
- the opportunity to stay on the job while obtaining additional qualifications
- English language programs that attract an international student community

Applicants should possess:

- a first university degree (preferably in social sciences, humanities or economics and law)
- proof of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL: 80 points on the internet-based version)

Applications are welcome via an online application form on our websites until April 30.

Please visit our websites or contact us at ees@fu-berlin. de and IROnline@fu- berlin.de.

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Training Course: Crossing Borders - Netherland

Dear all!

Crossing Borders is a Training Course on how to use Outdoor Education for Personal Development and is going to take place in the Netherland. All the needed information you can find in the attached infoletter. If you are interested, please fill in the Application form and send it to me asap!

There is a preparatory meeting starting on the 10th of March and it would be good to know the group of interested people by that time.

Best regards, Iringo

Vargancsik Iringo

Let us build bridges instead of walls ...

540015 Tirgu Mures, str. Gheorghe Doja nr. 9
www.outwardbound. ro

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BURSE: Roberto Rocca Education Program [30 apr]

In 2008, TenarisSilcotub va acorda burse noi, prin Roberto Rocca Education Program, pentru aproximativ 30 de studenti de la urmatoarele universitati din Romania:
* Universitatea Tehnica Cluj - Napoca
* Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti
* Universitatea Tehnica Iasi
* Universitatea Tehnica Brasov

Fiecare bursier va primi 2.400 Euro pe an, suma care va fi platita in cateva transe in perioada octombrie 2008 - septembrie 2009.

Bursele Roberto Rocca sunt deschise pentru studentii de la universitatile mentionate mai sus, care intrunesc urmatoarele cerinte:
- absolvent al anului II sau III de studiu
- specializari eligibile: inginerie mecanica, stiinta materialelor
(metalurgie) , inginerie electrica, inginerie chimica

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 30 aprilie 2008

Informatii suplimentare:
http://www.robertor occa.org/ ro/scholarships/ romania.aspx? p=01
e-mail: burse.romania@ robertorocca. org

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AIESEC Recruitment for International Internships

"I worked and lived in Poland for 3 months.
My colleague and I were the first Romanians many Poles had ever seen and the first foreigners to work in The Foundation.. I worked in a very young and opened environment. I was managing the international project of the foundation, dealing with reports regarding economic, social, or educational matters about the area were we operated."

Through the Global Internship Program,
AIESEC offers you the opportunity to have your own international story.

You can travel, live, work and make friends in more than 100 countries.
We are now recruiting a new generation of students and recent graduates to create their own life changing stories.

"For 3 months, I lived a continuous process of self assessment and discovery. Through every single little challenge I was overcoming one more limit...
My Polish Experience enriched my life like nothing else had done before and inspired me for what came after it. It was this experience that made me feel confident of myself, of discovering my values, my beliefs, my dreams and my future."
(Cori, an AIESEC internship participant)

Willing to find out more about Cori`s experience?
Visit http://recruitment. aiesec.ro

AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society. Gathering more than 23.000 members worldwide, we now have 60 years of providing global internships and leadership experiences.

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TRAINEESHIP: Stagii administrative la Comisia Europeana [DL: 1 mar]

Comisia organizeaza de doua ori pe an stagii de formare care dureaza intre 3 si 5 luni, pentru tineri absolventi universitari. Aceasta nu-i exclude pe cei care - in cadrul procesului de invatare pe durata vietii - au obtinut recent o diploma universitara si sunt la inceputul unei noi cariere profesionale.

Obiectivul vizat este de a permite stagiarilor:
- sa se familiarizeze cu obiectivele si problemele integrarii europene;
- sa cunoasca functionarea departamentelor/ serviciilor Comisiei Europene;
- sa dobandeasca experienta personala prin intermediul contactelor ce se stabilesc la locul de munca;
- sa-si extinda si sa-si puna in practica cunostintele dobandite in timpul studiilor si, in special, in domeniile lor de competenta.

Data limita pentru inscriere este: 1 martie 2008 (pentru stagiul din octombrie)

Informatii detaliate pe site-ul Eurodesk:
http://www.eurodesk .ro/program. php?progid= EU0010000072

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Climate change/Integrity Reform - two summer courses at CEU Budapest


The Center for Policy Studies at CEU is offering a summer university course on 'Climate change: an interdisciplinary inquiry' in Budapest between June 30-July 6, 2008 directed by Thomas C. Heller, Stanford University Professor with resource persons Bert Metz, Nebojsa Nakicenovic and Diana Urge-Vorsatz. All faculty members have made significant contributions to the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, the former vice president of the US.

The purpose of this course is to understand why the current impasse in the negotiations and implementation of climate change measures has occurred and explore the various options proposed to escape from this situation. In so doing, the course will examine carefully the detailed, transparent records compiled in recent years in this field to explore the developing roles of non-state organizations (non-profits, industry groups, the scientific community); the comparative strengths and
weaknesses of national, regional and multilateral institutions in the design and implementation of environmental regimes; and the character of international negotiation processes and analytical methods used therein. The main discussion topics will be international regimes, trading and environmental markets, IPCC, transportation, Stern report and climate legislation and litigation.

The course is geared towards graduate students, researchers at think tanks and academia, and the broader policy community (advanced professionals) concerned with multilateral institutions and international regimes of climate change. More information about the course and the application procedure can be found at
http://www.sun. ceu.hu/climate.


The Center for Policy Studies at CEU, in co-operation with Tiri-Making Integrity Work, is offering a summer university course on "Integrity Reform: Strategies and Approaches" in Budapest between June 30 and July 9, 2008.

The course will familiarize participants with core ingredients to a strategic and critical approach for effective and sustainable corruption control and organizational integrity. Drawing on interdisciplinary academic perspectives and lessons learned from practice, the course represents one of the few targeted, applied and yet conceptually grounded efforts currently available internationally for the analysis of corruption and anti-corruption, straddling law, economic, public
administration, public sector ethics, as well as politics, statistical and ethnographic approaches.

In addition to joint sessions, course participants will attend intensive Policy Labs devoted to the in-depth analysis of some of these issues that will allow for further specialization and expert discussion in a small group format:
1) Applied Legal Skills for Integrity Reform and Anti-Corruption;
2) Fiscal Transparency and Corruption Risk;
3) Governance of Natural Resource Revenues;
4) Integrity in Reconstruction Aid and Programming.

Participants will be selected both among practitioners and academics interested in incorporating the topic into curricula at their home institutions. More information about the course and the application procedure can be found at http://www.sun. ceu.hu/integrity

[sursa eurodesk_info]

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Training HR - Motivare Non Financiara

Training Motivare Non Financiara - pentru Excelenta in HR
[eXTREME tRAINING-Extreme Training]

[Motivare non Financiara - Instrumente Performante in HR-Motivarea non Financiara a angajatilor Romani, ]

Pentru Excelenta in HR
Training Motivarea Non Financiara!

Date desfasurare:

15 - 16 Martie - Timisoara
12 - 13 Aprilie - Bucuresti
19- 20 Aprilie - Cluj
17-18 Mai - Iasi

:::: Vrei sa afli metode de fidelizare a angajatilor?
:::: Vrei sa vezi cum functioneaza motivarea non financiara?
:::: Vrei angajati mai performanti?
:::: Vrei sa auzi mai multe lucruri despre motivarea non financiara a angajatilor tai?

Daca nu vrei aceste lucruri, atunci acest training nu este pentru tine, daca vrei insa sa nu mai ai doar intrebari ci si raspunsuri ai nimerit unde trebuie! Inscrie-te acum pentru a-ti asigura un loc si pentru a beneficia de cel mai bun tarif!

Marirea de salariu e simpla, dar nu se poate repeta la nesfarsit, stim si noi la fel ca tine, ca este nevoie de alte metode!

Rezultatele studiului derulat de Extreme Training printre angajatii romani are o finalitate concreta: un training dedicat acestui subiect.

Avantajele participarii la cest curs sunt urmatoarele:

1. are o baza fundamenta (rezultatele studiului)
2. pleaca de la realitatea concreta din Romania
3. vom aborda motivarea non financiara a angajatilor din Romania!
4. vei sti sa aplici instrumentele motivarii non-financiare
5. vei intelege si constientiza importanta Motivarii Non Financiare

Structura training:

- identificarea nivelului motivational al angajatilor
- eficienta motivarii non-financiare
- motivare financiara vs motivare non-financiara
- instrumentele motivarii non-financiare
- construirea politicii de motivare non-financiara
- motivarea non-financiara in practica

Cui se adreseaza acest curs?

1. Personalului middle si top management
2. Directorilor sau cordonatorilor de resurse umane indiferent de marimea companiei
3. Personelor interesate de acest subiect ce au sarcini care implica motivarea non financiara a angajatilor!

Detalii Adminsitrative si inscrieri http://www.training uri.ro
Extreme Training, Furnizorul tau de performanata

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

The Queen Jadwiga Fund -Competition 2008/2009

Dear Colleagues:

According to our eight-year long tradition so far, the Jagiellonia University in Krakow, Poland, announces a competition for The Queen Jadwiga Fund Scholarships for the academic year 2008/2009. The scholarships are dedicated to young academic staff and doctoral students of the universities in Central and Eastern Europe. Since 2000 more than 730 scholarships were granted to recipients from 21 countries. Their
stay in Krakow provides a scientific research under the tuition of the Jagiellonian professors for 1-3 months between October 2008 and June 2009. Papers are being received till May 31st 2008 and the results will be known in July 2008.

At the same time the competition for the Jozef Dietl Scholarship is announced, dedicated to dotoral students in medical sciences. Their stay provides 12-month research (October 2008 - September 2009) at the Jagiellonian University Medical College.

Please find attached all useful information regarding the competition together with the website: http://www.jubileum.uj.edu.pl/fund/jadwigaENGLISH.html and make it
circulate among those interested at your school.

Yours sincerely

Dr Anastazja Oles'kiewicz, Starszy Specjalista ds. Funduszy Uniwersytet Jagiellon'ski, Os'rodek Informacji i Promocjiul. Pi?sudskiego 8/1, 31-109 Kraków tel. +48 12 430-10-12

Marcelina Balicka, St. Referent ds. Funduszy Stypendialnych Uniwersytet Jagiellon'ski, Os'rodek Informacji i Promocjiul. Pi?sudskiego 8/1, 31-109 Kraków tel. +48 12 430-10-12

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Feb 27, 2008

CfA: Giving a stronger voice to civil society in the EU neighbourhood

to the international conference*

*Giving a stronger voice to civil society in the EU neighbourhood*
Development of civil dialogue and partnership relations between civil society, national governments and EU institutions

Brdo, Slovenia, 2 April 2008

The Conference on the role of civil society in the European neighbourhood - particularly the Eastern European partners of the European Neighbourhood Policy and countries which are part of the accession process - is well placed into the context of the Slovenian Presidency and its priorities: Western Balkans, European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement policy.

Both the European Neighbourhood Policy and enlargement policy underline the role of civil society in the process of democratization and further integration into the EU. Organised under the auspices of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency, this conference provides an excellent opportunity for civil society to send a political message to the EU regarding the need to develop a coherent and coordinated strategy for the sustainable civil society development beyond EU borders.

This event is part of a process (ITS Advocacy Campaign) to launch a debate at EU and national levels on creating sustainable partnership relations between civil society actors, the EU and national authorities. Three international conferences will be held within this framework: the Brussels conference, which was already held in October 2007, the Brdo conference on "Giving stronger voice to civil society in the EU neighbourhood" scheduled for April 2008 and the concluding conference to be held in Zadar in September 2008.

This Conference is expected to result in Declaration in the form of policy recommendations on building civil dialogue and partnership relations between civil society, national governments and EU institutions as well as on enhancing the role of civil society organizations as development actors by engaging them into the dialogue on aid effectiveness.

The Conference is organized by CNVOS - Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs and ECAS - European Citizen Action Service under the auspices of the Slovenian Presidency and in cooperation with the Government Communication Office and the Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia in the framework of the Management Partnership.

To see the detailed programme, practical arrangements and application form please go to: www.ecas.org

The registration is open until 15 March 2008. For further details. In the event of disproportionate number and/or regional distribution of applications, the organisers will make the final selection of participants in cooperation with regional partner organisations. Selection criteria will be based on regional considerations and
involvement of participants in policy dialogue at the national and EU levels.

Detailed information and background documentation will be available from 25 February 2008 on the website of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency (www.eu2008. si), Slovenian NGO portal for the period of the EU Council Presidency (www.predsedovanje. si) and the ECAS website (www.ecas.org) .

*For registration and further information about the conference, please contact CNVOS at: eu@cnvos.si or by phone on +386 1 542 14 22.*

Tony Venables Anita Pipan
Joze Gornik
Director, ECAS Director General, MFA RS Director, CNVOS

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

CfP: 5th InASEA conference, Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe


*5th InASEA Conference*

*"Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe: Intercultural Communication, Social Change and Transnational Ties"*

*May, 21--24, 2009
Ankara (Turkey), Hacettepe University*

*1. Venue*
The 5th Conference of the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA) on Migration to, from, and in Southeastern Europe will be held at Hacettepe University, Faculty of Communication, in Ankara (Turkey).

*2. Aim*
Migration has shaped Balkan societies in the past and continues to mark the present. Historically, the long-standing political organization of Southeastern Europe in large empires facilitated different kinds of migration. In the modern period, the agrarian crisis, unemployment, as well as migrant networks stimulated millions of people to go abroad whether as overseas emigrants before World War One, as so-called
"Gastarbeiter" ("guest workers") in the 1960s and 70s, or as economic migrants after the collapse of socialism. In the 19th and 20th centuries, many people were also forced to leave their homes as victims of ethnic cleansing, as refugees from war or political persecution. On the other hand, Balkan countries have recently become hosts to immigrants -- including western pensioners who have settled in Southeast
Europe -- as well as refugees. Furthermore, they have witnessed large-scale domestic migration, mainly from villages to the city, since the mid-20th century.

Migration, thus, has been a typical experience in many a Southeast European life course and transnational links have provided societies in the region important economic, social, and political resources. Apart from its social, economic and political dimensions, migration is also a complex cultural phenomenon. Migrants are often faced with cultural alterity and have to develop alternative modes of intercultural communication. This results in strategies of assimilation and
integration, but also of segregation or marginalization. The evidence of 19th century overseas emigration as well as of recent cases show that migration leads to complex processes of cultural and social change both in the country of origin and in the host country. The same holds true for the changes that take place between the first, second, and third generation of migrants, particularly in today's world of transnational mobility and new media communication (satellite TV, internet, etc.).

Migration in, from, and to Southeastern Europe has already found much attention among scholars from various disciplines. However, important aspects of recent and past migration have remained unexplored. Most significantly, there is a definite lack of cross-disciplinary dialogue, of transnational comparison, and of attention to both migrant and host society perspectives. Social scientists tend to focus on large numbers and structural forces, neglecting migrants' agency; ethnologists often
leave social, economic and political determinants out of the picture; the few historians dealing with migration in Southeastern Europe usually focus on only one particular ethnic group, ignoring the essentially transnational and comparative character of migration processes.

Therefore, this conference aims at facilitating dialogue across disciplines and nations. Its focus will be on the socio-cultural dimensions of migration and it will consider the entire migration process, discussing the relevant social, economic, and political contexts.

Hence, we invite not only anthropologists, ethnologists and ethnographers to propose papers, but also scholars from media studies and communication sciences, historians, social and political scientists, geographers, and scholars from other disciplines. However, all papers should contribute to the understanding of the cultural and social dynamics of migration. Together, we want to explore Southeastern Europe as a unique laboratory for salient aspects of historical and present migration, firmly rooting this region in the global landscape of migration studies.

*3. Topics*
The conference will be organized around a number of major problems for which we encourage paper proposals:

* Historical aspects of emigration and seasonal migration in Southeast Europe in the modern period
* Gender and migration
* Migration and intercultural communication
* Media, new technologies and (post)modern migrant communities
* Migrant experiences of and reactions to (cultural, economic and social) inclusion and exclusion
* Making a new home: "adaptation" and "tradition" between constraints and opportunities
* Perception and representation of Balkan migrants in the West
* Diaspora nationalism and political mobilization of migrants
* Transnational (cultural, social, economic and political) links in the past and the present
* Return migrants as cultural innovators or modernizers?
* Social and cultural dimensions of domestic migration
* Forced migration and its cultural dimensions
* Regimes and policies of emigration and immigration in Southeastern Europe
* "New" immigrants in Southeastern Europe (diplomats, managers, consultants, academics, pensioners, Third World refugees, etc.)
* Migration as a process: decision-making, family strategies, plans for the future
* "Illegal" or undocumented migration (sans-papiers, boat people of the Mediterranean)
* Individual, collective, and cultural memories of migration
* Concepts, methodologies and controversies of current migration research

*4. Paper proposals*
Paper proposals are to be sent to the conference organizers by *July 15, 2008*. The proposal must contain the paper title, a 200--250 word abstract, as well as the author's name, institution, address, e-mail, and a very brief academic c.v.

Invited panels are also welcome. The panel organizer(s) should submit the panel title, a 200--250 word panel abstract, as well as a list of the three to four planned presenters including all the information about individual papers detailed above.

Proposals should refer to the most appropriate conference theme and specify the technical equipment needed for the paper presentation.

The papers may be proposed and presented in one of the three InASEA official languages, i.e. English, French or German.

The paper proposals should be sent to:

Dr. *Ulf Brunnbauer* (Free University of Berlin), e-mail: ulf@zedat.fu- berlin.de
Dr. *Asker Kartari* (Hacettepe University, Ankara), e-mail: kartari@hacettepe. edu.tr

Participants will be notified in November 2008 about the acceptance of their paper.

*5. Proceedings*
A selection of refereed conference papers will be published in two regular issues of InASEA's annual journal, Ethnologia Balkanica, (volumes 13 and 14).

*6. Travel and Accommodation*
Pending the approval of sufficient funds for the conference, the conference organizers will cover at least a part of the travel and accommodation costs for participants from the countries of Southeast Europe not in the European Union before 2006 (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey). Accommodation for participants who qualify for
financial support will be pre-arranged. Other participants will also be assisted in making hotel reservations. More information about accommodation will be published on the conference website (http://www-gewi. kfunigraz. ac.at/inasea/ conference4. html) in due time.

*7. Registration Fee*
InASEA members are entitled to free participation in the conference. Non-InASEA members will be asked to pay an on-site registration fee equivalent to:
15 EUR (participants from the above-mentioned Southeast European countries) and
30 EUR (other participants, including those from the SEE countries that joined the European Union before 2006).

*8. Contact*
More information about the conference can be obtained from the President of InASEA

Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer
Institute of East European Studies
Free University of Berlin
Garystr. 55
D-14195 Berlin
E-mail: ulf@zedat.fu- berlin.de

and from the Chair of the Conference Organizing Committee

Dr. Asker Kartari
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Communication
TU-6800 Beytepe
Ankara, Republic of Turkey
E-mail: kartari@hacettepe. edu.tr

*9. Additional Information*
More information about InASEA is available at its website at
http://www-gewi. kfunigraz. ac.at/inasea

News on the Conference will be announced on the Conference website at
http://www-gewi. kfunigraz. ac.at/inasea/ conference4. html

PD Dr. Ulf Brunnbauer
Freie Universität Berlin
Garystraße 55, D-14195 Berlin

Tel.: +49.30.838-52028
Fax: +49.30.838-54036
http://www.oei. fu-berlin. de/geschichte/ soe/personal/ team/brunnbauer. html

http://www-gewi. kfunigraz. ac.at/inasea/ index.html (InASEA)

[sursa balkans]

If you want to receive academic resources in your e-mail on daily basis, please subscribe to 10resources-subscribe@yahoogroups.com.

Call for Application - Summer Academy 2008, 20 - 30 July 2008, Graz (AT)


20 - 30 July 2008, ETC GRAZ/AUSTRIA

Dear colleagues and friends,

I would like to announce the HUMSEC Summer Academy on Human Security which is part of the project HUMSEC - Human Security in the Western Balkan region: the impact of transnational terrorist and criminal organisations on the peace-building process of the region, realised in the 6th Framework Programme.

"Human Security can no longer be understood in purely military terms. Rather, it must encompass economic development, social justice, environmental protection, democratization, disarmament, and respect for human rights and the rule of law."
(Kofi Annan, Towards a Culture of Peace, 2001)


20 - 30 July 2008

The International Summer Academy on Human Security is part of the HUMSEC project (www.humsec.eu) and will be held in the Human Rights City of Graz.

The project is designed to contribute to a better understanding of the connection between transnational terrorist and criminal organisations in the peace-building process of the Western Balkan region not only on the scientific level: through the organisation of an annual summer academy, the network aims to bring the scientific
discourse closer to civil society, to strengthen democratic principles and to raise awareness by means of human rights education and education for democratic citizenship on the danger that transnational terrorist and criminal organisations are for the peacebuilding and reconstruction process in the Western Balkan region.

The summer academy will be mainly held by experts nominated by the HUMSEC partner institutions, but also by external experts. The programme is drafted in order to give general information on the topics of human security and threats to security such as terrorism and organised crime, and to analyse the influence of terrorist and
criminal organisations on the peacebuilding process. Societal factors such as poverty and corruption, but also rule of law or the influence of civil society will be studied in relation to the goals of human security and the respect for human rights. The focus will be posed on the influence that transnational terrorist and criminal organisations have on the peacebuilding process in the Western Balkan region (the leading topic of the third year of the project).

The participants will partly be selected among the HUMSEC partner institutions and partly among those who apply, following the public call for application. Participants will be selected on the basis of their field of interest and their personal motivation to be involved in the programme. Full or partial scholarships will be available in limited numbers (for eligible countries and details see under

- What is human security – notes on human security as personal security, human
security and human rights, and human security interlinked with post-conflict stabilisation
- The concepts of terrorism and organised crime
- The concept of peacebuilding
- Institution building, human rights and minorities
- Law enforcement
- Media and civil society
- The impact of economic development and corruption on peacebuilding
- Victims
- Synthetic approach and conclusions

The summer academy draws on the expertise of a selected group of academics who represent the HUMSEC project partners from sixteen universities and academic institutions, as well as of the expertise of legal practitioners and decision-makers from various sectors. This guarantees a broad approach to the human security issue and the special focus on terrorist and criminal organisations. The training
is based on lectures, discussions and workshops; to assure sustainability and multiplying effects, the training methods put particular emphasis on the interactive approach. The academy is designed as a modular course, covering one topic per day, which allows the transfer of knowledge, the acquisition of skills and the shaping of attitudes as well. Working language of the summer academy is English.

The summer academy is designed as ten-day-course for
. postgraduate students,
. young professionals,
. young researchers
. and representatives of NGOs
whose work agenda focuses on the topics of terrorism, organised crime and peacebuilding. Special focus will be made on the selection of participants from South Eastern and Eastern Europe.

For details please consult the summer academy's homepage www.summeracademy.etc-graz.at or send an email to summeracademy@etc-graz.at


For Information please contact:
Ms. Barbara Schmiedl
Programme, Training, Public Relations

European Training and Research Centre
for Human Rights and Democracy
Schubertstrasse 29/I
A-8010 Graz
T +43 316 322 888-1
F +43 316 322 888-4

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