Mar 16, 2008

PhD position at the Department of Information Technology, Division of Computer Systems, Uppsala Univ, Sweden

Design tools for multiprocessor embedded systems.
Topics include memory-usage estimation and timing analysis of multi-threaded embedded software on multi-core processors. Future generations of embedded systems will run multi-tasking software on multi-processor platforms for low energy-consumption and high performance. In such systems, software tasks may share not only processor cores but also caches and memory blocks, and the bandwidth for access to the memory hiearchies.

This project is to study the complex interplay between multi-threaded software and multi-processing units in hardware. One of the goals is to develop abstract models to faithfully capture the behaviours of hardware resources, multi-thread tasks, mechanisms for resource management and their interactions. Such models will be used to estimate memory-usage and worst-case response times of individual tasks.

The starting points of the project will be UPPAAL and TIMES developed at our department for timing analysis based on model-checking, and classic analytic techniques such as RMA for schedulability analysis based on worst-case scenarios. One possible outcome is to combine these techniques with model checking to achieve more precise and scalable analysis.

The successful candidate should have a master of science inComputer Science or equivalent. Good skills in oral and written English are required. The PhD position is for a maximum of five years and includes departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). Further information: and

The department is striving to achieve a more equal gender balance and female candidates are particularly invited to apply.

Applications should include a brief description of research interest and past experience, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of your Master thesis (or a draft thereof) and other relevant documents. The candidates are encouraged to provide letter(s) of recommendation and contact information to reference persons.

For more information, please contact: Prof. Wang Yi,, phone: +46-18-471 3110. Union representatives are: Anders Grundström, SACO-rådet, phone +46 18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, OFR-S/ST phone +46 18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström, SEKO phone +46 18-471 3315.

The application should be sent to: Registrator, UFV-PA 2008/729 Uppsala universitet, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden ; fax +46-18-471 2000 or e-mail: no later than April 30, 2008. An application by fax or e-mail must be followed by a letter containing the original documents, at the latest a week after application deadline.

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