Mar 6, 2008

USA: University of Cincinnati Summer Session 2008

Summer quarter at the University of Cincinnati means smaller classes in a more relaxed atmosphere. We offer:

a.. a full 10-week term
b.. two 5-week half-terms
c.. three 3-week mini-terms

UC courses are open to undergraduate and graduate students, including:

a.. guest students from other schools who are in Cincinnati for the summer
b.. lifelong learners
c.. new UC students who want to get a head start on Fall Quarter
d.. high school graduates heading to other colleges
e.. current UC students
f.. high school students in the Post Secondary Enrollment Options Program (PSEOP) program
Summer schedule available March 3rd
Web Registration begins March 24th
In-Person Registration begins April 15
Classes begin June 23

More at http://www.uc. edu/summer/

[sursa study-x]

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