Oct 16, 2008

CfP: Racism and Fascism in Eastern Europe [deadline: 1/2009]

INQUIRIES AND COMMENTS TO: redaktion@zag- berlin.de

ZAG 54

The next edition of the antiracist journal ZAG (www.zag-berlin. de, print run of 1000) concentrates on the subject "Racism and Fascism in Eastern Europe". Herewith, we would like to ask for handing in proposals for articles. The articles should comprise 12.000 signs (inclusive blank signs); the deadline will be in the beginning
of January 2009. Of course, we'll be happy about earlier submitted articles.

Please submit information, requests as well as proposals to redaktion@zag- berlin.de. Additional remarks as well as criticism concerning this call for papers are welcome.

Looking forward to your answers / ZAG Berlin

Racism and Fascism in Eastern Europe

Racism and Fascism in Eastern Europe is a growing problem which we only recognize when reading newspaper articles about violent / deadly assaults. Parliamentary success of fascist and nationalist parties prick up West-European ears and the public presence of racist and fascist groups threaten tourists. We've got the notion, that a racist and violent normality evolves which is not tackled at all by state or public institutions or responsible persons.

Such parties and groups are also a current phenomenon in Western Europe. Right wing parties represent a growing number of citizens in parliament; right wing groups attack homeless people, foreigners and leftist people, sometimes to death. However, the fear of such developments seems to be confined by the trust in "civil society" or "civic engagement". In Eastern Europe, that are countries such as Poland, Russia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Rumania or Slovakia, civil society is said to be weak or
non-existent. Medial representation of the situation suggest, that Anti-Semitism as well as hostility towards Sinti and Romanies as well as national chauvinism shape official politics in those societies. One could ask, if anti-racist or antifascist groups as well as other actors in civil society are really not existent or just invisible.

Additionally, the picture of these countries in western media changes due to
geopolitical changes. The "Russian bear" transforms in one day to a troubled economy and grows suddenly to an imperial giant securing its raw materials. The Balkans - still framed as politically instable in the German discourse - breaks into pieces during its various wars which then - in turn - are again justified by voices
framing them as necessary to end genocide or to stabilize the state. However, in some of the states such as Croatia, it is still common practice to connect symbolically to the fascist past in politics but also in football. Those problems are expounded the less, the more advanced those countries are in the European integration process.

All those countries look back on a dramatic process of transformation from
socialist to capitalist societies. Can the significant increase of fascist and racist phenomena be framed as a new development within those transformation processes? Is it only "transitional problems" in the process of societal adjustment to the western role models? Or is it a sign for the recurrence of 'old' phenomena
historically inherent to those societies?

Possible subjects for articles:

1. Racism and fascism in the eastern European countries
2. Reference to history, anti-communism, fascism and the time after 1989
3. Antiracist and antifascist groups and actions in the respective countries
4. Connections between antiracist as well as antifascist groups in Germany and eastern European countries
5. Connections between German (European) fascist groups and fascist groups
on eastern European countries now, as well as in times of the Eastern Bloc
6. Interrelationship between civil society on the one side and fascism, racism, as well as nationalism on the other side

Other proposals are WELCOME!

zag - antirassistische zeitschrift
c/o Netzwerk Selbsthilfe, Mehringhof
Gneisenaustr. 2a
10961 Berlin
fon: +49/ (0)30/ 785 72 81
fax: +49/ (0)30/ 691 30 05
email: redaktion@zag- berlin.de
http://www.zag- berlin.de

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