Oct 29, 2008

MSc in Neuroscience/ Wellcome Trust 4-year Doctoral Programme in Neuroscience

MSc in NeuroscienceThe MSc is a full one-year course (from the end of September to mid September the following year), carried out within the Division of Medical Sciences, which provides a broad interdisciplinary training in Neuroscience. Students must study within the three main branches (molecular, cellular and systems), learning both theory and practical research techniques. The modular course is based on lectures, seminars and practicals which take place during the University term, and on two independent research projects, one in the spring and one in the summer. The course gives an integrated view of Neuroscience, and provides a wide range of practical skills so that the students can ask questions and tackle problems that transcend the traditional disciplines from which Neuroscience has evolved. Applicants with a strong scientific background, but not necessarily in Neuroscience, are encouraged to apply.

All students will be required to pass a qualifying exam at the end of the first (introductory) term. Students will write either a 3,000 word essay or an equivalent practical write-up for each of five modules, and a 10,000 word research report on each of their two research projects. They will also be assessed on their oral presentation. Satisfactory performance will be required in all these components for the award of MSc to be made and, in the case of the Wellcome Trust 4-year Programme, for transfer to the doctoral research project.

The MSc in Neuroscience was recently assessed (along with the Psychology undergraduate courses) by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), which reviews the performance of universities and colleges of higher education. The QAA review team awarded the maximum rating for all aspects of their review.

Wellcome Trust doctoral programme in Neuroscience
The Wellcome Trust 4-year doctoral students undertake the same course of study on the MSc programme in the first year. This is followed by a three-year doctoral research project, which can take place in any of the Neuroscience Departments at Oxford.

The closing date for both programmes of study is Friday January 9th 2009.

Online applications are welcomed (and preferred) by the Graduate Programme in Neuroscience. Please see Graduate Admissions website for further details.

Before completing the paper application form you should print out and read carefully the Notes for Guidance. Applications, clearly indicating the course(s) of interest, should include a completed University of Oxford application form. There is no need to complete the section on Study Plans/Research Proposal but you should write a statement, of no more than 1000 words, on why you want to do the course. You also need to include your CV and academic transcripts. You will also require three references. With paper applications, whilst it is preferable that the referees send their letters to you so that a completed application may be submitted, we realise that this is not always possible. In the latter case, referees should be asked to send their references, in confidence, directly to the Graduate Admisionss Office, University of Oxford, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD. This is the same address to which you should send completed paper applications. It is essential that the references are received before the closing date for applications.

Please quote code 001970 for the MSc in Neuroscience and 001970a Combined Programme; Wellcome Trust Doctoral Programme in Neuroscience. Candidates who are not successful with their application for the Wellcome Trust Programme in Neuroscience will be considered for the MSc in Neuroscience, unless they specifically express a preference otherwise in their personal statement.

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