IPG Paris (France) and the University of Cambridge (UK) have industry funding available for Ph.D. studentships in 2D/3D/4D elastic full waveform inversion of seismic data. Our joint research projects focus on the development of innovative inversion techniques to image the structure and lithology of the subsurface, and their changes through time. Studentships are for three years commencing October 2010 and include tuition fees (at EC rates) and a maintenance grant equivalent to UK NERC or French CNRS Ph.D. studentships.
For further information about the projects, contact either Professor Satish Singh (singh@ipgp.jussieu. fr) or Dr. Penny Barton (pb29@cam.ac. uk). To apply please send your curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two referees to Mrs. Barbara Dyson (bd203@cam.ac. uk), Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, Bullard Laboratories, Madingley Road, Cambridge, England CB3 0EZ as soon as possible.
Please quote 10 Academic Resources Daily in your application to this opportunity!