Research Associate
in the ’Smart harvesting for social science open access literature and research data’ project sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsch aft) starting November 1st. The position is limited to 2 years and is paid according to the German
Public Service salary scale 13 TV-L.
The applicant should have a Master or Diploma degree in Computer Science or Business Informatics.
The access to technical literature is a central prerequisite for high-class research. However, organizations providing for this access are facing a major challenge in efficiently collecting data while ensuring excellent data quality. The bibliographic database DBLP
( contains about two million references to publications in computer science. The joint research project with GESIS (, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, aims to develop and evaluate methods for automatically collecting and processing such data with special emphasis on information extraction. The information extraction methods are used to automatically gather bibliographic data from web servers of important publishers or digital libraries. These methods shall help to expand, complement, and correct the data sets of DBLP and GESIS.
The applicant will have the opportunity to gain a doctorate.
Severely handicapped persons will be preferred in case of equal qualification. Part-time employment is generally possible. Please send your application (preferably as PDF) until 30 September 2012 to Dr. Michael Ley.
Dr. Michael Ley
Department IV Informatik Datenbanken und Informationssysteme
54286 Trier - Germany
Tel.: +49 (651) 201 2041
Fax: +49 (651) 201 3960