Dec 14, 2006

CfA: IREX Internship Program

International Research and Exchanges Board

IREX Azerbaijan is looking for interns. Interns will be assigned to Education Programs Division for two months and will be working under staff supervision. Internship is part-time and unpaid.

Please, see attachment for application. Submit applications alongside with your resumes to geysar@irex. az no later than December 22, 2006.

For more information contact to Geysar Gurbanov at geysar@irex. az.

I. What is an internship?

An Internship is a work experience characterized by intentional learning. During this experience, the student assumes a responsible role in an organization and actively reflects on what he or she is observing and learning. It is important that the student make the link between academic preparation and the world of work.
Three important elements distinguish an internship from a short-term job or volunteer work: the academic background which the intern brings to the practical experience, active reflection during the internship, and the final project which demonstrates the learning accomplished as it relates to the student's academic discipline.

II. Why should I do an internship? What can it do for me?

Test the waters. An internship is a way to try out a possible career in order to pinpoint your area of interest.

Gain employment experience. It is a chance to develop and extend your skills. Students with internship experience are more competitive in the job hunt. It has become a "must" in today's job market to demonstrate interest and experience in your chosen field.

Establish contacts. Through an internship, you will have the opportunity to make valuable career contacts, network with professionals in your field, and possibly develop a mentor relationship.

Apply your knowledge. An internship experience can add more meaning to academic study by giving you the chance to integrate theories learned in class with "real life" situations.

Take charge of your education. An internship is a way for you to design your own curriculum. You decide what you would like to learn, how you intend to learn it, and how you will synthesize your experience with your academic knowledge.