Dec 12, 2006

EcoMod Modeling School, Washington, DC

The EcoMod Modeling School will offer two simultaneous and intensive six-day courses in Washington DC on April, 2007.

EcoMod learning model immerses the participants in an intensive and high-energy process. Step-by-step, participants learn the practice of model building during intensive hands-on training in the computer labs.

EcoMod Modeling School offers the world’s leading professional training programs in general equilibrium, macroeconometric and financial modeling. With hundreds of alumnae hailing from over 90 countries EcoMod is the forerunner in the field of policy modeling. International and national institutions, central banks, government agencies, research organizations, academic programs, companies, and individual economists benefit from our intensive hands-on training programs. Public programs are offered three times a year in Asia, Europe and the USA. On-line courses are ongoing. Individually tailored training programs can be designed to suit specific institutional needs.