Dec 17, 2006

European Citizenship Prize [deadline: 10/02/07]

From French Federation of Europe Houses

The French Federation of Europe Houses (Fédération francaise des Maisons de l'Europe, FFME) is launching the third edition of the European citizenship prize.

This prize is aimed at any EU citizen who carried out practical actions which encourage the feeling of being a member of the European Union.

It will reward initiatives from individuals and groups.

FFME intends that this prize should contribute, and give practical meaning to European citizenship, and make it easier for every citizen to participate in it. The winners should strengthen citizens' recognition of the Union and enhance awareness of the European common good.

The jury consists of members of European institutions, key figures, associations and organisations.

Application forms, in French, English or German, should be sent to the FFME before February 10th 2007.

Prize winners will be invited in Rome, March 23rd 2007, at the time of the celebration of the 50ème birthdays of the Treaties of Rome, in order to receive the diploma and the European citizenship medal.


View the document [English]:
http://documents. youth-knowledge. net/documents/ 586.pdf

Presentation of the FFME:

The FFME, through the Europe Houses, aims to develop European citizenship. It explains the European idea as an economic, social, political and cultural tool. By giving information and training about the institutions, politics, programmes, and European stakes.

The FFME, a vital link between European institutions and the citizens, collaborates closely with European and national authorities is involved in major events (enlargement, constitution, European elections... ) and makes the citizens aware of them.

More information :

35 Rue Croix Baragnon - F-31 000 TOULOUSE - FRANCE
Tél. : + 33 (0) 43 - Fax : + 33 (0) 86
@ : europe.toulouse@
Web : www.maisondeleurope .org

[sursa inter_youth_net]