Dec 5, 2006

New publication: ECMI/EAR, Minority Issues Mainstreaming

ECMI in cooperation with EAR is pleased to announce the publication of the following manual.

European Agency for Reconstruction and European Centre for Minority Issues (2006). Minority Issues Mainstreaming. A Practical Guide for European Agency for Reconstruction Programmes. Thessaloniki and Flensburg: European Agency for Reconstruction, 162 pp.
ISBN 13: 978-3-9810857- 5-4
ISBN 10: 3-9810857-5- 2

Download page: http://www.ecmi. de/rubrik/ 72/external+ publications/

In 2005, the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) and the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) developed a training programme to introduce, train, and assist EAR staff in the relevant inclusion of key minority issues into EAR sectoral reconstruction and rehabilitation programmes. This manual provides an overview of specific minority issues in South East Europe. The manual begins with an overview of the legal mechanisms for the protection of minority rights in South East Europe,
and examines some other development programmes in the region. This is followed by country analyses for Serbia, Montenegro, UN-administered Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, highlighting EAR priority areas. The book also includes a case study on the Roma Question and the Accession of Hungary to the EU. The final section addresses project work: developing Terms of Reference and minority issues in the project cycle. A glossary of key terms in the field of minority issues
is also included.

[sursa beasiswa]