Jan 29, 2007

PhD conference in evolutionary biology (EMPSEB) Aug13-18

We want to inform you about the 13th EMPSEB meeting (Annual European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology) which will be held in Sweden from 13-18 august 2007 http://www.biol. lu.se/empseb13

EMPSEB is an annual meeting of European PhD students of Evolutionary Biology that takes place in a different European country each year and is organized by current students in that country. This year a group of students from Lund University, Sweden, took up the task of organizing the 13th meeting in 2007.

The meeting provides a platform for Evolutionary Biology PhD students to present their work and to meet their peers from all over Europe in a friendly, social, environment, without any of the intimidation or nerves that may come with presenting at a senior conference. We will be able to welcome about 100 PhD students from allover Europe. Additionally we will invite a number of academics from different European countries and different areas of research for plenary lectures and workshops. The meeting aims at addressing a wide range of topics within evolutionary
biology, in the broadest sense.

Best wishes from the EMPSEB 2007 committee.

Dirk-Jan ten Brink (PhD student)
Plant Ecology and Systematics
Dept. of Ecology, Lund University
Ecology Building, 223 62, Lund, Sweden
Phone: +46 73 803 3521
Email: dirk-jan.ten_ brink@ekol. lu.se
http://www.planteco .lu.se/people/ dtb/

[sursa eurodoc]

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