Oct 21, 2007

“50 Years Together in Diversity” Competition

On 3 September 2007, in partnership with the Museum of Europe, European Schoolnet launched the “50 Years Together in Diversity” school competition that aims to raise awareness about European cultural values, the milestones of European integration and the 50 years of unity in diversity. The competition is intended to enhance and support European citizenship education in schools, in the year when the European Union celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Competition audience

The competition addresses teams of students that attend schools or organisations in charge of extra-curricular activities in the 27 Member States of the European Union. The student teams are encouraged to submit entries resulting from a classroom-based activity, approached in a cross-curricular manner (involving a number of school subjects). Each student team must be coordinated by two teachers.

Competition theme

The competition theme is “50 years together in diversity”. The competition entries should consist of an essay and a visual composition. The essay should answer the questions: “In your opinion, what are the major challenges that the European Union will be faced with in the next 50 years? How can it deal with these challenges?” The visual composition should focus on the topic “Europe in our daily lives”.


The competition prizes consist of a trip to Brussels to visit the Museum of Europe, in March 2008. There will be 27 winning teams, one team from each EU Member State. Each winning team will be accompanied by two coordinating teachers.

Competition Rules

The “50 Years Together in Diversity” school competition focuses on raising awareness about the European Union family. While remaining diverse in culture, language and traditions, the European Union is based on common cultural values: freedom, democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and equality.

The competition is open to all schools or organisations in charge of extra-curricular activities in the 27 Member States of the European Union. The competition encourages teams of 10 to 20 students between 14 and 20 years of age to submit entries resulting from a cross-curricular school activity (involving a number of school subjects). Each student team must be coordinated by two teachers.


All schools and organisations in charge of extra-curricular school activities can set up teams of 10 to 20 students to take part in the competition. There is no limit to the number of entries that may be sent by a school. The students must be aged between 14 to 20 years old.

Competition deadline

The competition deadline is 31 December 2007.

Further information at http://www.50years.eun.org

[sursa eastchance]

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