Oct 21, 2007

PUBLICATION: Revolutionaries to Race Leaders & A Call for Heresy

What happened to the revolutionary goals of the Black Power movement?

REVOLUTIONARIES TO RACE LEADERS: Black Power and the Making of African American Politics
Cedric Johnson
University of Minnesota Press | 320 pages | 2007
ISBN 978-0-8166-4477- 3 | hardcover | $60.00
ISBN 978-0-8166-4478- 0 | paperback | $20.00

Exploring the major political and intellectual currents from the Black Power era to the present, Cedric Johnson reveals how black political life conformed to liberal democratic capitalism and how the movement's most radical aims were eclipsed by more moderate aspirations. Documenting the historical retreat from democratic struggle,
Revolutionaries to Race Leaders ultimately calls for the renewal of popular resistance and class-conscious politics.

For more information, including the table of contents, visit the book's webpage:
http://www.upress. umn.edu/Books/ J/johnson_ revolutionaries. html

Confronting the fundamentalism that afflicts both Islam and the United States through traditions of dissent

A CALL FOR HERESY: Why Dissent Is Vital to Islam and America
Anouar Majid
University of Minnesota Press | 296 pages | 2007
ISBN 978-0-8166-5127- 6 | hardcover | $24.95

A Call for Heresy discovers unexpected common ground in the deepening conflict between the Islamic world and the United States. Anouar Majid argues that the Islamic world and the United States are both in precipitous states of decline because, in each, religious, political, and economic orthodoxies have silenced the voices of their most creative thinkers. The solution, Majid argues, is a long-overdue
revival of dissent.

"A Call for Heresy: Why Dissent Is Vital to Islam and America. I hope a lot of people read it." —Bill Moyers

"Open-minded readers will gain many insights from Islamic and early American "heretics" bestowing a rich appreciation for the value that voices of dissent bring to any society." —ForeWord Magazine

"A towering Islamic intellectual. " —Cornel West

For more information, including the table of contents and an author Q and A, visit the book's webpage:
http://www.upress. umn.edu/Books/ M/majid_call. html

Watch the Bill Moyers interview with the author:
http://www.pbs. org/moyers/ journal/10122007 /watch2.html

Majid on the United States' presence in Iraq:
http://www2. tbo.com/content/ 2007/oct/ 11/na-the- bonds-of- dissent/? news-opinion- commentary

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http://www.upress. umn.edu/eform. html

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