Oct 15, 2007

Vacant Position 2 - Ph. D. project Dynamic transport models

Within the framework of the following project "Automated collection of activity-diary data to support dynamic travel behaviour modelling" a mandate (m/f) is vacant within the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) of Hasselt University:
Researcher - Ph. D. project Dynamic transport models 2x2 jaar - mandate BEDR/2007/007- HO-2

In this project, the travel behaviour of persons must be modelled by means of a tool box which will be developed within a micro simulation environment. Using this tool box, it must become possible to make large-scale individualised transport simulations at the Flemish level.

The candidate must have sufficient affinity with quantitative research and must at least have a wide interest in programming. Interest and experience in an OO-developing environment is preferable.

University diploma or an equivalent academic college diploma.
Senior students are also encouraged to apply for this vacancy.

Further information

Prof. dr. Geert Wets, tel.: +32 (0)11/26.91. 58, e-mail: geert.wets@uhasselt .be
Dr. Davy Janssens, tel.: +32 (0)11/26.91. 28, e-mail: davy.janssens@ uhasselt. be

To apply for this vacancy, the application forms:

can be requested from the Hasselt University Rectorate, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan building D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Tel.: +32 (0)11/26.80. 03.
can be downloaded here: Pdf / Word
The completed forms need to reach this address by Friday November 2, 2007 at the latest. Application forms can only by submitted electronically at the following address: jobs@uhasselt. be.

[sursa beasiswa]

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