EUROPE- New borders, new challenges
“Hajde da…” Group (Group “Let’s…”)
from Belgrade & partners, organize, in April
Training course
„ EUROPE- New borders, new challenges”.
This project is financially supported by the European Commission’s Youth in Action Programme. Youth in Action Programme offers to young people in general and young people with fewer opportunities in particular, non-formal ways to learn, with a strong focus on intercultural learning as means of increasing tolerance in European societies and personal growth of the people participating in youth activities.
This training course will be focused on providing skills to youth workers/leaders how to deal with stereotypes and prejudice in border region and stimulate quality cooperation within the framework of Youth in Action, between those regions that can be further separated now, than in the past, due to a new EU borders.
Participants profile
Youth workers, youth leaders, trainers and multipliers with certain experience in Youth in Action Programme activities and a strong wish to improve the quality of their ongoing or future project.
The participants have to:
Ü Be aged between 18 and 35
Ü Be from eligible countries: Bulgaria , Croatia , Hungary , Macedonia , Romania and Serbia .
Ü Be highly motivated to work in intercultural surrounding and learn from it and in it
Ü Be actively involved in a youth organisation (e.g. coordinators and trainers of upcoming exchanges and EVS projects).
Ü Already working with the Youth in Action Programme and have a certain experience in the field
Ü Have proven personal and organizational interest in this training
Ü Be willing to continue SEE-Programme country cooperation after the training
Ü Be in position of multiplying the outcomes of training
Ü Be willing to participate actively – including carrying out preparation work prior to the training
Ü Be available to participate in all days
Ü Be able to work in English.
The training course will take place in
Fruska Gora
on April, 14th- 22th, 2008.
Eligible countries:
Bulgaria, Croatia , Hungary , Macedonia , Romania and Serbia
Deadline for sending the Application Forms is
March 10th, 2008.
Application form and Call for participants you can find in attachment or on our web site
www.hajdeda. org.yu
"Hajde da..." Group
Kneza Danila 12/84
11000 Beograd
tel/fax: + 381 1132 40 425
Training course on gender matters
Developing the competence of trainers to address genderbased violence affecting young people
Why Training Course on Gender-Based Violence?
[…] The training course on Gender Matters aims to develop the competence of trainers to address gender-based violence affecting young people through youth work and non formal education. The recently published manual Gender Matters will be introduced and used as a main tool throughout the course. The training course will support the preliminary dissemination of the manual throughout Europe and develop ways through which to actively promote the manual.
The training course is an important element in the Council of Europe’s youth programme
“Youth promoting human rights and intercultural dialogue”
It will explicitly deal with challenges that young men and young women face in dealing with violence in their everyday life, be it in school, in their free time, in the streets or in their families.
Course presentation
Course presentation in Russia
At the European Youth Centre Budapest
9-18 April 2008
Deadline for online applications?
22 February 2008
I want to apply to this course...
Education and Civilisations 2008 MALTA
8 - 16 MARCH 2008 Background: Education and Civilisations have been overlapping since ever. Every civilization contributed to the cultural history of the world. Also Education contributed to the creation of modern societies. In the framework of the YOUTH IN ACTION programme this relation is even more stressed. One of its actions, the voluntary service, is not developed as much as it could be.
The educational approaches and attitudes are not identical, not only between both sides of the Mediterranean Sea but also among countries of the same geographical area. The purpose of this course is also to reflect on the influence of civilisations in the educational systems and on the necessary conditions for implementing a qualitative voluntary service project (Action 2) within the Euro-Mediterranean co-operation.
Organisational Frame: This training course is organised in co-operation between SALTO-YOUTH EuroMed Resource Centre and the National Agency for the Youth in Actionprogramme in Malta .
The training course will take place from 8 to 16 March
Working languages will be English and French.
Participation is limited to 30 persons.
Application form on line Click here to apply
http://www.salto- euromed/
More info About Salto:
2008 Planned activities chart
"Intercultural Competences"
5- 12 July 2008 , Youth Hostel Lultzhausen , Luxembourg
Objectives of the Training Course
to develop mutual understanding for different cultures, religions, ethnic groups and languages,
to develop intercultural competences and to promote intercultural dialogue,
to help contact making between youth workers and youth leaders from the different countries involved,
to share and learn from different experiences and work realities in the different countries,
to put questions and find answers,
to act as a multiplier after the training,
to promote co-operation between youth workers, to initiate projects in the YOUTH in ACTION programme.
Number of participants
We are expecting around 25 - 30 participants:
1 participant from each country Eastern Europe and Caucasus ( Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russian and Ukraine),
1 participant from following countries of South East Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro,
2 participants from Serbia including 1 participant from Kosovo,
1 participant per programme country with special focus on the Nordic countries (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland),
4 participants from Luxembourg.
Profile of participants
Priority will be given to youth leaders, youth and social workers:
who come from organisations who work with young immigrants and/or with multicultural and mixed ethnic groups,
who have the will to set up projects with partner countries and programme countries,
have an organisation commitment/support.
Dates and venue
The Training Course will be held in Luxembourg /Lultzhausen and will start on Saturday, 5th July 2008 after 17:00 and will end on Saturday 12th July 2008 in the morning.
No other arrival or departure days will be accepted! Participants will be accommodated in the Youth Hostel in Lultzhausen and Luxembourg-City, bedrooms are to be shared by 2-3 people.
Application deadline for Neighbouring Countries:
10 February 2008
Application deadline for Member States:
31 March 2008
You can download application form here.
For more information please click here.
Call for Participants
This Project will bring together 4 countries and 5 participants from each country to share cultural experience and their culture, handicraft and restoration work they do in their countries and protection experiences.
There will be intercultural evening and other intercultural events plus workshops and fun here in that Project. Dont miss that opportunity and join.
Safranbolu / Turkey
15-22 August
4 eligible countries, 4 participants 1 group leader
Fax : 00903423367032
EVS ODYSSEY IN EUROMED Contact Making Seminar Norway 8-13 April 2008 Background Euromed cooperation has been developing and enriching constantly since its beginning. EU and Meda countries have been bridging both sides of the Mediterranean Sea , youth organisations have been contributing to create links and to make out of this cooperation between countries a reality of youth projects.
The new generation of programmes "Youth in Action" and "Euromed Youth III" will offer to young people the opportunity of enriching their own individual educational pathway by Euromed Voluntary Service and to
youth organisations the chance to turn these individual wills into an exciting local hosting project, which could give them the opportunity to develop new projects, new ways of working.
Euromed Voluntary Service This is the meaning of European Voluntary Service in Euromed: create links, between individual projects of young people, and strategies of Euromed cooperation between youth organisations from Nordic countries and countries fome the Southern bank of the Mediterranean Sea .
To create or to reinforce these links, the SALTO Youth Euromed RC will organise this CMS in cooperation with the Norwish, Bulgarian and Greek National Agencies which will be held in Norway from the 8 (arrival) to 13 April (departure) 2008 - 4 working days.
http://www.salto- euromed/
3rd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference
26-27 June 2008
Thessaloniki - Greece dsc2008
SEERC is pleased to announce the organization of the
3rd Annual South East European Doctoral Student Conference that will take place on Thursday and Friday 26 and 27 June 2008 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The deadline for submitting an Extended Abstract is
February 15, 2008
More details on topics and paper submission may be found in the Call for Papers; for questions, please contact
dsc2008@seerc. org
Or call +30 2310 253477.
Free EVS places in Ribadavia, Galicia
Call for 3 motivated volunteers to come to Ribadavia to do their EVS.
The project 2007-ES-6 "Ayuntamiento de Ribadavia" starts in September for one year and we want to apply for April already.
More about the project here
http://ec.europa. eu/youth/ evs/aod/hei_ form_en.cfm? EID=30000827831
If you have interested volunteers, please send their CV´s and Motivation letters, preferable with foto, until latest
15th of February
Call for partners
Training on European Democracy and Citizenship
Partner Search for TC in Hungary
July 2008
Contact Person is: Damon Bock
Contact Persons Email is: damon.bock@projects
The Project will start on: 19/07/2008
The Project will finish on: 27/07/2008
The main topics of this training:
- European and national cultures, dealing with stereotypes, prejudices
- Active citizenship, participation and involvement of local communities
- Decision making in groups, consensus, conflict resolution in communities
- Personal skill development: assertive communication and conflict resolution
- Youth in Action and future cooperation
Due to the very popular and success Training Course on Citizenship and Democracy that ProjectsAreUs. org has been implementing over the past two years, we are now ready to bring this great project into Hungary during July 2008.
ProjectsAreUs. org has now successfully made an cooperation with Cromo Foundation
( http://cromo. hu/?l=en) to implement our project with them in Hungary next year.
Therefore we are now searching RELIABLE partners for this project. For this project we will be reimbursing 70% of the total travel cost to and from the project, as well there will be a 50 Euro participation fee, which would be reduced from the travel reimbursement. The participation goes towards the 2Gb USB Key that each participant will receive at the end of the project.
The Trainers for this project will be Gábor Kuna and Bea Õry who are both Hungarian.
If you have any question and if you are interested in becoming our partner for this project please contact:
Fax to +3726459805
Email: damon.bock@proectsa
Damon Bock
ProjectsAreUs. org
Vana-Veerenni 4/16
10135 Tallinn Estonia
[sursa balkans]
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