We would like to draw your attention to a book authored by Dr. Albert Rakipi which has just come out of print:
Rethinking the Balkan Post-Cold War Security Agenda
By Albert Rakipi
Albanian Institute for International Studies, Tirana Albania.
2008,232p,paperback , €,12,9
ISBN 978-99943-742- 2-9
The book can be ordered at: aiis@aiis-albania. org
Although the weak / failing states have often been described as the single most important problem for the international order since the end of Cold War (F.Fukuyama 2004:92) several dimensions of this phenomenon still remain unexplored. While this phenomenon has been present in the international politics even earlier, only the post Cold War period accentuated its relationship with security issues.
Following the Cold War’s “peaceful” period and the bloody 1990s, the Balkan region today represents a mixture of weak states and international protectorates, positioned equally far from failure as from eventual success. This book suggests that there is a strong correlation between the weak state and security issues. By further investigating this kind of relationship it will analyze how state strength impacts security in the post Cold war world. The study will focus on domestic threats to security, concentrating on the Balkans, and in particular, analyzing the range of security problems for Albania and Macedonia. It therefore represents a genuine debate on the security dilemma at the domestic level in the post Cold war environment based on the argument that internal security issues have gained more importance relative to external threats with the demise of the bipolar international system.
Key words: Weak states, Security, Albania, Macedonia, Security Dilemma, Balkans, EU, NATO
Albanian Institute for International Studies
Rr. Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit, 7/1
Tirana, Albania
Tel: +355 4 248 853
Mobile: +355 6820 237 71
Fax: +355 4 270 337
E-mail: aiis@aiis-albania. org
www.aiis-albania. org
[sursa balkans]
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