Pre-Doc Position [1 y (20 h/week); master's degree in mathematics or technical mathematics; experience in probability theory and statistics; field: "Asymptotic and Statistical Analysis of Time Series in Economy and Finance"] / Graz University of Technology
Pre-Doc position at the Institute of Statistics
A research fellowship in the field “Asymptotic and Statistical Analysis of Time Series in Economy and Finance” (funded by the NaWi-Graz-Project) is available. The working load is 20 hours per week. Experience in probability theory and statistics is required. Pre-requisites: master’s degree in mathematics or technical mathematics. The position is for the period April 2008 to March 2009. Deadline for applications: March 1, 2008 Please send your application to: Prof. Dr. István Berkes ( berkes@tugraz. at )
[sursa beasiswa]
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