The Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science and the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) at Utrecht University offer a two-year research master's program "Migration, ethnic relations and multiculturalism" (MERM) that is completely taught in English. The research master's program offers structured and systematic training in theoretically and methodologically advanced research in this field of research and the hotly debated issues in most countries across the world.
MERM is the oldest research master programme at Utrecht University. It is characterised by:
- A strong focus on the integration of social psychological, sociological and anthropological theory; empirical research; and methods of data-analysis.
- In various courses, students gain extensive experience in formulating research question, testing theories and actual data analysis.
- Students learn to write a publishable research article in English: the master's thesis that completes the program is written in the format of a publishable research article. Experience shows that many students do indeed submit their thesis to a journal and quite some of these submissions are accepted for publication.
Students benefit from intensive supervision. Instructors involved in teaching the program and supervising students include prominent researcher from the Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science as well as the Department of Sociology such as Marcel Coenders, Marcel Lubbers, Edwin Poppe, Frank van Tubergen, Maykel Verkuyten, Wilma Vollebergh and Jeroen Weesie. Students likewise benefit from much interaction and collaboration in a relatively small group of peers.
Drop out rates of students from the program are very low and almost all students entering the program do complete it in due time within two years.
The profile of the program ensures that the labour market position of alumni is excellent: students who have completed the program are very successful in acquiring subsequent positions as PhD students, as researchers in institutes and organizations outside the university, as trainees, as consultants, at NGO's, etc.
The target group of students consists of promising students with a Bachelor's degree or an equivalent period of at least three years of undergraduate study and qualifications that justify the expectation of successful completion of the program in due time. This includes students with a BA in Social Sciences, broadly conceived and including (social) Psychology, Sociology, Political Sciences, Demography, and Anthropology. Students from outside the Netherlands are explicitly encouraged to apply and can easily follow the program since it is taught in English. About 30-50% of the students are students from outside the Netherlands. "Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism" is one of Utrecht University's Prestige master programs and thus benefits from special funds of Utrecht University. This means that some scholarships and research assistantships are available for applicants. Also, some funding is available for international exchange.
Each year, a new group of students enters the program. We are currently searching for talented candidates for the academic year 2008/2009. Courses for this group will start on September 1, 2008.
The deadlines for applications for the academic year 2008/2009 are December 1, 2007 (early bird-deadline) and March 1, 2008.
Detailed information on the program such as courses taught and an overview of projects for master's thesis projects is available at: graduateschool or at www.ercomer. eu
Please use: gradschool@fss.
For any enquiries about the program and about admission procedures.
Maykel Verkuyten
Coordinator research master's program "Migration, Ethnic Relations and
[sursa study-x]
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