The preliminary program of the ASN 2008 World Convention can now be downloaded at www.nationalities. org. The Convention, sponsored by the Harriman Institute, will be held at Columbia University, New York, April 10-12, 2008.
Those interested in attending the convention are invited to register in advance by accessing a registration form www.nationalities. org and sending it to Convention Assistant Director Justin Gilstrap by attachment (jlg2160@columbia. edu) or by postal mail at Harriman Institute, Columbia University, 420 W 118th St., New York, NY 10027, United States (tel. 212 854 8487). Only registration with payment will be accepted.
The program features 113 panels, not yet including a dozen film screenings to be announced later. As usual, the Convention boasts the most international lineup of panelists of North American-based conventions, with more than half of the 333 scholars, from more than 40 countries, who will be delivering papers currently based outside of the United States. More than 700 panelists and participants are expected at the convention.
The Convention will be hosting a record twelve special panels featuring new major books by Will Kymlicka (Multicultural Odysseys, Oxford 2007), Ben Kiernan (Blood and
Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur, Yale 2007), Jacques Sémelin (Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide, Columbia 2007), Omer Bartov (Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Life in Present-Day Galicia, Princeton 2007), Anthony Oberschall (Conflict and Peace Building in Divided Societies, Routledge 2007), Pieter Judson (Guardians of the Nation: Activists on the Language Frontiers of Imperial Austria, Harvard 2007), Charles King (The Ghost of Freedom: A History of the Caucasus, Oxford 2008), Jessica Allina-Pisano (The Post-Soviet Potemkin Village, Cambridge 2007), Adeeb Khalid (Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia, California 2007), Juliette Cadiot (Le laboratoire impérial, CNRS 2007) and Evangelia Adamou (Le patrimoine plurilingue de la Grèce, Peeters 2008).
Several of these book panels are part of the section “Theories of Nationalism,” now in its fifth year at the ASN Convention, which offers a platform for the latest trends in nationalism studies worldwide. Twelve more panels appear in the Nationalism section, such as “Warfare and Violence,”“ The Dynamics and Institutional Effects of Separatist Violence,” and “Multiculturalism, Rights, and the Theory of Justice”.
As always, the Convention offers a strong lineup of panels in all regions of the former Communist world and Eurasia: Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia/Turkey/ China, the Balkans, Ukraine and Central Europe. Every year, the Program Committee has to be more selective in devising the lineup, due to the increasing number of proposals. The Balkans lead the way with 20 panels, followed by Central Europe19, Eurasia and Turkeywith a combined 16 panels, Ukraine and Belarus14, and Russia and the Caucasus11. Eleven panels appear in the “Thematic” section. Special roundtables on the new international status of Kosovo, the International Criminal Tribunal on the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the fate of the Orange Revolution, a dialogue between Armenian and Azeri scholars over Nagorno-Karabakh, political scientists and ethnography, as well as panels on the geopolitics of energy, EU enlargement, and migration among the highlights of the program.
The Convention will also feature a film lineup, which will be announced later.
Since 2005, the ASN Convention is acknowledging excellence in graduate studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Papers in five sections: Russia/Ukraine/ Caucasus, Central Asia/Eurasia, Central Europe, Balkans, and Nationalism Studies. The winners at the 2007 Convention were Connie Robinson (New School U, Sociology, Balkans) for “Constructing Allies: The National Discourse of the Yugoslav Committee”, Zsuzsanna Magdo (U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, History, Central Europe) for “In Search of the True Hungarian”, Judith Beyer (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Anthropology, Eurasia) for “Imagining the State: How Perceptions of the State Influence Customary Law in the Kyrgyz the Kyrgyz Aksakal Courts”, Tammy Lynch (Boston U, History, Ukraine) for “Building a Revolution: Elite Choice and Opposition Tactics in Pre-Orange Ukraine” and Wendy Pearlman (Harvard U, Political Science, Nationalism) for “The Nation in Fragments:Internal Unity and Nationalist Conflict in Three Palestinian Uprisings”.
For practical information regarding the convention, please contact Gordon Bardos (gnb12@columbia. edu, 212 854 8487). For information on panels, please contact Dominique Arel (darel@uottawa. ca).
We look forward to seeing you at the convention!
Dominique Arel, ASN President
Gordon N Bardos, Convention Executive Director
Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair
on behalf of the ASN Convention Organizing Committee
[sursa balkans]
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