Conference: "Security and Development Agenda of the Western Balkans”
Dear colleagues,
We want to inform that the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS) will organize on Saturday, March 15th 2008, at Hotel Tirana International (Tiranë), the regional conference ” Security and Development Agenda of the Western Balkans”.
The first session of the conference will debate the region’s security threats, presenting the views from the Western Balkan countries as well as the USA and the EU. The second session will focus on Kosovo/a after Independence- Implications for Regional and International Security, while the third session will discuss The role of NATO and EU membership perspective in Balkan statebuilding.
Bernd Fisher, Prof. & Chair of the Department of History, Indiana University, USA; Janusz Bugajski, Director at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), New European Democracies Project; senior fellow with the CSIS Europe Program, USA; Karina Marczuk, Warsaw University, Poland; Veton Latifi, SEE University, Macedonia; Lulzim Peci, Kipred, Kosove; Momcilo Radulovic, European Movement in Montenegro; Veton Surroi , Member of Albanian negotiating team, Kosove; Aristotelis Tziampiris Ph,D, Eliamep, Athens, Greece; Dr. Paolo Quercia, Italy; Remzi Lani, Director Media Institute, Albania; Milan Jazbec, Assistant Professor & Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sllovenia; Jelica Minic, former deputy foreign minister of Serbia, Director of Serbian European Movement, Belgrade, Serbia; Henriette Riegler, IMO, Zagreb, Croatia; Michael Haltzel, Senior Fellow at the Center for Transatlantic Relations of Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies,
USA; Cerasino Antonella, Head, NATO countries Section, Public Diplomacy Division; Tarik Oguzlu, Bilkent University, Ankara Turkey Vladimir Misev, Institute for Democracy, Skopje, Macedonia
Should you be interested in honoring us with your presence or in receiving the conference materials, please contact us at +355 4 248 853 or www.aiis-albania. org
Albanian Institute for International Studies
Rr. Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit, 7/1
Tirana, Albania
Tel: +355 4 248 853
Fax: +355 4 270 337
E-mail: aiis@aiis-albania. org
URL: www.aiis-albania. org
[sursa balkans]
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