Mar 20, 2009

CfA for the 6th edition of the Jean Monnet International Summer Course, "EU Institutions, Decision-Making and the EU Role in the World", Rome and Sien

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to announce that the University of Rome Tor Vergata, together with the University of Siena is organizing the 6th edition of the Jean Monnet International Summer Course on the EU INSTITUTIONS, DECISION MAKING AND THE EU ROLE IN THE WORLD.

The summer school will be divided into two distinct seminars that can be taken also individually:

· EU institutions, EU decision making and lobbying in the EU will take place in Siena from the 22nd to the 26th of June, 2009 under the direction of Prof. Luca Verzichelli, Professor of Political Science, University of Siena. It will be an exciting hands-on course focusing on how the EU institutional framework developed and the way it can be influenced by both internal and external actors. Also, a particular emphasis will be given to the impact of the European Parliament elections of June 2009 on the EU institutional framework. The lectures will alternate academic background with roundtables with practitioners - decision-makers, MEPs, EU officials, lobbyists, etc.

· Assessing EU domestic integration & The EU role in the World aims at evaluating the level of EU domestic integration and the EU impact on the world! It will take place in Rome from 30th of June to 10th of July, 2009 under the direction of Dr. Federiga Bindi, Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Integration, University of Rome Tor Vergata and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution. The first week will assess the EU domestic integration and policies, with particular attention on the consequences of the financial crises on the state of the common market; on the would be new leaders of the EU institutions after the European Parliament elections and the possible entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty. The second week will be dedicated to the role of the EU in the world; particular emphasis will be put on the changing nature of the transatlantic relations with the new Obama administration, the position of the EU in the Middle East peace
process, the role of the EU in worldwide peace keeping operations and the rise of Asia as an undeniably important actor in the world affairs.

Our summer school is unique in the way it is thought and organized: students will interact with over 40 world class speakers including Prof. Giuliano Amato, Former Italian Prime Minister and Vice President of the European Convention; Andrew Moravcsik, Professor, Princeton University; Simon Hix, Professor, London School of Economics; Marta Dassu, Director General, Aspen Institute Italy; Joaquim Roy, Jean Monnet Professor European Integration, Miami University; Amy Verdun, Jean Monnet Chair University of Victoria Canada; Jeremy Shapiro, Director of Research of the Centre for the US and Europe at the Brookings Institution and over 30 others, including diplomats, academicians, journalists, EU officials...

The Summer Seminars address primarily to PhD students and young professionals, but they can be particularly useful also for other graduate students, as well as for journalists, diplomats, people working in NGOs, national Ministries, interest groups, etc. Exceptionally skilled senior undergraduate students can be accepted on an individual base. Our seminars are highly selective and intensive, with 30 teaching hours each week. Admission is subordinated to the proof of previous knowlegde about the EU. In the past editions of the summer seminar, approximately 35% of the applicants have been accepted. Prospective students can choose to enroll one or several seminars.

In terms of credits, the Siena seminar will award 4 ECTS/2 US credits each, whereas the Rome Seminar will award 8 ECTS/4 US credits.

The tuition fee is of 600€ per week (i.e. 1200€ for the Rome Summer Seminar). Students attending more than one seminar will be entitled to a 20% fee reduction. Thanks to the generous support of the European Commission – Jean Monnet Action, of private sponsors and of the two organizing Universities, a few scholarships partially waiving fees are available and awarded on the basis of merit and need. Students coming from partner universities are also, if accepted, entitled a special lower fee. Please refer to the website for details.

Room and board are not included in the tuition fee, though organizers have reserved in each town nice central places for stay at a moderate price for those requiring accommodation. Please refer to the website for details.

The deadline for applications is 30th April 2009. Evaluation will take place on a rolling basis and acceptance will be notified within one month of deadline.

The Seminars are organized in collaboration with the Center for American Studies in Rome that will host the seminar in Rome; they also come under the patronage of prestigious local and international institutions such as the Italian Foreign Ministry.

For further information and inquiries, please look at, or email us at

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